- In Yu-Gi-Oh!, this card is the signature card of Seto Kaiba; much of his Deck centers around ways of quickly summon this card, and Seto's great fondness for this card goes so far as to place this card's likeness on statues in front of buildings that he owns as well as many buildings and rides in Kaibaland USA, and even design his own private jet to look like this card.
- This card's attack name is Destruction Burst Stream in the original, White Lightning in the dub, and Burst Stream of Destruction in the Uncut edition.
- When powered up by the anime-only effect of "Mystical Elf", the attack is called Holy Burst Stream in the original and Obliterate in the dub.
Pre-Duelist Kingdom Arc[]
- This card first appeared as famous for the fact that only four copies were ever printed. Sugoroku Mutou had one copy which Seto Kaiba attempted to buy it, but was refused. Seto later stole this card, and used it in a Shadow Game with Dark Yugi. Towards the Duel's end, he slips this card onto the top of his Deck, and attempts to use to destroy Dark Yugi's "Summoned Skull", but this card refuses due to belonging to Sugoroku. This card destroyed itself upon the command, and Dark Yugi resurrected this card with "Monster Reborn" to attack Seto directly, winning the Duel.
- During the DEATH-T arc, Seto Kaiba has the remaining three copies of this card all in his Deck (acquired by illegal means). He confidently challenges Sugoroku Mutou to a Duel. Sugoroku drew his copy first, but Seto utilizes his own three copies, with Seto winning the Duel. Afterwards, Seto tears the fourth copy in half so that this card cannot ever be used against him.
- Seto Kaiba uses this card in his Duel against Dark Yugi at the final battlefield of DEATH-T. He summons one copy to destroy Dark Yugi's "Gaia The Fierce Knight". Kaiba later summons the other two to destroy Dark Yugi's "Horn Imp" and "Dark Magician". All three were destroyed when Dark Yugi utilities "Exodia".
- In episode 1, Seto Kaiba uses this card in his Duel against Yami Yugi. He Normal Summons his first copy in Attack Position. This card then attacks and destroys Yami Yugi's "Gaia The Dragon Fierce Knight". This card attacks and destroys Yami Yugi's "Horn Imp" and "Beaver Warrior" on the next two turns. Seto then Normal Summons his second copy in Attack Position. Yami Yugi then activates "Swords of Revealing Light" to keep the two copies from attacking for three turns. Seto later Normal Summons his third copy in Attack Position. The third copy then attacks and destroys Yami Yugi's "Dark Magician" before "Swords of Revealing Light" expires on the End Phase. Yami Yugi has all five pieces of "Exodia the Forbidden One" then attack and destroy all three copies, winning Yami Yugi the Duel.
- In the same episode, Seto learned that Solomon Muto had the fourth copy after hearing a conversation between Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler. He tried to buy this card, but Solomon refused. Seto then challenged Solomon to a Duel and defeated him. Yugi and his friends later learned about what happened and found Solomon badly injured from the Duel. To the horror of Yugi, Solomon, and Yugi's friends, Seto tore up the fourth copy in front of their eyes, as he believes this card could never be used against him.
Duelist Kingdom[]
- In episode 8, this card can be seen at the bottom of Seto Kaiba's Deck when goons check to make sure when they deliver for usage at Duelist Kingdom.
- In the same episode, the three copies of this card are also shown in a flashback Seto has when he remembers losing to Yami Yugi claiming that he needs to put his heart into the game to win against him.
- In episode 9, Ghost Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Yami Yugi. He Normal Summons the first copy in Attack Position. The imposter activates "Defense Paralysis" to switch Yami Yugi's Monster Cards into Attack Position before this card attacks and destroys Yami Yugi's "Curse of Dragon". Yami Yugi then activates "Magical Hats" to hide Yami Yugi's "Dark Magician" within one of four hats from this card. This card then attacks a hat. In the next episode, this card's attack on a hat is revealed to be empty. This card later attacks another hat which is revealed to contain Yami Yugi's "Spellbinding Circle" which immobilizes this card and reduces this card's ATK by 700. "Dark Magician" then attacks and destroys this card. The impostor then Normal Summons the second copy in Attack Position. This card then attacks and destroys "Dark Magician". Seto Kaiba then hacks into hologram computers to decrease this card's ATK, but only managed to reduce this card's ATK to 2000 due to a remote terminal's intervention. This card then attacks Yami Yugi's "Feral Imp", but Seto called out as he did not want Yami Yugi to lose to an imposter. This card heard Seto's call as well and shattered itself, leaving the impostor with an empty field. The imposter later Normal Summons the third copy after a few turns. This card then attacks Yami Yugi's "Mystical Elf", but Yami Yugi activates "Mirror Force" to destroy all of the imposter's Monster Cards in Attack Position yet the imposter activates "Negate Attack" to negate and end the Battle Phase. Yami Yugi then activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon one of the two copies onto his side of the field. The effect of "Mystical Elf" then transfers ATK onto the borrowed copy, raising this card's ATK to 4100. Yami Yugi's copy then attacks and destroys the impostor's copy, winning Yami Yugi the Duel. After the Duel, this card is shown at the bottom of Seto's Deck which is taken by Yami Yugi.
