- This card can be searched by "Dogu", "Single Purchase", "Temple of the Kings", "Painful Escape", "Witch of the Black Forest", "Transmodify", "Painful Escape", "Rescue Ferret", "Dragoons of Draconia", "Summoner's Art", "Princess Cologne", "Blue Dragon Summoner", "Carboneddon", "Chaos Zone", "Dragonic Guard", "Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation", "Draconnection", "Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms", "Fusion Reserve", "Fusion Conscription", "Fusion Deployment" and the "Hieratic" monsters "Atum", "Eset", "Gebeb", "Nebthet", "Nuit", "Su" and "Tefnuit".
Traditional Format[]
- This card can be searched by "Guardragon Elpy".
Video Game[]
- In Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, this card can be Summoned with 1 Zombie-Type + 1 Dragon-Type (one of those monsters need an ATK of 1700 or more, otherwise it will become "Skelgon").