- This card can be searched by "Trickstar Candina", "Trickstar Band Drummatis", "Triple Tactics Thrust", "Angel of Blue Tears", "Trap Trick", "Trap Tracks", "Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle", "Lilith, Lady of Lament", "Farewelcome Labrynth" and "Labrynth Set-Up".
- This card can be paired up with "Droll & Lock Bird" or "Protector of the Sanctuary" (Only if "Protector of the Sanctuary" is Special Summoned or "Droll & Lock Bird" is activated in response to "Trickstar Reincarnation") in order to hinder your opponent from drawing more cards.
- Chain this card to the activation of a Ritual Spell Card to possibly cause it to resolve without effect.
- This card works with "Appropriate", "D.D. Dynamite" and Soul Absorption".