- This card is a reference to Moyan Curry, a Japanese curry restaurant franchise with several shops in East Shinjuku and Ikebukuro.[1]
- On the 10th anniversary since this card was created, the Moyan Curry blog made a humorous post stating that this card "still exists", is "super rare" and that "something good will probably happen to the person who brings this card (to their shop)".[2]
- In some of the older games, this card had flavor text that reads "This is really delicious beef curry."
- This curry appears in the artwork of "Spy-C-Spy".
- This card is one of the few cards in the game that specifically targets a player, as mentioned in its own text.
- This card has a damage counterpart, “Sparks”.
- Just like how “Sparks” deals the lowest amount of burn damage for a Spell card, this card has the lowest life gain for a Spell card.