This category is for manga cards that have not been released in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game or Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.
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All items (897)
- Ability Yell
- Absolute Zero Barrier
- Abyss Seed
- Accel Synchro (card)
- Accursed Necrotwins
- Acid Hell Fly
- Advance
- Advent of the Goddess
- Aftershock
- Against the Wind (Action Card)
- Agathion
- Air Barrier
- Air Sphere
- Album of Memories
- Alchemical Experiment
- All Killing Death Card
- All Zero
- All-Seeing Eye
- Alli-Soldier
- Alligator Baby
- Alligator Token (manga)
- Alpha-Wave Emission
- Alternate Fusion
- Amulet of Affection
- Amuse World
- Anchor Whale
- Angel Bow
- Angel's Mercy
- Angel's Ring
- Angel's Tear
- Angelic Choir
- Annihilating Light
- Anti the Abyss
- Anti the Earth
- Anti the Ray
- Anti the Sky
- Antlion
- Aracno-Cannibalism
- Armament Reincarnation
- Army Ant
- Assault Cyclone
- Assault Lion
- Astral Golem
- Astral Knight
- Astral Magician
- Atmospheric Regeneration
- Atmospheric Transference
- Attack and Defense Exchange
- Baby Mantis Token (manga)
- Backdraft
- Backfire (manga)
- Backlash
- Balloon Carnival
- Barrier Blade
- Barrier Gum
- Barrier of the Ancient Codex
- Barrieroid Garman
- Bat, The Forest Ninja
- Battery Unit Charge
- Battle Eagle Token (manga)
- Battle Purification
- Battle Tuning
- Bau the Black Dog Beast
- Beast-Concealed Mantra
- Beckon to the Dark (manga)
- Beetle Gardna
- Berry, The Forest Swordsman
- Berserk Mode
- Bewildering Choice
- Big Damage
- Big Dominoes
- Bizarre Sacrifice
- Black Brooch
- Black Cyclone
- Black Revenge
- Black Rose Seed
- Black-Winged Arrow
- Blackwing - Delta Union
- Blackwing - Jul the New Moon
- Blade Graveyard
- Blade Wing
- Blizzard Wall
- Block Draw
- Blood Curse
- Blue on Blue
- The Body's Hidden Mantra
- Bond’s Reward
- Booby Trap
- Boomerang Elf
- Booster Unit
- Bounce (manga)
- Break Action
- Break Shot (DY)
- Breeze Sphere
- Briar Pin-Seal
- Briar Transplant
- Bubble Bomb Memory
- Bubble Down
- Bubble Wall
- Butterfly Fairy
- Camouflage
- Candy Park
- Card Hexative
- Card of Compensation
- Card of Desperation
- Card of Heaven and Earth
- Cards from the Blessed Grass
- Celestial Bell Tower
- Celestial Bowman
- Celestial Dark Mage
- Celestial Guard
- Celestial Mage
- Celestial Profit
- Celestial Swordsman
- Celestial Tuner
- Chain Bonus
- Chamelele Leon
- Chameleon Colors
- Champion's Ambition
- Champion's Majesty
- Champion's Pulse
- Champion's Storm
- Checkered Flag of Glory
- Chip, The Forest Thief
- Chronic Déjà Vu
- Circus Tent
- Cleansing Water
- Cliff Scream
- Clinch Reborn
- Cold Fusion
- Commitment to Tomorrow
- Comparable Level
- Compulsory Circulation Device
- Con, The Forest Schemer
- Construct Element
- Copy Magic
- Corn Parade
- Cornfused
- Cosmic Mineral Dragon Stone Head Dragon
- Cosmic Space
- Counter Sword
- Counterstrike Molt
- Court Battle
- Covering Fire (manga)
- Creative Destruction
- Crocodile Scale
- Cross Counter Trap
- Cross Shift
- Crown of Command
- Cup of Sealed Soul (manga)
- Curse of the Dolls
- Curse of the Forest
- Curse Transfer (manga)
- Cursed Shield
- Curtain of Hail
- Cyber Alnair
- Cyber Alsafi
- Cyber Roar
- Cyber Struve
- Cyber Thuban
- Cyber Valkyrie
- Cyndia (manga card)
- D/D Cold Golem
- D/D Count Surveyor
- D/D Destiny Surveyor
- D/D Extra Surveyor
- D/D Greedy Golem
- D/D Scale Surveyor
- D/D Zero Surveyor
- D/D/D Advance
- Damaged Mask
- Dark Flare
- Dark Lightning
- Dark Mist
- Dark Wall of Wind (manga)
- Darklord Bewitching
- Dauntless Challenge
- Dazzling Radiance
- Deadly Hand
- Death Hand (manga)
- Deep Forest
- Defend Hero
- Defense Drain
- Defensive Instinct
- Deja Vu
- Delayed Summon
- Demon's Shackle
- Descendants of the Dead
- Despair Struggle
- Devil Mirage
- Devil's Scales (manga)
- Dimension Drape
- Disarm (manga)
- Divine Gate
- Divine Sanctuary
- Divine Spirit Parmal
- Doll Monster Bear-Bear Customized
- Doll Monster Bear-Bear Re-Customized