This Property entry details every card with an effect(s) that changes its own name while it is in the GY. This does not include cards that change their own name with a name condition.
All OCG/TCG cards that change their names while they are in the GY[]
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
Frightfur Jar | デストーイ・ポット | Trap Card Continuous Trap Card | Continuous Trap Card |
The Sanctum of Parshath | パーシアスの神域 | Spell Card Continuous Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Sea Stealth II | 潜海奇襲 II | Spell Card Continuous Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
All anime cards that change their names while they are in the GY[]
All manga cards that change their names while they are in the GY[]
Japanese name | Primary type | Secondary type | Attribute | Type | Level/ Rank | ATK | DEF | |
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend | レッド・デーモンズ・ドラゴン・スカーライト | Synchro Monster | DARK | Dragon | 8 | 3000 | 2500 |