- In the first above-mentioned episode, the three copies of this card are shown in a flashback Seto has when he tells his computer that Yami Yugi has "Exodia the Forbidden One" which should be more than enough to beat Maximillion Pegasus. Seto gets angered after remembering his loss, but the computer states to Seto that Yami Yugi lost "Exodia the Forbidden One" at some point which shocks Kaiba.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, this card appears on Seto's computer as soon as he and the computer get inside to find out that Yami Yugi is dueling an imposter using Seto's Deck.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, this card appears in the computer's explanation when it explains how Yami Yugi defeated the first copy.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, this card appeared on Pegasus's television screen while he's watching Yami Yugi and the imposter's Duel unfold. After Seto's virus uploaded into the second copy takes effect, Pegasus deduces Seto is alive. A remote terminal then stops the virus from reducing the second copy's ATK.
- In episode 16, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Joey Wheeler. He Normal Summons this card on the Duel's last turn. This card then attacks and destroys Joey's "Red-Eyes Black Dragon", winning Seto the Duel.
- In the same episode, the three copies of this card are also shown in a flashback Seto has when he remembers Yami Yugi using "Exodia the Forbidden One" to wipe out his three copies and win the Duel. Yami Yugi claimed in said flashback that Seto lost due to playing only for power. Seto thinks he should fight Yami Yugi again, but he first must use his Duel Disk system to defeat Maximillion Pegasus.
- In the same episode, Yugi Muto returns this card and the rest of his Deck to Seto when he meets Yugi and his friends again.
- In episode 17, this card appears within Joey Wheeler's nightmare when he is being chased by this card. Seto suddenly appears in front and calls Joey a loser which Joey isn't happy about, but Seto continuously calls him a loser and Joey eventually finds himself wearing a dog suit which continues until a dew drop lands on Joey's face and he wakes up.
- In episode 22, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his against Yami Yugi. This card was shown in his hand. In the next episode, Yami Yugi activates "The Eye of Truth", noticing this card in Seto's hand. Yami Yugi wonders why Seto didn't play this card yet, but decides to focus on Seto's "La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp" and "Ancient Lamp". Seto later Normal Summons this card in Attack Position. This card then attacks and destroys Yami Yugi's "Griffore" (whose ATK is 1900 due it being equipped with "Horn of the Unicorn"). Seto later activates "Polymerization" to fuse his three copies together to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
- In the first above-mentioned episode, the three copies of this card appear within Seto's thoughts.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, three copies of this card appear within Seto's thoughts when he notes the only difficulty would be to draw "Polymerization".
- In episode 26, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Maximillion Pegasus. He drew his first copy on his first turn. Pegasus later activates "Prophecy" to correctly declares this card has over 2000 ATK to which this card is added to Pegasus's hand. In the next episode, Pegasus Normal Summons this card. Pegasus's "Toon World" then Tributes this card in order to Special Summon "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon". Seto later drew and Normal Summons his second copy in Attack Position. This card then attacks Pegasus's "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon", but this card's attack fails since Toon Monsters can't be destroyed by normal Monster Cards. "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" (whose ATK is 3500 due to "Shine Palace") attacks this card, but Seto activates "Negate Attack" to save this card. Seto then activates "Shadow Spell" to hold down and decrease the ATK of "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" by 700, allowing this card to attack and destroy "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon". The effect of Pegasus's "Dragon Capture Jar" then captures this card and increase the DEF of "Dragon Capture Jar" by this card's DEF. Seto's "Swordstalker" then attacks and destroys Pegasus's "Dragon Piper", but Pegasus activates "Doppleganger" to copy Seto's "Crush Card Virus" which destroys "Swordstalker" and every Monster Card in Seto's Deck with over 1500 ATK (including his third copy).
