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Yu-Gi-Oh! GX[]

  • In the first season of the Japanese anime, "Flame Wingman" was level 8.

Season 1[]

  • In episode 1, Jaden Yuki uses this card during his Duel against Vellian Crowler. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then activates "Skyscraper". This card then attacks Crowler's "Ancient Gear Golem". Due to the effect of "Skyscraper", this card gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation. This card then destroys "Ancient Gear Golem". This card then inflicts damage to Crowler equal to the ATK of "Ancient Gear Golem", winning Jaden the Duel.
  • In episode 2, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Chazz Princeton. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Chazz then activates "Chthonian Polymer" to take control of this card. Later this card attacks and destroys Jaden's "Elemental Hero Clayman". This card then inflicts damage to Jaden equal to the ATK of "Clayman". On Chazz's next turn, this card attacks Jaden's "Elemental Hero Sparkman", but Jaden activates "Mirror Gate" to switch control of both battling monsters before damage calculation. This card then destroys "Sparkman". This card then inflicts damage to Chazz equal to the ATK of "Sparkman". Chazz then activates "Chthonian Blast" to destroy this card and inflict damage to Jaden equal to half of this card's ATK. After his duel with Chazz was interrupted, Jaden showed to Alexis that he was going to revive this card with "Monster Reborn" before the Duel prematurely ended. This means that if the duel didn't get interrupted then Jaden would have used "Monster Reborn" to revive this card and use this card to attack and destroy Chazz's "Mefist the Infernal General" which would have won him the duel.
  • In episode 3, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Alexis Rhodes. He summons this card through the effect of "Fusion Gate". Jaden then activates "Kishido Spirit", so that this card would not be destroyed if it battled a monster with same ATK as it. Jaden then uses this card to attack "Cyber blader". Due to the effect of "Kishido Spirit", this card is not destroyed, but "Cyber Blader" was also not destroyed due to Jaden controlling one monster on his side of the field. Later Alexis equips "Cyber Blader" with "FUsion Weapon", increasing its ATK and DEF by 1500. "Cyber Blader" then attacks and destroys this card.
  • In episode 6, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Titan. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks and destroys "Terrorking Archfiend". This card then inflicts damage to Titan equal to the ATK of "Terrorking Archfiend". Titan then activates the effect of "Desrook Archfiend" to revive "Terrorking Archfiend". Later "Skull Archfiend of Lightning" attacks and destroys this card.
  • In episode 13, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Wheeler. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks and destroys "Berserk Gorilla". This card then inflicts damage to Wheeler equal to the ATK of "Berserk Gorilla". Later Wheeler activates "DNA Surgery" and declares Beast for its effect, causing all monsters on the field to become Beast-type monsters. After Wheeler activates "Wild Nature's Release" to increase the ATK of "Acrobat Monkey" by its DEF, "Acrobat Monkey" attacks and destroys this card.
  • In episode 17, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Damon. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card to attack and destroy "Drawler" (whose ATK was 2000 due to its own effect). This card's effect then inflicted damage to Damon equal to the ATK of "Drawler", winning Jaden the duel.
  • In episode 19, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Dimitri while the latter was using Yugi Muto's deck. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card to attack "Dark Magician of Chaos". Due to the effect of "Skyscraper", this card gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation only. This card then destroys "Dark Magician of Chaos". This card then inflicts damage to Dimitri equal to the ATK of "Dark Magician of Chaos". On Jaden's next turn, this card attacks "Dark Magician Girl". Due to the effect of "Skyscraper", this card gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation only. This card then destroys "Dark Magician Girl". This card then inflicts damage to Dimitri equal to the ATK of "Dark Magician Girl". Jaden then activates "De-Fusion" to return this card to the Extra Deck and revive "Elemental Hero Avian" and "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix". Later Jaden activates "Double Spell" to activate Dimitri's "Polymerization" from the Graveyard as his card, allowing Jaden to fuse "Avian" and "Burstinatrix" together and Fusion Summon. This card then attacks "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning". Due to the effect of "Skyscraper", this card gains 1000 ATK during Damage Calculation only. This card then destroys "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning". This card then inflicts damage to Dimitri equal to the ATK of "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", winning Jaden the duel.
