- Being a "Deskbot" monster, this monster is made up of various objects that can be found on/in desks, specifically with a fastener theme:
- 2 staplers (attached behind its shoulders)
- 2 drawing pins / thumb tacks (attached to its knees)
- 2 containers of drawing pins with different heads, flat and spherical (attached to its waist)
- 2 binder clips (its feet)
- 2 bulldog clips (its lower legs)
- A hole punch with a protruding paper guide (as its shield in its left hand)
- A chopstick rubber band gun with a loaded rubber band (in its right hand)
- Brass fasteners inside a presumably magnetic container (on its chest)
- 2 drawing pin cylindrical heads (attached on left and right sides of its helmet)
- (This monster's fastener theme is also supported by the presence of twin paper staple symbols on its chest.)
- The number 006 can be seen on this monster's helmet.
- This monster appears in the artwork of "Deskbot Jet", seen on the lower platform, near the frontal exhausts.