Post Duelist Kingdom[]
- In episode 41, Rebecca Hawkins demands Solomon Muto give her grandfather's copy of this card back. She believed he had stolen this card and didn't believe he had this card as a gift. Yugi Muto and his friends had a problem as they remembered Seto Kaiba destroyed this card earlier. In the next episode, Solomon reluctantly showed this card to Rebecca and (to her shock) sees this card is torn in half and held back up with tape. Rebecca then stubbornly believes that Solomon tore this card in half until Arthur Hawkins told her to behave herself; Arthur clearly believes Solomon is telling the truth and Rebecca forgives him.
- In episode 43, Seto Kaiba uses this card in his own virtual reality game which gets hijacked by the Big Five. He Normal Summons his first copy in Attack Position. This card then attacks and destroys "Two-Headed King Rex", but "Armed Ninja" then ambushes Seto and activates "Dragon Capture Jar" to capture this card before capturing Seto. Two episodes later, Seto is freed by Mokuba Kaiba and Normal Summons his second copy in Attack Position. This card then attacks and destroys "Witty Phantom". Several copies of "Armed Ninja" then try to capture this card with "Dragon Capture Jar" again, but the effect of Seto's "Trap Master" to destroys "Dragon Capture Jar" which frees his first copy. The two copies subsequently attack and destroy all copies of "Armed Ninja". Seto later Normal Summons this card during the battle against the Big Five's "Mythic Dragon" (as only Dragon-type Monsters can be utilized). This card, Joey Wheeler's "Red-Eyes Black Dragon", Mai Valentine's "Harpie's Pet Dragon" and Yami Yugi's "Curse of Dragon" then attack "Five-Headed Dragon", but the attacks fail due to four of the five heads of "Mythic Dragon" negating the attacks. After Mokuba gets hit by "Mythic Dragon" and is deleted, Seto activates "Polymerization" to fuse his three copies to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
Battle City[]
- In episode 54, a Duel Machine uses this card during its Duel against Seto Kaiba. It Tribute Summons the first copy in Attack Position by Tributing its "Aqua Madoor" and "Wall of Illusion", but ends its turn. This card's almost targeted by the effect of Seto's "Dragon Seeker", but the effect of the computer's "Lord of Dragons" prevents this card's destruction. The computer then activates "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" (via "Lord of Dragons") to Special Summon the other two copies from its hand. The computer then activates "Polymerization" to fuse all three copies together in order to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
- In episode 55, this card is shown as one of many on the shop window that Yugi Muto, Joey Wheeler and Tristan Taylor gaze in awe at. It's possible the so-called fifth copy is a fake and just in the shop window on advertising grounds.
- In episode 56, Seto Kaiba shows this card to all of Battle City's participants when he explains Battle City's Ante Rule.
- In episode 68, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Tag Duel with Yami Yugi against Rare Hunter 2 and Rare Hunter 3. He activates "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" to Special Summon his three copies and his "Hyozanryu" via his "Lord of Dragons". Seto later Tributes all three copies in order to Tribute Summon "Obelisk the Tormentor".
- In episode 71, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Tag Duel with Yami Yugi against Lumis and Umbra. He has this card in his hand, but is unable to use Tributes due to Lumis's "Mask of Restrict". Seto discards this card from his hand when Yami Yugi activates "Card Destruction". Seto then activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon this card in Attack Position from his Graveyard. In the next episode, this card attacks and destroys Umbra's "The Masked Beast" due to the effect of Yami Yugi's "Beast of Gilfer" which decreases the ATK of "The Masked Beast" by 500. Umbra's "Rogue Doll" later attacks this card. Lumis then activates "Mask of Weakness" and "Mask of Brutality" to decrease this card's ATK by 700 until the End Phase and to increase the ATK of "Rogue Doll" by 1000 respectively, but Yami Yugi activates "Mystical Refpanel" to change the target of "Mask of Brutality" to this card. This card then destroys "Rogue Doll". "Mask of Weakness" expires at the End Phase which decreases this card's ATK to original value while "Mask of Brutality" is destroyed due to "Mystical Refpanel". This card then attacks directly, but Umbra activates "Mask of Impregnability" to prevent direct damage for one turn. In the following episode, Umbra's and Lumis's "Masked Beast Des Gardius" attacks and destroys this card.