  • In episode 20, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Blair Flannigan. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks "Maiden in Love". Due to the latter's effect, it is not destroyed, but Blair still takes Battle Damage from the attack. Blair's Life Points then dropped to 0, winning Jaden the duel.
  • In episode 21, this card can be seen when Jaden is rebuilding his Deck.
    • This card also appeared in Bastion's database while the latter was trying to find a weakness in Jaden's Deck.
  • In episode 23, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Belowski. He summons this card via "Polymerization". After "Sparkman" destroys "Mokey Mokey" in battle, this card attacks directly. Later "Mokey Mokey" (whose ATK was 3000 due to "Mokey Mokey Smackdown") attacks and destroys this card.
  • In episode 26, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Chazz. He summons this card via "Polymerization". After Jaden activates "Miracle Kids" to reduce the ATK of "Armed Dragon LV7" by 1200 (400 for each "Hero Kid" in his Graveyard), this card attacks and destroys "Armed Dragon LV7". This card then inflicts damage to Chazz equal to the ATK of "Armed Dragon LV7", winning Jaden the duel.
  • In episode 27, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Gravekeeper's Chief. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card to attack and destroy "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier". This card then inflicts damage to the Chief equal to the ATK of "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier". On Jaden's next turn, this card attacks and destroys "Gravekeeper's Guard". This card then inflicts damage to the Chief equal to the ATK of "Gravekeeper's Guard". Later "Gravekeeper's Assailant" (whose ATK was 2000 due to "Necrovalley") attacks this card. The chief then activates the effect of "Gravekeeper's Assailant" to switch this card to Defense Position. "Gravekeeper's Assailant" then destroys this card.
  • In episode 42, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Dark Magician Girl. He summons this card "Polymerization". Jaden does not attack as Dark Magician Girl had two "Magician's Valkyrias" on her side of the field. Later "Dark Magician Girl" (whose ATK was 2700 due to "Magic Formula") then attacks this card, but Jaden activates "Staunch Defender" to force all of Dark Magician Girl's monsters to attack this turn. Jaden then activates "Hero Barrier" to negate "Dark Magician Girl's" attack. The two "Magician's Valkyrias" then attack this card. This card then destroys both "Magician's Valkyrias". This card then inflicts damage to Dark Magician Girl equal to the ATK of both "Magician's Valkyrias", winning Jaden the duel.
  • In episode 46, this card appears in a series of flashbacks Jaden has when he notes he didn't meet "Winged Kuriboh" or his friends a year ago, but then he notes that making friends is just like alchemy.
  • In episode 49, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Kagemaru. He summons this card via "Polymerization". The effect of "Raviel, Lord of Phantasms" then activates, Special Summoning a "Phantasm Token" to Kagemaru's side of the field. Jaden then activates "Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone" to swap it with the "Fusion Recovery" in his Deck. Jaden then activates "Fusion Recovery" to add "Sparkman" and "Polymerization" from his Graveyard to his hand. Jaden then activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with "Sparkman" in order to Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman". This card is shown when Jaden was counting up the number of Elemental HERO monsters in his Graveyard for the effect of "Shining Flare Wingman". Later "Raviel" (whose ATK was 7000 due to its own effect) attacks "Shining Flare Wingman" (whose ATK was 4600 due to its own effect), but Jaden activates "De-Fusion" to return "Shining Flare Wingman" to the Extra Deck and revive this card and "Sparkman". The effect of "Raviel" then activates, Special Summoning two more "Phantasm Tokens" to Kagemaru's side of the field. A replay then occurs and Kagemaru uses "Raviel, Lord of Phantasms" to attack and destroy this card.
