- February 1st: Overload Fusion
- February 2nd: Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
- February 3rd: D.D. Borderline
- February 4th: D.D. Survivor
- February 5th: D.D. Warrior
- February 6th: Gladiator Beast Laquari
- February 7th: The Wicked Avatar
- February 8th: Mobius the Frost Monarch
- February 9th: Mother Grizzly
- February 10th: Gale Lizard
- February 11th: Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
- February 12th: Jurassic World
- February 13th: A Legendary Ocean
- February 14th: Dark Magician Girl
- February 15th: D.D. Trap Hole
- February 16th: Acid Trap Hole
- February 17th: Bottomless Trap Hole
- February 18th: Chakra
- February 19th: Resurrection of Chakra
- February 20th: Dice Re-Roll
- February 21st: Book of Moon
- February 22nd: Hiita the Fire Charmer
- February 23rd: Familiar-Possessed - Hiita
- February 24th: Evil Hero Malicious Edge
- February 25th: Gladiator Beast Alexander
- February 26th: Dust Tornado
- February 27th: Fire Princess
- February 28th: Sky Scourge Enrise
- February 29th: Thunder King Rai-Oh