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Celina is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Celina, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V anime.

She first appeared in her own dedicated event "Celina: The Girl from the Fusion Dimension!" on July 26th, 2023. She became an unlockable character on July 28th, 2023.

Red Gate Keys are required to Duel Celina at the Gate.


It's easy to mistake this Duelist from the Fusion Dimension as Zuzu's twin. As one of Duel Academy's strongest fighters, other students are afraid to approach her - which has affected her social skills. Celina invades the Standard Dimension on behalf of Duel Academy. But after encountering Zuzu, she starts questioning Duel Academy's ways and decides to work with the Lancers. Her ace monster is Lunalight Leo Dancer.



Level 10[]

Level 20[]

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Level 50[]


Tag Duel Tournament[]

Skill: "You Will All Fall to Me!" (If your Life Points are at 4000 or below, play 1 "Lunalight Leo Dancer" from outside of your Deck at the beginning of your turn. If your Life Points are at 2000 or below, also increase the ATK of all monsters on your field by 500 at the start of your Battle Phase. This Skill can only be applied once per Duel.)

Duel rewards[]

When dueling against Level 40 Celina, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
UR "Lunalight Wolf"
UR "Lunalight Blue Cat"
UR "Panther Warrior" (first event)
SR "Lunalight Black Sheep"
SR "Lunalight Serenade Dance"
SR "Lady Panther" (first event)
SR "Solidarity"
R "Lunar Queen Elzaim"
R "Mystical Sheep 1"
N "Maiden of the Moonlight"
N "Fusion Guard"
N "LaMoon"

Level-up Rewards[]

Level Reward
2 5 Gems
3 1 copy of "Greater Polymerization"
4 10 Gems
5 Deck slot (Celina)
6 15 Gems
7 1 UR/SR Choice Ticket
8 Deck slot (Celina)
9 20 Gems
10 1 copy of "Lunalight Panther Dancer"
11 1 copy of "Lunalight Leo Dancer"
12 35 Gems
13 Draw Sense: Beast-Warrior (Skill)
14 1 UR/SR Choice Ticket
15 50 Gems
16 1 copy of "Greater Polymerization"
17 60 Gems
18 1 copy of "Lunalight Panther Dancer"
19 75 Gems
20 Waltz of the Night Light (Skill)
21 1 UR/SR Choice Ticket
22 100 Gems
23 1 copy of "Lunalight Leo Dancer"
24 120 Gems
25 1 copy of "Greater Polymerization"
26 150 Gems
27 Deck slot (Celina)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 1 UR/SR Choice Ticket
31 100000 Gold
32 200 Gems
33 1 copy of "Lunalight Panther Dancer"
34 250 Gems
35 1 copy of "Lunalight Leo Dancer"
36 BOX Chips x 10
37 200 Gems
38 1 copy of "Silent Wolf Calupo"
39 250 Gems
40 1 copy of "Silent Wolf Calupo"