  • In episode 50, this card appears in a series of flashbacks Chumley has when he sees his friends cheering him on during his duel against Dr. Crowler and remembers all of the previous Duels his friends were involved in. Chumley then notes that there was something that all of his friends had taught him this year.
  • In episode 52, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Zane Truesdale. He summons this card via "Miracle Fusion". Jaden then activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with "Sparkman" in order to Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman". This card is then shown when Jaden counts up the number of Elemental HERO monsters in his Graveyard for the effect of "Shining Flare Wingman".

Season 2[]

  • In episode 57, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Bastion Misawa. He activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with "Sparkman" in order to Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman".
  • In episode 58, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Aster Phoenix. He summons thisc ard via "Polymerization". This card then attacks and destroys Aster's "Clayman". This card then inflicts damage to Aster equal to the ATK of "Clayman". Later "Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer" attacks this card. "Since Phoenix Enforcer" can't be destroyed in battle, only this card is destroyed. Later Jaden activates "Miracle Fusion" to banish this card and "Sparkman" from his Graveyard in order to Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman". In the next episode, Aster activates "Misfortune" to inflict damage to Jaden equal the original ATK of "Shining Flare Wingman", but Jaden activates "De-Fusion" and "Burial from a Different Dimension" with the latter two cards and "Misfortune" resolving in reverse order. First, "Burial from a Different Dimension" returns this card and "Sparkman" to Jaden's Graveyard. Next, "De-Fusion" returns "Shining Flare Wingman" to the Extra Deck and revives this card and "Sparkman" from Jaden's Graveyard. Since "Shining Flare Wingman" was no longer on the field, the effect of "Misfortune" was negated as it lost its original target. This card remained on the field until the Duel was over.
    • In the second above-mentioned episode, this card was briefly seen in the air after Jaden's loss to Aster Phoenix.
  • In episode 61, this card appears in a flashback Sartorius has when he notes that since Jaden was defeated by Aster's Deck which had his power in it, he should have become influenced by the Light of Destruction. This however didn't happen strangely which Sartorius can't figure out. Jaden however is greatly shocked by the loss as he can no longer see his cards.
  • In episode 66, this card appears in a flashback Jaden has when he sees Wheeler as Dr. Crowler and Wheeler's furniture as "Ancient Gear Golem" which makes Jaden remember his Duel against Crowler.
  • In episode 67, this card appears in a flashback Jaden has when he was explaining to his friends what he was doing while he was trying to get back to Duel Academy. This card is shown in Jaden's thoughts when he notes "Winged Kuriboh" is the only card he has that is still blank.
  • In episode 72, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Howard X Miller. He summons this card via "Polymerization". The effect of "Monster Register" then activates and since this card is Level 6, Jaden is forced to send the top six cards of his Deck to the Graveyard. Jaden then uses this card to attack and destroy X's set card, who is revealed to be "Level Pod". This card then inflicts damage to X equal to the ATK of "Level Jar". The Flip Effect of "Level Jar" then activates, returning all monsters on the field to their owners' Decks and forcing both players to draw cards equal to the combined Levels of their returned monsters (This card goes back to the Extra Deck when this happens due to this card being a Fusion Monster).
  • In episode 78, Jaden uses this card during his Tag Duel with Aster against Sarina and a duplicate of the latter. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card to attack "Silver Spirit - Ukyo", but Sarina 2 activates "Mirror Bind" to destroy this card and Aster's "Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious". "Full Moon Mirror" then gains 2 Full Moon Counters. Jaden then activates "Elemental Mirage" to return this card to the field and Aster activates "Destiny Mirage" to revive "Captain Tenacious". Jaden then uses this card to attack "Ukyo", but Sarina activates "Mirror Trap" to activate the effect of "Mirror Bind" from the Graveyard immediately, destroying both this card and "Captain Tenacious" again. "Full Moon Mirror" then gains two Full Moon Counters.