- In episode 78, Seto Kaiba uses this card against Rare Hunters. He remote controlled his chopper to go after the crane holding a bomb-loaded crate above Téa Gardner being held hostage by the Rare Hunters. The Rare Hunter tries to activate the remote for the crane, but Seto flung this card into the Rare Hunter's hand which knocks the bombs' remote control out of his hand. The Rare Hunter tries to pick the remote up, but Seto lunges forward and knocks him out and the chopper knocks the crate into the water which saves Téa. Seto takes this card out of the Rare Hunter's hand and notes that he's such a good drawer.
- In episode 93, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Ishizu Ishtar. This card is shown in his hand. In the next episode, Seto has a vision via the Millennium Rod which convinces him to change his strategy involving "Obelisk the Tormentor". Seto Tribute Summons this card in Attack Position by Tributing his "Gadget Soldier" (via Seto's "Silent Doom") as well as "Obelisk the Tormentor" which negates Ishizu's "Sacrifice Blast". This card then attacks Ishizu directly, winning Kaiba the Duel.
Virtual World[]
- In episode 98, a virtual version of Seto Kaiba chooses this card as his Deck Master during his Duel against "Total Defense Shogun". He activates "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" to Special Summon two more copies from his hand via his "Lord of Dragons". Seto then moves his Deck Master to the field. Seto then activates "Polymerization" to fuse the three copies together and Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon". This card's Deck Master ability is to allow a Fusion Monster to quick attack (in contrast to Battle City where Fusion Monsters cannot attack on the same turn).
- In the same episode, the three copies of this card also appear in a flashback the real Seto has when he recognizes the Big Five as the same people who trapped him in his own virtual reality game.
- In episode 109, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Leichter. He Tribute Summons this card via the Deck Master ability of his "Lord of Dragons" by paying 500 Life Points and Tributing his "Possessed Dark Soul" and a set Monster Card. This card then attacks and destroys Leichter's "Satellite Cannon" (which has 0 ATK during the opponent's turn), winning Seto the Duel.
- In episode 116, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Noah Kaiba. He Tribute Summons this card via the Deck Master ability of his "Kaiser Sea Horse" by Tributing his "Different Dimension Dragon". Mokuba Kaiba ultimately snaps out of Noah's trance due to this card, returning to Seto's side. This card then attacks and destroys Noah's "Gradius", also destroying Noah's "Gradius' Option". On the Duel's last turn, Seto activates "Last Turn" so that this card would decide the victor. This card then attacks and destroys Noah's "Shinato's Ark" (Noah's original Deck Master) before Noah's "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane" (Noah's new Deck Master) counterattacks and destroys this card, thus Seto lost the Duel as per "Last Turn" by default.
- In the same episode, this card also appears in a flashback Seto has when he reminds Mokuba of their childhood where Gozaburo Kaiba pushed the brothers to their limits. Mokuba inspired him by sneaking his Deck and giving a drawing of this card which got his brother to promise himself that he'll work until he got an actual version. The brothers are also seen imagining themselves flown around thanks to this card.
- In episode 118, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Noah Kaiba. He activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon the first copy (as the Duel was a continuation of Noah's Duel against Seto). Yami Yugi then activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with the two other copies in his hand and Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon". After Seto's "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" (via Yami Yugi's "Quick Attack") attacks and destroys Noah's "Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi", Yami Yugi then activates "De-Fusion" to return "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" to the Extra Deck and Special Summon all three copies from the Graveyard. All three copies then attack Noah directly. In the next episode, the direct attacks wipe out the remainder of Noah's Life Points, winning Yami Yugi the Duel.
- In the first above-mentioned episode, this card appears in a flashback that Yami Yugi has when he notes in his mind that Seto didn't waste time fighting while he was Dueling Noah.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, this card appears in a flashback that Noah has when he questions himself if he really beated Seto back in their Duel and realizes that he did not truly defeated him.
- In episode 121, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Gozaburo Kaiba. He Tribute Summons this card by Tributing his "Ancient Lamp" and "La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp". This card then attacks and destroys Gozaburo's "Exodia Necross", winning Seto the Duel.
- In episode 120, this card is shown in a flashback sequence that Seto has after Gozaburo reminds him of a past experience (which was his first Duel against Yami Yugi which he lost).