Skill Effect Unlock
Lunar Whirl Lure At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Lunalight Blue Cat", 1 "Lunalight Purple Butterfly", and 1 "Lunalight Fusion" to your Deck, unless it already includes 3 copies of the respective card. Add 1 "Lunalight Cat Dancer" to your Extra Deck.
The following effect can be used before your normal draw after your Life Points decrease by 1500. Instead of conducting your normal draw, add 1 "Lunalight Fusion" to your hand from your Deck or Graveyard. During the turn you use this Skill, you cannot Special Summon any monsters except "Lunalight" monsters.
This Skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.
Level 1
Draw Sense: Beast-Warrior Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Beast-Warrior-Type monster from your Deck. Level 13
Waltz of the Night Light Can be used if you have a "Lunalight Cat Dancer" Fusion Monster on the field. Play 1 non-Fusion "Lunalight" monster from your Graveyard in face-down Defense Position to your field. Then play a monster with the highest ATK from your opponent's Graveyard to their field in Attack Position (monster with ? ATK is treated as 0). During the turn you use this Skill, you cannot Special Summon any monsters except "Lunalight" Fusion Monsters.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Level 20
Lunalight Alleviation Each of the following effects can only be used once per Duel. You cannot activate the effects of the monster you sent from your hand to the Graveyard or cards with the same name.
  • Send 1 "Lunalight" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Change 1 "Polymerization" in your hand to 1 "Lunalight Fusion".
  • Send 1 "Lunalight" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Send 1 "Lunalight" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to the Graveyard.
Event/Lifetime Mission
Lunalight Resurgence Select 1 of your banished "Lunalight" cards and return it to your Deck or Graveyard.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Lunalight Step Can be activated during your next turn after your "Lunalight" Fusion Monster attacks. Change the battle positions of all your opponent's monsters, and halve their ATK/DEF until the end of the turn. You can only attack with "Lunalight" Fusion Monsters during this turn.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Mystical Moon Can only be used the turn you have Special Summoned a Fusion Monster. Equip 1 "Mystical Moon" from your Graveyard to 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster you control. If this is the first time you have activated this Skill during this Duel, you may equip 1 "Mystical Moon" from outside of your Deck instead.
This Skill can only be used once per turn.
Fusion Restock Can be used if you control a Fusion Monster. You can return to the bottom of your Deck 1 "Polymerization" Spell Card or "Fusion" Spell Card that is banished or in your Graveyard.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Attack Burst Can only be used up until your 3rd turn, and only once.
Select 1 monster you control. It gains 500 ATK. At the end of the turn, this monster's ATK will become 0.
Draw Sense "Kahyoreigetsu" You can only use this Skill's first effect once per Duel.
1: Can be activated before your normal draw if your LP are 2500 or less, or your opponent controls a monster with 2500 or more ATK. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be 1 "Kahyoreigetsu" from your Deck.
Fusion Darkraze You can use this Skill if your Extra Deck contains a DARK Fusion Monster.
1: At the beginning of the Duel, gain 1500 LP.
2: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can make 1 face-up monster you control gain 300 ATK until the end of this turn if there is a DARK Fusion Monster and/or a DARK monster and a Fusion Monster on your field and/or in your Graveyard.
Master of Fusion Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000.
Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and add "Polymerization" to your hand from outside of your Deck.
This Skill can only be used twice per Duel.
Attack Charge 1 face-up monster you control gains the current turn count x100 ATK until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. Drop
Draw Sense: DARK Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random DARK monster in your Deck. Drop
Draw Sense: Pendulum You can only use this Skill if your Deck (excluding the Extra Deck) contains 9 or more monsters.
1: At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field.
2: Once per Duel, before your normal draw, if your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can change 1 of the cards from your normal draw this turn to a random Pendulum Monster from your Deck.
Draw Sense: Spell/Trap Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Spell/Trap in your Deck.
This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains 3 or more Spell/Trap Cards with different names.
LP Boost α Increases starting Life Points by 1000. Drop
LP Boost: F8 You can use this Skill's first and second effects if your Extra Deck contains 2 or more Level 8 or lower Fusion Monsters.
1: At the beginning of the Duel, gain 1600 LP.
2: During the End Phase on a turn you Special Summoned a Level 8 or lower Fusion Monster, gain 400 LP.




  • When starting a Duel with Yugo, Celina says either of the following:
    • "Do I look like a RinRin to you? My name's Celina!"
    • "Stop daydreaming! I'm your opponent, not your friend!"
    • "Will you stop staring at me? You're freaking me out!"

Dr. Vellian Crowler[]

  • When she wins a duel against Dr. Vellian Crowler Celina says: "There's no way you teach at Duel Academy!"