  • In episode 81, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Bob Banter. He summons this card via "Miracle Fusion". After "Sparkman" attacks and destroys "Quiz Panel - Ra 30", Jaden uses this card to attack and destroy one of Bob's last two set monsters which is revealed to be "Quiz Panel - Slifer 30". Jaden is then asked to hold his breath in a bowl of water for one minute. Jaden successfully does the physical challenge prompted by the effect of "Quiz Panel - Slifer 30", so Bob takes 1200 damage. Later "Quizzer Panel 9" attacks "Sparkman", but Jaden activates "Secret Mission" to force Bob on either ending his Battle Phase or attacking one monster Jaden controls. Bob chooses the second option and uses "Quizzer Panel 9" to attack a random monster. It is then revealed to be this card. Because of that, this card destroys "Quizzer Panel 9". This card then inflicts damage to Bob equal to the ATK of "Quizzer Panel 9", winning Jaden the duel.
  • In episode 86, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Orlando. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks, but Orlando uses the effect of "Kabuki Stage - Cherry Blossom Mountain" to make "Shizuka the Heavenly Dancer" this card's attack target. The effect of "Shizuka" then activates, increasing Orlando's Life Points by 600. Orlando then uses the effect of "New Year Drum" to summon "Battle Claw Fox" and make it this card's new attack target. This card then destroys "Battle Claw Fox". This card then inflicts damage to Orlando equal to the ATK of "Battle Claw Fox". Orlando then explains that this card will be destroyed on Jaden's End Phase as it battled "Battle Claw Fox". Jaden then activates "De-Fusion" to send this card to the Graveyard and revive "Avian" and "Burstinatrix". Later Jaden activates "Miracle Fusion" to banish this card and "Sparkman" from his Graveyard and Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman".
  • In episode 91, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Lucien Grimley. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks and destroys "Invincible Demise Lord". This card then inflicts damage to Lucien equal to the ATK of "Invincible Demise Lord". Later "Invincible Demise Lord" (whose ATK was 3000 through its own effect) then attacks and destroys this card.
  • In episode 96, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Dr. Eisenstein. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Right after this card is summoned, Eisenstein activates the effect of "Singularity Fiend" to send it and "A Feather of the Phoenix" from his hand to the Graveyard in order to negate the summon of this card and destroy it.
  • In episode 99, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Prince Ojin who was possessed by the Light of Destruction. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks one of Ojin's "Satellite Cannon" (whose ATK was 1000 due to its own effect). Due to this card being Level 6, "Satellite Cannon" is not destroyed, however Ojin still takes Battle Damage. Later Ojin activates "Union Attack" to increase the ATK of one "Satellite Cannon" by the ATK of the other two "Satellite Cannons" at the cost of only allowing the powered-up "Satellite Cannon" to attack and nullifying all Battle Damage Jaden takes from battling involving the powered-up "Satellite Cannon" for one turn. The powered-up "Satellite Cannon" then attacks and destroys this card. Later Jaden activates "Miracle Fusion" to banish this card and "Sparkman" from his Graveyard in order to Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman".
  • In episode 102, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Sartorius who was possessed by the Light of Destruction. He summons this card via "Double Fusion". Jaden then uses the effect of "Double Fusion" to fuse this card with "Sparkman" in order to Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman".

Season 3[]

  • In episode 105, this card appears in a flashback Jaden has when he notes that even though he lost to Aster when the latter used his real Deck, it gave him the chance to see the Neo-Spacians who later became his friends.
  • In episode 108, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Axel Brodie. He summons this card via "Polymerization". On Axel's turn, he activates the effect of "Blaze Accelertor" to destroy this card by sending "Volcanic Shell" from his hand to his Graveyard, but Jaden activates "De-Fusion" to return this card to the Extra Deck and revive "Avian" and "Burstinatrix". This makes the effect of "Blaze Accelerator" resolve without effect as its original target was removed from the field.
  • In episode 109, this card is shown in a flashback Axel has when he notes that Jaden still has a set card that he has had since the first turn of the Duel.
  • In episode 122, Jaden uses this card in order to aide his group in their escape from a group of Duel Ghouls. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card to destroy the wall behind him and his friends, allowing them to escape from the Duel Ghouls.
