Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Chorus of Sanctuary
(せい) (いき) (うた) (ごえ)
English Chorus of Sanctuary
Chinese 聖域歌聲
French Chœur du Sanctuaire
German Chor der heiligen Stätte
Italian Coro del Santuario
Korean 성역의 노랫소리
Portuguese Coro do Santuário
Spanish Coro del Santuario
Japanese (kana) せいいきのうたごえ
Japanese (base) 聖域の歌声
Japanese (rōmaji) Seiiki no Utagoe
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Field Field
Passcode 81380218
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Video game sets
Card search categories
Stat changes
All monsters gain DEF
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
The Eternal Duelist Soul2002-10-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Duel Academy2005-11-1304291000Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force 22007-09-18???Unlimited
World Championship 20082007-11-29500Unlimited