Battle City Finals[]
- In episode 122, Seto Kaiba uses this card during the Battle Royale Duel between himself, Yami Yugi, Joey Wheeler and Yami Marik. This card is seen in his hand.
- In episode 132, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Yami Yugi. He activates "Cost Down" to lower this card's Level by two. Seto Tribute Summons this card by Tributing a Clone Token created via his "Cloning". This card then attacks and destroys Yami Yugi's "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts". The effect of Seto's "Lord of Dragons" later protects this card. In the next episode, Seto activates "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" (via "Lord of Dragons") Special Summon his two copies which also allows Yami Yugi to Special Summon "Red-Eyes Black Dragon". The first copy attacks Yami Yugi's "Dark Magician", but Yami Yugi activates "Magician's Selection" to negate this card's attack and destroy "Lord of Dragons" instead. The second copy then attacks and destroys Yami Yugi's "Beta The Magnet Warrior". The third copy attacks Joey Wheeler's "Red-Eyes Black Dragon", but Yami Yugi activates "Spellbinding Circle" which paralyzes the third copy and decreases this card's ATK by 700. "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" counterattacks and destroys the third copy. In the following episode, Seto activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon his third copy from the Graveyard. Seto then activates "Polymerization" to fuse his three copies together and Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon". Yami Yugi later activates "De-Fusion" to return Seto's "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" to the Extra Deck and Special Summon the three copies from Seto's Graveyard to his side of the field. Yami Yugi's "Dark Paladin" (whose ATK is 4900 due to its own effect and empowered by "Diffusion Wave-Motion") then attacks and destroys all three copies. In the next episode, the three copies are destroyed, winning Yami Yugi the Duel.
- In episode 131, two copies of this card are seen in a series of flashbacks Seto has when he notes to himself that he always feels excited when he Duels against Yami Yugi.
- In the fourth-above mentioned episode, the three copies of this card are seen in a flashback Yami Yugi has when he remembers that he couldn't have defeated Seto without Joey's help, as well as a series of flashbacks that Yami Yugi has when he notes to himself that his rivalry with Seto allowed him to fight harder and reach new heights.
- In episode 136, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Joey Wheeler. He activates "Cost Down" to lower this card's Level by 2 until the End Phase. Seto then Tribute Summons his first copy by Tributing Joey's "Tiny Guardian" (who was controlled via Kaiba's "Enemy Controller"). This card then attacks Joey directly, but Joey activates "Scapegoat" to in order to have four Sheep Tokens. A token then intercepts this card's attack. On Seto's next turn, this card attacks and destroys Joey's "Battle Warrior". Joey later activates "Graverobber" to steal Seto's "Enemy Controller" as his own to destroy this card. Joey then activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon the first copy under his control. This card then attacks and destroys Seto's "Blade Knight", making Seto furious at Joey using this card and deciding to make Joey pay. Seto Tribute Summons his second copy via the effect of his "Kaiser Sea Horse". Seto's copy then attacks Joey's copy, resulting in a Double KO. Seto then activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon one of the two copies and then activates "Stop Defense". In the next episode, this card attacks and destroys Joey's "Hayabusa Knight", but Joey activates "Nutrient Z" to increase his Life Points by 4000 before the damage gets subtracted from his Life Points. The effect of Joey's "Time Wizard" later almost destroys this card, but Seto activates "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" to remove this card from play temporarily. This card returns to the field on Joey's End Phase. Seto's "Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon" (via Seto's "Quick Attack") attacks and destroys Joey's "Thousand Dragon" before this card attacks Joey directly, winning Seto the Duel.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, three copies of this card appear in a flashback that Seto has when he remembers Yami Yugi beating and how he despised the fact that he lost to Yami Yugi again.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, this card appears in one of the two flashbacks that Mokuba Kaiba has when he states to Seto that whatever Yami Yugi and Joey said to Seto was true which his brother should acknowledge.
- In the second above-mentioned episode, this card appears when Ishizu tells Seto that the sorcerer that resembles him may have been the ancient Pharaoh's rival, but he was also the Pharaoh's friend.
