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Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V[]


Pre-Arc League Championship[]

  • In episode 5, Sora Perse uses this card during his Action Duel against Yuya Sakaki. On the fourth turn, he Fusion Summons this card via "Polymerization", fusing the listed Fusion Materials on his side of the field. In the following episode, this card attacks and destroys Yuya's "Performapal Hip Hippo", before equipping the destroyed monster to itself and gaining its ATK. On Yuya's next turn, his "Performapal Sword Fish" decreases this card's ATK to 2400. Yuya's "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" attacks this card; Sora activates "Punch-in-the-Box" to negate the attack, send another monster Yuya controls to the Graveyard and decrease "Odd-Eyes'" ATK by that monster's ATK. On Sora's next turn, "Sword Fish's" effect expires; Sora activates "Toy Parade" and targets this card with it. This card then attacks "Odd-Eyes"; Sora activates the Action Card "Candy Coat" in order to make this card unaffected by the "Command Performance" Trap Card that Yuya activates. "Odd-Eyes" is destroyed; this card's effect to equip the destroyed monster fails, because "Odd-Eyes" went to the Extra Deck instead of the Graveyard. On Yuya's next turn (Turn 7 of the duel), this card is targeted by "Sword Fish's" effect again; Yuya's "Performapal Cheermole" then activates, decreasing this card's ATK by another 1000 points. "Odd-Eyes" attacks and destroys this card; its effect to double battle damage activates, winning Yuya the duel.
  • In episode 16, Sora uses this card during his Action Duel against a Cloud Dragon Form Duel School duelist. This card, summoned off-screen, attacks Sora's opponent directly, winning Sora the duel.
  • In episode 17, Sora uses this card during his Action Duel against an unnamed duelist. This card, summoned off-screen, attacks Sora's opponent directly, winning Sora the duel.
  • In episode 21, Sora uses this card during his Action Duel against a Kabuki School duelist. With Zuzu Boyle allowed to peek at Sora's hand as part of his Fusion Summon tutelage, Sora uses "Polymerization" to fuse the listed materials in his hand; both Zuzu and Sora perform the chant for the Fusion Summon of this card. It then attacks Sora's opponent directly, winning Sora the duel.
  • In episode 23, Sora uses this card during his Action Duel against an unnamed duelist. This card, summoned off-screen, attacks Sora's opponent directly, winning Sora the duel and qualifying him for the Arc League Championship.

Arc League Championship[]

  • In episode 33, Sora uses this card during his Action Duel against Shay Obsidian. On the third turn, he Fusion Summons this card via "Polymerization", fusing the listed materials on his side of the field. This card attacks and destroys an Attack Position "Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius". Shay activates his face-down "Raidraptor - Return", returning the destroyed monster to his hand instead of sending it to the Graveyard. On Shay's turn, his "Raidraptor - Rise Falcon", on 2700 ATK, attacks and destroys this card. In the following episode, Sora activates "Frightfur Fusion", banishing this card in his Graveyard along with "Frightfur Leo" and "Frightfur Sheep" to Fusion Summon "Frightfur Chimera".
  • In episode 35, Sora uses this card during his duel against Yuto. On the third turn, he Fusion Summons this card via "Polymerization", fusing the listed materials in his hand. This card attacks and destroys Yuto's "The Phantom Knights of Break Sword", the destroyed monster is then equipped to this card, boosting it to 4200 ATK. On Yuto's next turn, he Xyz Summons "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" and uses its effect to drain this card's ATK. It then attacks and destroys this card. On Sora's turn in the following episode, he activates "Frightfur Fusion", banishing this card in his Graveyard along with "Edge Imp Frightfuloid" (treated as a "Frightfur" monster by its own effect; also in his Graveyard) and "Edge Imp Tomahawk" (treated as a "Frightfur" monster by the effect of "Designer Frightfur") in order to Fusion Summon "Frightfur Chimera".
  • In episode 49, Sora uses this card during his rematch with Yuya. On the first turn, he Fusion Summons this card via "Polymerization", fusing "Edge Imp Sabres" in his hand with "Fluffal Bear" on his field. On Yuya's turn, he activates "De-Fusion", returning this card to his Extra Deck to Special Summon "Edge Imp Sabres" and "Fluffal Bear" from his Graveyard. On Yuya's next turn, Sora activates his face-down "Frightfur March", sending this card from his Extra Deck to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon "Frightfur Sabre-Tooth". "Sabre-Tooth's" effect revives this card, ignoring Summoning conditions. This card is then destroyed by the effect of Yuya's "Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon".

Friendship Cup Finals[]

  • In episode 83, Sora uses this card during his duel with Zuzu against four Sector Security officers. He controls this face-up card, "Edge Imp Frightfuloid" and "Frightfur Leo" on his field when he appears, and activates "Polymerization" to fuse them together to Fusion Summon "Frightfur Chimera".
  • In episode 89, Sora uses this card during his duel with Moon Shadow against three Obelisk Force soldiers. On the turn he joins the duel, Sora sends this card and "Frightfur Leo" from his Extra Deck to the Graveyard as part of the effect of "Frightfur Sanctuary". He then activates "Frightfur Fusion", banishing the three monsters he sent to the Graveyard in order to Fusion Summon "Frightfur Chimera".
  • In episode 99, this card appears in a flashback. Sora had dueled Jean-Michel Roget, using this card to attack him directly and win the duel.

Heartland City and Duel Academy[]

  • In episode 125, during Sora's duel against Yuri, this card is in Sora's Graveyard after an unspecified number of turns. Sora activates "Frightfur Fusion", banishing this card and two copies of "Edge Imp Frightfuloid" to Fusion Summon "Frightfur Chimera".
  • In episode 136, during the Lancers' duel against Z-ARC, Sora sends this card and "Frightfur Tiger" from his Extra Deck to the Graveyard as part of the effect of "Frightfur Sanctuary". He then activates "Frightfur Fusion", banishing the three monsters he sent to the Graveyard in order to Fusion Summon "Frightfur Chimera".

