(In the anime, this card only destroyed 1 Insect-Type monster on the field, not all monsters.)
- In episode 64, Weevil Underwood uses this card during his Duel against Joey Wheeler. After Normal Summoning "Pinch Hopper", he activates this card to destroy it and activate its effect, which allows him to Special Summon "Insect Queen" from his hand. Later, when "Insect Queen" attacks Joey's "Gearfried the Iron Knight", Joey activates "Graverobber" to take this card from Weevil's Graveyard and activate it, destroying "Insect Queen".
- In episode 78, this card appears in a series of flashbacks Joey has when he starts to remember that he is a Duelist (as Marik Ishtar brainwashed him into Dueling Yugi Muto and defeating him).
- In episode 87, this card appears in a series of flashbacks that Joey has when he notes to Odion that he has met many people on his way to the Battle City Finals and he kept fighting all the way no matter how grim the situation was.
- In episode 124, this card is shown in a flashback that Joey has when he remembers all the Duelists he faced on his way to the Battle City Finals.
- In episode 189, Weevil uses this card during his Tag-Team Duel with Rex Raptor against Zigfried von Schroeder. After Normal Summoning "Pinch Hopper", he activates this card to destroy it and activate its effect, which allows him to Special Summon "Insect Queen" from his hand.