Waking the Dragons[]
- In episode 149, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Alister disguised as Maximillion Pegasus. He Tribute Summons his first copy by Tributing his "Spear Dragon" and a Clone Token created via his "Cloning". This card then attacks the imposter's "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" (whose ATK is 1500 due to Kaiba's "Shrink"), but the attack is dodged and Seto's "Charm of Lamentation" allows a card to be drawn. On Seto's next turn, this card attacks the imposter's "Toon Dark Magician Girl", but the attack misses again and "Charm of Lamentation" allows Seto to draw a card. Kaiba then activates "A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon" to return this card to his hand and destroy the imposter's "Toon World". In the next episode, Seto activates "White Dragon Ritual" to Tribute this card from his hand and Ritual Summon "Paladin of White Dragon". Seto then activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon this card from his Graveyard. Seto's "Paladin of White Dragon" and this card attack and destroy Alister's "Pitch-Dark Dragon" (whose ATK is 1400 due to "The Seal of Orichalcos") and "Gorlag" (whose ATK is 2500 due to its own effect and "The Seal of Orichalcos") respectively, resulting in the effect of "Gorlag" which destroys Seto's "Versago the Destroyer". Afterwards, the effect of "Paladin of White Dragon" allows Seto to Special Summon his second copy. Alister then activates "Aetonyx Flame" to destroy the two copies. Alister then activates "Fire Whip" to Special Summon the two copies from Seto's Graveyard to his side of the field as FIRE monsters which increases the ATK of "Gorlag" to 3000. The two copies then gained 500 ATK due to "The Seal of Orichalcos". The effect of Seto's "Doom Virus Dragon" later destroys the two copies and "Gorlag".
- In episode 161, this card is shown in a series of flashbacks that Joey Wheeler has when he recalls all of the hardship that he endured in the past and explains to Rex Raptor that anybody who loses so many times should keep trying and never give up.
- In episode 167, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Alister. He Tribute Summons this card by Tributing Alister's two Robot Tokens via his "Soul Exchange". On Seto's next turn, this card attacks and destroys a Robot Token. Alister's "Air Fortress Ziggurat" later attacks this card, but Seto activates "Tyrant Wing" to be equipped to this card and increasing this card's ATK by 400. This card then destroys "Air Fortress Ziggurat". On the Duel's final turn, Seto banishes this card and "Fang of Critias" in order to Special Summon "Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon".
- In episode 173, Seto Kaiba and Mokuba Kaiba get surrounded by Orichalcos soldiers. Seto then summons this card which he uses to destroy the soldiers, but more soldiers appear to join the fight. This card attacks the soldiers again, but more soldiers appear in place. A soldier then grabs Mokuba to hold captive. "The Fang of Critias" then destroys the soldier holding Mokuba, saving his brother. The soldiers then close in, so Seto orders both his Dragons to attack.
- In episode 177, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel with Yami Yugi against Dartz. He Special Summons this card via the effect of his "Paladin of White Dragon". Kaiba later activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with the two copies in his hand in order to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
- In episode 184, this card appears in a flashback Alister has when he remembers Seto Kaiba declaring that he will save his brother from the plane crash and Seto dealing the final blow.
Grand Championship[]
- In episode 195, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Zigfried von Schroeder. The effect of Zigfried's "Goddess Skuld's Oracle" sees the top three cards of Seto's Deck, revealing that he had all three copies on top of his Deck much to Zigfried's shock. The effect of Zigfried's "Goddess Verdande's Guidance" declares Seto's top card as a Monster Card, thus Seto has to Special Summon this card in face-down Defense Position since Zigfried is correct. The effect of Zigfried's "Goddess Urd's Verdict" declares that Seto's set Monster Card is his first copy, thus this card is banished since Zigfried is correct. On Seto's Draw Phase, Zigfried's "Nibelung's Ring" forced Kaiba to draw the other two copies and is forced to discard his second copy. Seto then activates "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon his second copy. This card then attacks Zigfried's "Valkyrie Zweite", but Zigfried destroys "Fortune Chariot" to prevent "Valkyrie Zweite" from being destroyed yet Zigfried still takes Battle Damage. On Seto's next turn, this card attacks Zigfried's "Valkyrie Brunhilde", but Zigfried decreases the DEF of "Valkyrie Brunhilde" by 1000 to prevent destruction. Zigfried then activates "Enchanted Sword Nothung" which banishes this card from the field. Seto later activates "Graceful Charity" to draw three cards and discard his third copy and "Cloning" from his hand. Kaiba then banishes this card and "Pitch-Dark Dragon" from the Graveyard in order to Special Summon "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End". On the Duel's final turn, Seto activates "Dimension Fusion" to Special Summon "Luster Dragon #2", "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", and all three copies of this card from the Banished Zone which results in the effect of "Valkyrie Brunhilde" in gaining 1500 ATK. After "Valkyrie Brunhilde" destroyed Seto's "Luster Dragon #2" and "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End" in battle, the first copy then attacks "Valkyrie Brunhilde" to which Zigfried lowers the DEF of "Valkyrie Brunhilde" by 1000 in order to prevent destruction yet Zigfried still takes Battle Damage from this card's attack. The second copy then attacks and destroys "Valkyrie Brunhilde" since the DEF "Valkyrie Brunhilde" is now 0. The third copy then attacks Zigfried directly, winning Seto the Duel.
