Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki



  • This card's name is both "Maldición del Dragón" and "Hechizo del Dragón" in the Spanish anime.
  • This card's attack name is called Hell Flame in the original manga and Japanese anime, and Dragon Flame in both versions.
  • The English anime dub has this card make a sound equal to that of an eagle or a hawk.

Duelist Kingdom[]

  • In episode 14, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against PaniK. He Normal Summons this card in Defense Position. The effect of PaniK's "Reaper of the Cards" tries to destroy Yami Yugi's set card as PaniK assumed it's "Swords of Revealing Light", but is revealed to be "Spellbinding Circle" which activates to paralyze "Reaper of the Cards". In the next episode, PaniK's "King of Yamimakai" attacks this card, but the light from "Spellbinding Circle" redirects the attack to destroy "Reaper of the Cards". Yami Yugi later activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with his "Gaia The Fierce Knight" in order to Fusion Summon "Gaia the Dragon Champion".
  • In episode 22, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Seto Kaiba. He Normal Summons this card in Attack Position. This card then attacks and destroys Kaiba's "Ryu-Kishin Powered". Kaiba's "Swordstalker" (whose ATK is 2400 due to its own effect) then attacks this card, but Yami Yugi activates "Monster Replace" to return this card to his hand and Special Summon "Dark Magician" in place to attacks and destroys "Swordstalker". Yami Yugi then Normal Summons this card back to the field. Yami Yugi's "Dark Magician" then attacks Kaiba's "La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp", but Kaiba activates "Ancient Lamp" to redirect the attack to destroy this card instead.
    • In the same episode, this card also appears in a flashback Téa Gardner has when she remembers when Yami Yugi rescued her. Yami Yugi challenges a thug who had knocked out Téa to a challenge, utilizing his Deck. He claimed that the person who drew the strongest Monster Card wins. The thug drew this card and confidently claimed that this card's ATK is really high. Yami Yugi draws from the Deck and gets "Dark Magician", so Yami Yugi wins. The thug, angrily charges forward, but Yami Yugi gives the thug a Mind Crush, knocking the thug out.
  • In episode 33, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Joey Wheeler. He Normal Summons this card in Attack Position. Yami Yugi then activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with his "Gaia The Fierce Knight" in order to Fusion Summon "Gaia the Dragon Champion".
    • In the same episode, this card also appears when Yami Yugi explains to Joey that Duel Monsters is about the balance between Monster, Spell and Trap Cards.
  • In episode 38, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Maximillion Pegasus. Yami Yugi Normal Summons this card in Attack Position before Yugi Muto starts to weaken from the Shadow Realm's stress, resulting in Yami Yugi taking over. This card recklessly attacks, but the effect of Pegasus's "Dark-Eyes Illusionist" stops this card's attack and is rendered immobile. The effect of Pegasus's "Relinquished" then equips this card onto itself and make the ATK and DEF of "Relinquished" the same as this card's. Yami Yugi's "Dark Magician" then attacks "Relinquished", but Pegasus destroys this card in order to prevent "Relinquished" from being destroyed while Yami Yugi takes the Battle Damage that Pegasus would have taken.

Legendary Heroes[]

Battle City[]

  • In episode 50, Yugi Muto uses this card during his Duel against Bandit Keith possessed by Marik Ishtar. He Normal Summons this card in Attack Position. Yugi then activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card and his "Gaia The Fierce Knight" in order to Fusion Summon "Gaia the Dragon Champion".
  • In episode 53, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Johnny Steps. He Normal Summons this card in Attack Position. This card then attacks and destroys Johnny's "Water Omotics". On Yami Yugi's next turn, this card attacks Johnny's "Musician King", but Johnny activates "Metalmorph" to equip onto and increase the ATK and DEF of "Musician King" by 300 which then destroys this card.

Virtual World[]

  • In episode 99, this card appears when Yami Yugi is building his Deck for his Duel against Gansley.
  • In episode 109, this card appears in a flashback Leichter has when he explains to Seto Kaiba that his treachery began when Gozaburo Kaiba gave a large amount of dollars to test Seto's business skills.
  • In episode 111, this card can be seen when Yami Yugi and Joey Wheeler are building their Decks for their Duel against the Big Five.

Waking the Dragons[]

  • In episode 161, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Weevil Underwood. He activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card and his "Gaia The Fierce Knight" in order to Fusion Summon "Gaia the Dragon Champion".

Grand Championship[]

  • In episode 185, this card is shown when Yugi Muto looks through Rick's Deck.
  • In episode 186, Yami Yugi, while using Rick's Deck, uses this card during his Duel against the KC DuelTek 760. After he draws this card, Rick's "Heart of the Underdog" shows this card to the DuelTek and draw again. With "Heart of the Underdog", he draws six more Dragon-type monsters after revealing this card, including Rick's "Spirit Ryu". Yami Yugi later discards this card and the five other Dragon-type Monsters that he drew, so that "Spirit Ryu" would gain 1000 ATK for each Dragon discarded.

Dawn of the Duel[]

  • In episode 223, Yugi Muto uses this card during his Duel against Yami Yugi (Atem). He Tribute Summons this card in Attack Position by Tributing his "Watapon". Yugi's "Summoned Skull" attacks Yami Yugi's "Big Shield Gardna" which fails yet the effect of "Big Shield Gardna" to switch into Attack Position happens and then this card destroys "Big Shield Gardna". In the next episode, Yugi switches this card to Defense Position. Yami Yugi's "Dark Magician" (who has 2800 ATK due to Yami Yugi's "Book of Secret Arts") then attacks and destroys this card.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V[]

Scripted Duels[]
