Charlie McCay, known as Charlie McCoy in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series. This is a video game depiction of Charlie McCay, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime.
Tag Force Special[]
- Abare Ushioni x2
- Dice Jar x3
- Goddess of Whim x2
- Jirai Gumo x2
- Roulette Barrel x2
- Sand Gambler x2
- Sasuke Samurai #4 x2
- Snipe Hunter x3
- Time Wizard x2
- Twin-Barrel Dragon x2
- Cup of Ace x2 (D)
- Graceful Dice x2
- Second Coin Toss x2
- Call of the Haunted x2
- Dice Re-Roll x2
- Fire Darts x2
- Gamble x2 (D)
- Skull Dice x2
- The Paths of Destiny x2
- Blowback Dragon x2
- Dice Jar x3 (D)
- Gambler of Legend
- Jirai Gumo x2
- Maximum Six x2
- Morphing Jar
- Ms. Judge x3
- Sasuke Samurai #4 x3
- Snipe Hunter x3
- Time Wizard x2