  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Leo Dancer" she announces, "I create a new lunar legend!" followed by "Fusion Summon!" then a cut-in frame of Celina briefly appears and she announces, "The majestic! The mighty! The masterful! Lunalight Leo Dancer!" If that player hasn't already Summoned "Lunalight Leo Dancer" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Lunalight Leo Dancer" being Summoned plays afterwards.
    • "Leo Dancer destroys all your Special Summoned monsters!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight Leo Dancer! Take 'em down!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Panther Dancer" she announces, "I create a new lunar legend!" followed by "Fusion Summon!" then a cut-in frame of Celina briefly appears and she announces, "Sleek creature of the night! Ready those razor sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer is on the prowl!"
    • "Lunalight Panther Dancer activates her effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight Panther Dancer! Attack!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Cat Dancer" she announces, "I create a new lunar legend!" followed by "Fusion Summon!" then a cut-in frame of Celina briefly appears and she announces, "Shine in the moonlight! Lunalight Cat Dancer!"
    • Ignition Effect "I activate Lunalight Cat Dancer's effect!"
    • Trigger Effect "Take Cat Dancer's effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces either, "Cat Dancer! Attack! Full Moon Mayhem!" or, "Lunalight Cat Dancer! Dance your way to victory!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Sabre Dancer" she announces, "I create a new lunar legend!" followed by "Fusion Summon!" then a cut-in frame of Celina briefly appears and she announces, "Appear! Lunalight Sabre Dancer!"
    • "I banish Sabre Dancer from my Graveyard to use her effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight Sabre Dancer! Slash!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Black Sheep" she announces, "Dapper and dangerous! Lunalight Black Sheep!"
    • "I activate Lunalight Black Sheep's effect hand!"
    • "Black Sheep activates when I use it to Fusion Summon!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Attack! Lunalight Black Sheep!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Blue Cat" she announces, "This feline's here to pounce and play! Lunalight Blue Cat!"
    • "Blue Cat activates her effect when she's Special Summoned!"
    • "Lunalight Blue Cat's effect activates when she's destroyed!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Scratch and claw, Lunalight Blue Cat!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Crimson Fox" she announces, "Lunalight Crimson Fox!"
    • "Crimson Fox uses her effect when she goes to the Graveyard!"
    • "I banish Crimson Fox from the graveyard to use her effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight Crimson Fox! Attack!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Emerald Bird" she announces, "Lunalight Emerald Bird!"
    • "Lunalight Emerald Bird activates her effect!"
    • "Emerald Bird uses her effect when she goes to the Graveyard!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "My Lunalight Emerald Bird attacks!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Kaleido Chick" she announces, "Lunalight Kaleido Chick!"
    • "I activate Lunalight Kaleido Chick's effect!"
    • "Kaleido Chick activates when she goes to the Graveyard!"
    • "Kaleido Chick activates her effect when she's banished!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight Kaleido Chick! Attack!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Purple Butterfly" she announces, "She's sweet yet strong! Lunalight Purple Butterfly!"
    • "I activate Lunalight Purple Butterfly's effect!"
    • "I banish Lunalight Purple Butterfly from my Graveyard!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Spread your poison! Lunalight Purple Butterfly!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Tiger" she announces, "Here comes the Pendulum Monster, Lunalight Tiger!"
    • "Lunalight Tiger's effect activates when it's destroyed!"
    • "I activate "Lunalight Tiger's Pendulum effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Pounce, Lunalight Tiger!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight White Rabbit" she announces, "Jump into the fray! Lunalight White Rabbit!"
    • "Summoning Lunalight White Rabbit activates her effect!"
    • "Lunalight White Rabbit activates her effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight White Rabbit! Hop to it!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Wolf" she announces, "Here's my Pendulum Monster! Lunalight Wolf!"
    • "I activate "Lunalight Wolf's Pendulum effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight Wolf! Attack!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Yellow Marten" she announces, "Lunalight Yellow Martin!"
    • "Lunalight Yellow Martin activates her effect!"
    • "Yellow Marten activates when she's sent to the Graveyard!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Lunalight Yellow Marten attacks!"
  • When Celina Summons "Lunalight Token" she announces, "I Special Summon a Lunalight Token!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "My Lunalight Token attacks!"
  • When Celina Summons "Fusion Parasite" she announces, "Fusion Parasite!"
    • "Special Summoning Fusion Parasite activates its effect!"
    • Most of the time when Celina declares an attack with this monster, she announces, "Attack, Fusion Parasite!
  • When Celina activates "Lunalight Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Lunalight Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Book of Moon" she announces, "I activate the Quick-Play Spell, Book of Moon!"
  • When Celina activates "De-Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Quick-Play Spell! De-Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Flash Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Quick-Play Spell! Flash Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Conscription" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion Conscription!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Deployment" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion Deployment!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Gate" she announces, "I activate my Field Spell! Fusion Gate!"
    • "I activate Fusion Gate's effect!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Recovery" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion Recovery!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Recycling Plant" she announces, "I activate my Field Spell! Fusion Recycling Plant!"
    • "I discard a card to use Fusion Recycling Plant's effect!"
    • "Fusion Recycling Plant activates during the End Phase!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Sage" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion Sage!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Substitute" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion Substitute!"
    • "I banish Fusion Substitute from my Graveyard!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Tag" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion Tag!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Weapon" she announces, "I activate my Equip Spell, Fusion Weapon!"
  • When Celina activates "Future Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Continuous Spell! Future Fusion!"
    • "Future Fusion's effect activates!"
  • When Celina activates "Greater Polymerization" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Greater Polymerization!"
  • When Celina activates "Polymerization" she announces, "I activate the Spell Card, Polymerization!"
  • When Celina activates "Re-Fusion" she announces, "I pay my Life Points to activate the Equip Spell, Re-Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Revoke Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Revoke Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Kahyoreigetsu" she announces, "I activate my Equip Spell! Kahyoreigetsu!"
    • "Kahyoreigetsu's effect activates from the Graveyard!"
  • When Celina activates "Mystical Moon" she announces, "I activate the Equip Spell, Mystical Moon!"
  • When Celina activates "Lunalight Serenade Dance" she announces, "I activate my Continuous Trap! Lunalight Serenade Dance!"
    • "Lunalight Serenade Dance's effect activates!"
    • "I banish Lunalight Serenade Dance from my Graveyard!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Guard" she announces, "I activate my Counter Trap! Fusion Guard!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Reserve" she announces, "I activate my Trap! Fusion Reserve!"
  • When Celina activates "Necro Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Trap! Necro Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Paradox Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Counter Trap! Paradox Fusion!"

Unused Dialogue[]


  • When Celina activates "Luna Light Perfume" she announces, "I activate the Spell Card, Luna Light Perfume!"
    • "I activate Luna Light Perfume's effect from my Graveyard!"
  • When Celina activates "Battle Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Quick-Play Spell! Battle Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Book of Lunar Eclipse" she announces, "I activate my Quick-Play Spell! Book of Lunar Eclipse!"
  • When Celina activates "Instant Fusion" she announces, "I pay my Life Points to activate the Spell Card, Instant Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Ready Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card, Ready Fusion!"
  • When Celina activates "Fusion Duplication" she announces, "I activate my Trap! Fusion Duplication!"
  • When Celina activates "Final Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Trap! Final Fusion!"