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Yu-Gi-Oh! GX[]


  • This card's attack in the anime is called Voltic Thunder, and its special effect is called Vapor Sparks.
  • In seasons 1 and 2, Jaden didn't need to discard a card to use "Thunder Giant's" effect, and said effect could only be activated as soon as "Thunder Giant" was Fusion Summoned.

Season 1[]

  • In episode 3, Jaden Yuki uses this card during his Duel against Alexis Rhodes. He summons this card through the effect of "Fusion Gate". After this card is Fusion Summoned, Jaden activates this card's effect to destroy "Cyber Blader". This card then attacks directly, winning Jaden the Duel.
  • In episode 5, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Titan. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then activates this card's effect to destroy "Terrorking Archfiend", but Titan activates the effect of "Terorking Archfiend" to roll a die. Titan gets a five, so the effect of "Terrorking Archfiend" negates this card's effect and destroys it.
  • In episode 7, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Syrus Truesdale. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then activates this card's effect to destroy Syrus' "Steam Gyroid". Jaden then Normal Summons "Elemental HERO Burstinatrix". This card and "Burstinatrix" then attack directly, winning Jaden the duel.
  • In episode 8, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Zane Truesdale. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then activates this card's effect to destroy Zane's Cyber Dragon. This card then attacks directly. Later "Cyber Twin Dragon" attacks this card, but Jaden activates "A Hero Emerges" to force Zane to select one random card in his hand. Zane chooses a card and it's revealed to be "Wroughtweiler". Because of that, Jaden Special Summons "Wroughtweiler" from his hand. A replay occurs and Zane uses "Cyber Twin Dragon" to attack and destroy this card.
  • In episode 16, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Beauregard (who was disguised as the Duel Giant). He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card's effect to destroy "Giant Orc". This card then attacks and destroys a "Half Goblin". Jaden then activates "De-Fusion" to return this card to the Extra Deck and Special Summon "Sparkman" and "Clayman" from the Graveyard.
  • In episode 18, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Dimitri while the latter was using Yugi Muto's deck. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card's effect to destroy "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast". Dimitri then uses the effect of "Chimera" to summon "Berfomet" from the Graveyard. This card then attacks and destroys "Berfomet". Later Dimitri activates "Swords of Revealing Light" to prevent Jaden from attacking for three turns. On Jaden's next turn, he switches this card to Defense Position. Later Dimitri activates "Thousand Knives" to destroy this card.
  • In episode 21, this card can be seen when Jaden is rebuilding his Deck.
    • This card also appeared in Bastion's database while he was trying to find a weakness in Jaden's Deck.
  • In episode 23, this card can be seen when Jaden is rebuilding his Deck.
  • In episode 37, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Tania. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card's effect to destroy "Amazoness Paladin". Jaden then uses this card to attack directly. Tania then activates "Amazoness Call" to return this card to the Extra Deck and Special Summon "Sparkman" and "Clayman" from Jaden's Graveyard to his side of the field.
  • In episode 38, Jaden uses this card during his duel against the Admiral. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then activates this card's effect to destroy "Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness". This card then attacks directly. Later the Admiral sends "A Legendary Ocean" to the Graveyard in order to activate the effect of "Levia-Dragon - Daedalus", destroying all other cards on the field and discarding all cards in Jaden's hand.

Season 2[]

  • In episode 59, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Aster Phoenix. He summons this card via the effect of "Fusion Gate" Jaden then activates this card's effect to destroy "Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude", but the effect of "Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster" prevents "Diamond Dude" from being destroyed. "Dreadmaster" (whose ATK was 2800 due to its own effect) then attacks and destroys this card, defeating Jaden.
  • In episode 61, this card appears in a flashback Sartorius has when he notes that since Jaden was defeated by Aster's Deck which had his power in it, he should have become influenced by the Light of Destruction. This however didn't happen strangely which Sartorius can't figure out. Jaden however is greatly shocked by the loss as he can no longer see his cards.
  • In episode 66, this card appears in a flashback Jaden has when he sees Wheeler as Zane which makes Jaden remember his first Duel against Zane.
  • In episode 80, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Alice. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then activates this card's effect to destroy "Doll Chimera". Alice then sends "Doll Part Pink" and "Doll Part Blue" from her Deck to the Graveyard to revive "Doll Chimera". The ATK of "Doll Chimera" then became 4000 due to its own effect. After Jaden enters his Battle Phase, "Rallis the Star Bird" returns to the field in Attack Position. "Elemental HERO Neo Bubbleman" (who was equipped with "Bubble Blaster") then attacks "Doll Chimera". Jaden then destroys "Bubble Blaster" to prevent "Neo Bubbleman's" destruction. At the end of the Damage Step, the last effect of "Neo Bubbleman" destroys "Doll Chimera". Alice then sends "Doll Part Red" and "Doll Part Gold" from her Deck to the Graveyard to revive "Doll Chimera". "Doll Chimera's" ATK then became 4800. This card then attacks "Doll Chimera". Jaden then activates "Battle x 2" to double the ATK of "Thunder Giant" during damage calculation. Both battling monsters are then destroyed in a Double KO. Since Alice had no more Doll parts in her Deck, she could not use the effect of "Doll Chimera" to revive it.

Season 3[]

  • In episode 105, this card appears in a flashback Jaden has when he notes that even though he lost to Aster when the latter used his real Deck, it gave him the chance to see the Neo-Spacians who later became his friends.
  • In episode 133, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Scarr, Scout of Dark World. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then activates this card's effect to destroy "Archfiend Soldier" by discarding "Elemental HERO Necroshade". This card then attacks directly. Scarr then Normal Summons "Fusion Devourer" and uses it to attack this card. Due to the effect of "Fusion Devourer", this card's ATK becomes 0 during the Damage Step only. "Fusion Devourer" then destroys this card.
  • In episode 156, this card is shown in a flashback Alexis has when remembers her first Duel against Jaden and notes that even when he had a few Life Points and no monsters on his side of the field, he believed in the strength of his draws and stood tall.