Dawn of the Duel[]
- In episode 200, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Yami Bakura. He activates "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" to Special Summon his first copy via his "Lord of Dragons". This card then attacks Yami Bakura's "Diabound Kernel", but Yami Bakura activates "Spirit Shield" to end the Battle Phase. Yami Bakura activates "Grief Tablet" to negate the effect of "Lord of Dragons" which allows Yami Bakura's "Doppelganger Token" (who had the stats and effects of "Diabound Kernel") to decrease this card's ATK by 1800. "Diabound Kernel" then attacks this card, but Seto activates "Attack Guidance Armor" to redirect the attack to destroy "Lord of Dragons" instead. Seto then Tributes his first copy and "Vorse Raider" (via Seto's "Silent Doom") in order to Tribute Summon his second copy. This card then attacks and destroys "Diabound Kernel". However, Yami Bakura activates "Rebirth Tablet" and "Mirror Tablet" to Special Summon "Diabound Kernel" with half of this card's ATK and to force this card into battle respectively. "Diabound Kernel" then destroys this card. Seto then activates "Monster Reborn" to revive one of his two copies from his Graveyard, but Yami Bakura leaves without finishing this Duel (as his mission to absorb this card's attack power is now accomplished).
- In the same episode, this card also appears within Seto's briefcase when he opens it up and takes his Duel Disk with him.
- In episode 202, this card appears in a flashback Seto has when he remembers Yami Bakura giving him the Millennium Eye and telling him to go to Egypt.
- In episode 203, Seto Kaiba is shown in his office looking at this card, wondering about the fate of himself and this card. After seeing a vision via the Millennium Eye, he is convinced enough that he has to go to Egypt in order to get answers.
- This arc revealed this card to be the Ka of Kisara, as well as the patron monster of Priest Seto.
- In episode 218, Seto Kaiba uses this card to fight Zorc Necrophades. Seto then has his three copies merge together (representing the souls of himself, his past self and Kisara) in order to form "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX[]
- In episode 21, this card appeared in a flashback duel that Gerard had against an unknown opponent (very likely Seto Kaiba). This card attacked Gerard and this defeated him. Gerard blamed his loss on "Skyscraper" and stopped loving dueling as such, but after Gerard saw Jaden use this card in the next episode during his Duel against Bastion Misawa, he regained his love for dueling and decided to move on from the loss.
- In episode 34, Kaibaman uses this card during his Duel against Jaden Yuki. He Special Summons this card by Tributing his own card. This card then attacks "Elemental Hero Bubbleman", but Jaden destroys "Bubble Blaster" via its second effect to prevent his monster's destruction and reduce the Battle Damage he would take to 0. Later Kaibaman activates "Burst Stream of Destruction" to destroy Jaden's "Elemental Hero Mudballman" at the cost of forbidding this card from attacking this turn. Later Kaiba Tributes "Paladin of White Dragon" to Special Summon another copy of this card. Later "Elemental Hero Bladedge" attacks one of the two copies. Due to the effect of "Skyscraper", "Bladedge" gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation only. "Bladedge" then destroys this card. Kaibaman then activates "Silent Doom" to Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. He then activates "Polymerization" to fuse the two copies with a third copy in his hand in order to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon". "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" then attacks "Bladedge", but Jaden activates "Edge Hammer" to Tribute "Bladedge" and destroy "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" as well as inflict the latter's ATK as damage to Kaibaman. Kaibaman then activates "De-Fusion" to return "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" to the Extra Deck and Special Summon the three copies from the Graveyard. This makes "Edge Hammer" resolve without effect as its original target left the field. The three copies then attack directly, defeating Jaden.
- Before the Duel, Kaibaman shows this card and claims that it told him that it wants to battle Jaden. Chazz then recognizes this card as the legendary card that belongs to Seto Kaiba himself. Kaibaman asks if this card has intimidated him, but Jaden immediately accepts Kaibaman's challenge.
