- This card can be searched by "Ice Barrier", "Crystal Girl", "World Legacy Monstrosity", "Mother Grizzly", "Buzzsaw Shark", "Flying Red Carp", "Psiics, Moonlight of the Ghoti", "White Circle Reef", "Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti", "Whitefish Salvage", "Mermail Abyssalacia", "Chaos-End Master", "Deus X-Krawler", "Umbramirage the Elemental Lord" and "Sangan".
- This card can be Tribute Summoned with one Tribute using "Unshaven Angler" and "The First Monarch".
- The monsters Special Summoned by this card can be used as Fusion, Synchro, Xyz (usually for Rank 3) or Link Materials. It can also be used to set up the Special Summon of "Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon".
- If this card is Special Summoned, "Inferno Reckless Summon" can be used to Special Summon the other two copies and provide the needed materials for a Rank 9 Xyz Monster.
- This card can be used to Special Summon 3 copies of "Big Jaws"; since their effects will be negated, they will not be banished after attacking.
Traditional Format[]
- This card can be searched by "Summon Sorceress" and "Last Will".
Japanese name Primary type Secondary type Type ATK DEF Abyssrhine, the Atlantean Spirit 海皇精 アビスライン Effect Monster Aqua 1600 1600 Advanced Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise A宝玉獣 エメラルド・タートル Effect Monster Aqua 600 2000 Amabie あまびえさん Effect Monster Fairy 0 0 Amabie あまびえさん Effect Monster Fairy 0 0 Amazing Dealer アメイジング・ディーラー Effect Monster Spellcaster 0 1000 Anchor Moray アンカー・モーレイ Effect Monster Fish 900 600 Angraecum Umbrella 相愛のアンブレカム Effect Monster Tuner monster Spellcaster 500 1500 Armored Shark アーマード・シャーク Effect Monster Fish 500 2000 Astrorescue アストロレスキュー Effect Monster 1000 1100 Atlantean Attack Squad 海皇の突撃兵 Effect Monster Sea Serpent 1400 0 ... further results (132 more)