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- A-to-Z Energy Load
- Absolute Powerforce (card)
- Abyss Actor - Liberty Dramatist
- Abyss Actor - Super Producer
- Abyss Actors' Dress Rehearsal
- The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul
- Abyss Keeper
- Abyss Script - Dramatic Story
- Abyss-sting of Triaina
- Abyssrhine the Atlantean Spirit
- Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
- Accel Wonder Flame
- Accel Wonder Supra
- Acetic Acid Trap Hole
- Ace★Spades Speculation
- Acure Shot
- Adamancipator Relief
- Additional Mirror Level 7
- Adularia of the June Moon
- Advanced Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
- Advanced Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
- Advanced Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
- Advanced Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
- Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
- Advanced Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
- Advanced Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
- Aerial Eater
- Aeropixthree
- Against Buster
- Agaribel the Finest Sushi Angel
- Agent Telepath
- Ages of Stars and Frost
- Agido the Ancient Sentinel
- Agnimal Candle
- Aileron
- Air Formula Eagle
- Aiza the Dragoness of Deranged Devotion
- Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon
- Albaz the Ashen
- Albion the Sanctifire Dragon
- Albion the Shrouded Dragon
- Alghoul Mazera
- Alice, Lady of Lament
- All For Naught -Bubble Burst-
- All-Night Fever
- Allure Dance
- Allure Palace
- Alpha Summon
- Altergeist Adminia
- Altergeist Malwisp
- Altergeist Peritrator
- Altergeist Revitalization
- Aluber the Jester of Despia
- Amaze Attraction Thrill Train
- Amaze Attraction Viking Vortex
- Amazement Abomination Arlekino
- Amazement Assistant Delia
- Amazoness Augusta
- Amazoness Golden Whip Master
- Amazoness Hall
- Amazoness Hot Spring
- Amazoness Pet Liger King
- Amazoness Secret Arts
- Amazoness Silver Sword Master
- Amazoness Spiritualist
- Amazoness War Chief
- Amphibious Bugroth MK-11
- Amusi Howling Performer
- Amusi Performer
- Anarchist Monk of the Six Samurai
- Anchor Moray
- Ancient Arise Dragon
- Ancient Arrive Dragon
- Ancient Barrier
- Ancient Gear Advance
- Ancient Gear Commander
- Ancient Gear Dark Golem
- Ancient Gear Dragon
- Ancient Gear Duel
- Ancient Gear Statue
- Ancient Gear Tanker
- Ancient Telescope (Rush Duel)
- Ancient Warriors - Savage Don Ying
- Ancient Warriors Saga - Deception and Betrayal
- Andoll
- Angel Judge
- Angel of Blue Tears
- Angelica's Angelic Ring
- Angelica, Princess of Noble Arms
- Angello Vaalmonica
- Antbellion of the Rebellion
- Apex Predation
- Apophis the Swamp Deity
- Approaching Machine
- Aqua Boost
- Aqua Chorus Round
- Arahime the Manifested Mikanko
- Arbitration of White
- Arcana Force XV - The Fiend
- Archfiend's Advent
- Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch
- Archfiend's Incarnation
- ARG☆S - Adra the Laurels
- ARG☆S - Capane the Flying Swallow
- ARG☆S - Eteo the Dragon Slayer
- ARG☆S - Home Stadium
- ARG☆S - Tydel the Purple Lightning
- Ariane the Labrynth Servant
- Arianna the Labrynth Servant
- Arias the Labrynth Butler
- Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti
- Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz
- Armament Swarm
- Armed Neos
- Armored Shark
- Armored Xyz
- Arms of Genex Return Zero
- Arms Regeneration
- Aroma Blend
- Aroma Healing
- Aromalilith Magnolia
- Aromalilith Rosalina
- Aromalilith Rosemary
- Art of Masked Fiery Noodle Drawing-Out-The-Rich-Tasty-Flavor Reversal
- Art of Masked Fiery Noodle Heartburn-Inducing Pork Roast Fat
- Art of Masked Fiery Noodle Red Hot
- Arzareth the Sweeping Wind
- Ashened for Eternity
- Ashened to Endlessness
- Ashura King
- Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti
- Assault Armored
- Assault Synchron
- Asset Mountis
- Assi-Sea Horse
- Astellar of the White Forest
- Atrocious Retribution
- Attack Salary Cut
- Attolashoot Highdron
- Attribute Change Blast
- Attribute Mastery
- Attron
- Aussa the Earth Channeler
- Avian Spell Strategy
- Awakening of the Crystal Ultimates
- Awakening of Veidos
- Azamina Hamartia
- Azamina Moa Regina
- Azamina Mu Rcielago
- Azamina Ofeiletis
- Azamina Rhea Silvera
- Azamina Sol Erysichthon
- Baby Mudragon
- Baby Spider
- Bacha the Melodious Maestra
- Back Beat
- Backup Team
- Bad-Ass Goblin Bikers
- Baelgrill de Nouvelles
- Baku the Beast Ninja
- Balameuniere de Nouvelles
- Bandaged Bowing
- Banishing Trap Hole
- Barian Untopia
- Baromet the Sacred Sheep Shrub
- Barrel Dragon (Rush Duel)