- This card can be searched by "Single Purchase", "Temple of the Kings", "Ties of the Brethren", "Transmodify", "Dragoons of Draconia", "Soul Rope", "Resonator Engine", "Rescue Rabbit", "Dark General Freed", "Creeping Darkness", "Vampire Dragon", "Princess Cologne", "Unexpected Dai", "Painful Decision", "Painful Escape", "Summoner Monk", "Dragunity Corsesca", "Sangan", "Witch of the Black Forest", "Rescue Ferret", "Blue Dragon Summoner", "Carboneddon", "Dragonic Guard", "Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation", "Draconnection", "Chaos Zone", "Masked Dragon", "Mystic Tomato", "Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg", "Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms", "Fusion Reserve", "Fusion Conscription" and the Hieratic monsters "Atum", "Eset", "Gebeb", "Nebthet", "Nuit", "Su" and "Tefnuit".
Traditional Format[]
- This card can be searched by "Guardragon Elpy" and "Last Will".