  • In episode 123, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Fonda Fontaine while the latter was a Duel Ghoul. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Fonda then activates "Dark Cure" to increase Jaden's Life Points by half the ATK of this card, but due to the effect of "Nurse Reficule the Fallen One", the increase was changed to damage. Fonda then activates "Brutal Potion" and equips it onto "Nurse Reficule the Fallen One". Due to the effect of "Brutal Potion", "Nurse Reficule the Fallen One" gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase, which prevents Jaden from using this card to attack "Nurse Reficule". Later "Burning Algae" attacks this card (Miss Fontaine planned to activate the effect of "Burning Algae" when it was sent to the Graveyard), but Jaden activates "Hero Barrier" to negate the attack. "Nurse Reficule the Fallen One" (whose ATK was 2400 due to it being powered up by the effect of "Brutal Potion") then attacks and destroys this card. Jaden then activates "Hero Signal" to Special Summon "Elemental Hero Wildheart". Due to the latter's immunity to Trap Cards, Fonda could not activate the effect of "Dark Cure" in response.
  • In episode 126, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Chazz while the latter was a Duel Ghoul. He summons this card via "Polymerization". Jaden then uses this card to attack and destroy "Vorse Raider". This card then inflicts damage to Chazz equal to the ATK of "Vorse Raider". While it was doing this, Jaden tells this card to not attack that hard on Chazz as it was still Chazz in heart. Later Chazz activates the second effect of "Fusion Buster" to return this card to the Extra Deck and revive "Avian" and "Burstinatrix" under Jaden's control.
  • In episode 129, this card appears in a flashback Bastion Misawa has when he notes that the Sacred Beasts have tremendous energy like "Rainbow Dragon". Bastion then tells Jaden to have the Sacred Beasts battle "Rainbow Dragon" as that should unleash "Rainbow Dragon's" full power and create a portal that can take Duel Academy back to the real world.
  • In episode 135, Jaden uses this card to fight off Newdoria, Goblin Attack Force, Skull Knight #2, and Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World. He summons this card via "Polymerization". He then uses this monster to defeat the Dark Army soldiers that were in the cave that he unintentionally found them in.
  • In episode 153, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Yubel. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks and destroys "Samsara Lotus", but Yubel activates "Sinister Seeds" to reduce the Battle Damage in multiples of 1000 and Special Summon one "Sinister Seed Token" for each 1000 Battle Damage reduced. With 2000 damage reduced, two "Sinister Seed Tokens" are Special Summoned and Yubel takes only 100 damage. Later "Regenerating Rose" attacks this card. Due to the first effect of "Regenerating Rose", its ATK becomes equal to the ATK of this card during damage calculation only, but Jaden activates "De-Fusion" to return this card to the Extra Deck and revive "Avian" and "Burstinatrix". A replay then occurs and Yubel chooses not to attack.
  • In episode 156, this card is shown in a flashback Chazz has when Alexis reminds him it was because of his first loss against Jaden that they were able to eventually able to get him back when he ran away. Chazz notes he easily remembers the day when he was finally reborn as a new duelist, but after remembering how he lost to Jaden, he realized it wasn't as glorious as he thought it was.
    • This card is also shown in a flashback Alexis has when she reveals to Chazz that although he believed he had Jaden completely cornered during their first Duel, he (Chazz) might not have actually won. Alexis then reveals that the card Jaden drew before the Duel got called off was "Monster Reborn" and Jaden was going to use it to revive this card and win the Duel. Chazz got mad at this revelation and demanded Jaden to come back, so he can defeat him (as initially he didn't care about Jaden not coming back).

Season 4[]

  • In episode 161, this card is shown when Jaden looks through his Deck before he enters the Tag Duel party.
  • In episode 165, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Chazz. He summons this card via "Double Fusion". Chazz was about to activate "Chthonian Polymer" in response to this card's summon, but Mike convinces Chazz that he must lose the Duel on purpose in order to gain higher ratings. Jaden then uses the effect of "Double Fusion" to fuse this card with "Sparkman" and Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman".
