- This card can be searched by "Temple of the Kings", "Dogu", "Single Purchase", "Transmodify", "Painful Escape", "Broken Blocker", "Rescue Ferret", "Chaos Zone", "Darklord Morningstar" and "Banishment of the Darklords".
- Use this card's first effect to discard a "Darklord" Trap Card so that you can activate it on your turn via this card's other effect (or that of another "Darklord" monster with an effect-copying effect).
- You can also use this effect to discard "Darklord Superbia" or "Darklord Edeh Arae" so that they can be revived later, while also recycling "Condemned Darklord" or other Level 4 or lower "Darklord" monsters.