Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

TCG Rulings[]

Mentions in Other Rulings[]

OCG Rulings[]

  • You can activate this card when there is no Field Spell Card active on the field.[1]
  • Face-down Field Spell Cards will not be destroyed.[1]
  • If the effect of "Field Barrier" is active, then "Clear World" still is destroyed if you do not pay 500 Life Points during your End Phase.[2]

Previously Official Rulings[]

Mentions in Other Rulings

Out of Date


  1. According to the new game mechanics for Field Spell Cards, now both players can have an active Field Spell Card on their field at the same time.
  2. According to the new game mechanics for Field Spell Cards, if a player plays a new Field Spell Card while they already control a Field Spell Card, the previous Field Spell Card is simply sent to the Graveyard not destroyed.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Konami FAQ: Spell Cards > Field Barrier
  2. Konami FAQ: If the maintenance cost of "Clear World" is not paid, then is it destroyed if the effect of "Field Barrier" is applied?
  3. Konami Judge Program Forum: Individual Email Rulings VS Individual Card Rulings
  4. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [A-C]
  5. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [D-E]
  6. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [F-H]
  7. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [I-K]
  8. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [L-O]
  9. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [P-R]
  10. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [S-T]
  11. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [U-Z]