  • In episode 167, Jaden uses this card during his duel against Dr. Crowler. He summons this card via "Polymerziation". This card then attacks and destroys "Ancient Gear Soldier". This card then inflicts damage to Crowler equal to the ATK of "Ancient Gear Soldier". Crowler then activates "Unfinished Time Box" to banish this card from the field and draw one card. After "Unfinished Time Box" is destroyed by the effect of "Cyclone Wing", this card returns to the field. Crowler then activates the final effect of "Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem" to revive "Ancient Gear Golem", ignoring the summoning conditions. Jaden then activates "Demise of the Land" to activate "Skyscraper" from his Deck. This card then attacks "Ancient Gear Golem". Due to the effect of "Skyscraper", this card gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation only. This card then destroys "Ancient Gear Golem" and inflicts damage to Crowler equal to the ATK of "Ancient Gear Golem", winning Jaden the Duel.
    • This card is also shown in a flashback Crowler has when Jaden reminds him that the current monsters on the field make it look just like their first Duel.
  • In episode 175, Jaden uses this card during his Triangle Duel against Jesse and Yusuke Fujiwara. He summons this card via "Polymerization". This card then attacks and destroys "Clear Rage Golem". This card then inflicts damage to Yusuke equal to the ATK of "Clear Rage Golem". Later "Clear Vice Dragon" attacks this card. Due to the second effect of "Clear Vice Dragon", its ATK becomes equal to twice the ATK of this card until the end of the Damage Step. In the next episode, Jaden activates "Hero Shield" and equips it to this card. Jaden then sends "Hero Shield" to the Graveyard and prevent this card from being destroyed, however he still takes Battle Damage. Due to the last effect of "Hero Shield", Jaden draws two cards (one card for every 1000 Battle Damage he took). Later "Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle" attacks "Clear Vice Dragon", but Yusuke activates "Attribute Gravity" to make all monsters with the same Attribute battle each other instead. "Cobalt Eagle" and "Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus" then attack this card. This card then destroys both "Cobalt Eagle" and Sapphire Pegasus", however Jesse activates the last effect of "Cobalt Eagle" and Sapphire Pegasus" to place them in his Spell & Trap Card Zone as Continuous Spell Cards. On Jaden's next turn, this card attacks "Clear Vice Dragon", but Yusuke activates "Attribute Chameleon" to target this card and declare WATER for its effect in order to make this card a WATER monster until the End Phase. Due to the effect of "Attribute Gravity", this card is forced to attack "Crystal Beast Emerald Turtle". This card then destroys "Emerald Tortoise" and inflicts damage to Jesse equal to its ATK. Later "Clear Vice Dragon" attacks this card. Due to the second effect of "Clear Vice Dragon", it gains ATK equal to twice the ATK of this card until the end of the Damage Step, but Jesse activates "Cut Jewel" to halve this card's ATK. Because of that, the ATK of "Clear Vice Dragon" becomes 2100 until the end of the Damage Step instead of 4200. "Clear Vice Dragon" then destroys this card. Jaden then activates "Hero Signal" to Special Summon "Sparkman".
  • In episode 178, this card can be seen in the background when Jaden makes his speech to Nightshroud about the bonds people can make with their Decks.
  • In episode 179, Jaden uses this card during his Duel against Yugi Muto. He summons this card via "Polymerization". After Yugi Special Summons "Dark Magician" via "Magical Dimension", Yugi activates the last effect of "Magical Dimension" to destroy this card. In the next episode, Jaden activates "Miracle Fusion" to banish this card and "Sparkman" from his Graveyard in order to Fusion Summon "Shining Flare Wingman".
  • Its attack name in the Japanese anime is called Flame Shoot (Skyscraper Shoot with "Skyscraper"), and in the English anime it is called Skydive Scorcher or Infernal Rage.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL[]