- In episode 50, three copies of this card appear in a series of flashbacks Chumley Huffington has when he sees his friends cheering him on and remembers all of the previous Duels his friends were involved in. Chumley then notes that there was something that all of his friends had taught him this year.
- In episode 75, this card appears in a flashback Tyranno Hassleberry has when he recognizes the top of the tower location as the place where Yami Yugi and Kaiba had to team up in Tag Team Duel to defeat Lumis and Umbra.
- In the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX manga, when Syrus Truesdale played "Transformation", he wore armor fashioned after this card.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's[]
- In the dub of episode 18, when Rex Goodwin explains Luna's visit to the Spirit World to Jack Atlas, the latter expressed his disbelief by sarcastically replying "And I'm a Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"
- This card appears in the opening theme Road to Tomorrow ~Going My Way!!~
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL[]
- This card's statue appears in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL - Episode 015.
Yu-Gi-Oh! R[]
- This card was first played be Seto Kaiba in Yu-Gi-Oh! R - Duel Round 015. This card's attack was considered a magical attack and was counted for the effect of "White-Horned Dragon".
Video games[]
- Priest Seto uses this card in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories.
- This card appears as a character in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator.
- Helio uses this card in World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters[]
- In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, there is Duel Armor that fuses with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to give the armor's user the ability to destroy Dragons as long as the user has the "Sword of Divinity" with them.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light[]
- Seto Kaiba uses this card during his simulation Duel against Yami Yugi. Kaiba activates "Polymerization" to fuse his three copies together and Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
- Seto Kaiba later made a deal with Maximillion Pegasus. If the former wins, he gets the card that can beat the God cards, but if he loses, he will give up his three copies of this card to Pegasus. Kaiba wins the Duel, so he keeps his copies.
- Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Yami Yugi. He summons this card through the effect of "Paladin of White Dragon". Later "Magician's Valkyria" (whose ATK was 3600 due to it being powered up by the effect of "Mage Power") attacks this card, but Kaiba activates "Attack Guidance Armor" to redirect the attack to "Peten the Dark Clown", destroying it instead. The effect of "Deck Destruction Virus" activates, discarding ten random cards from Yami Yugi's Deck. Kaiba then activates the effect of "Peten the Dark Clown" to Special Summon another "Peten the Dark Clown" from his Deck. On Kaiba's next turn, he activates "Polymerization" to fuse this card with the two other copies in his hand in order to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time[]
- Paradox uses this card during his Duel against Yugi Muto, Jaden Yuki and Yusei Fudo. He sends this card from his Deck to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon". After Paradox is defeated, this card is returned to the time that Paradox stole it from.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions[]
- Seto Kaiba uses this card during his simulation Duel against Yami Yugi. On the first turn of the Duel, Kaiba activates "Polymerization" to fuse his three copies of this card together to Fusion Summon "Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
- Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Aigami, adding two copies to his hand via the effect of two "Krystal Dragon". Aigami later uses the effect of "Cubic Rebirth" to force Kaiba to Special Summon them from his hand. On Aigami's turn, he uses "Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast" to attack and destroy both dragons, before returning them to the field with "Cubic Mandala" to prevent Kaiba from Summoning another monster with "Counter Gate". Nevertheless, Kaiba Tributes his two "Blue-Eyes" along with one "Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon" to Tribute Summon "Obelisk the Tormentor".
- Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Yugi Muto. Kaiba Special Summons this card from his hand with the effect of "Assault Wyvern", then he activates "Dragon's Fighting Spirit" to allow this card to attack three times this Battle Phase. This card attacks and destroys Yugi's two "Marshmacaron", then attacks Yugi directly. In response, Yugi activates "Dark Horizon" to Special Summon "Dark Magician" since its ATK was less than the Battle Damage he took. On Kaiba's next turn, this card attacks "Dark Magician", but Yugi activates "Metamorphortress", Special Summoning it as a monster and equiping "Dark Magician" to it. A Replay occurs and Kaiba cancels his attack. On Yugi's turn, "Metamorphortress" attacks and destroys this card. Kaiba activates "Chaos Form" to Ritual Summon "Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon"; since this card was in his Graveyard, he did not have to Tribute any monsters. This card is later seen when Kaiba counts the number of Dragons in his Graveyard when "Deep-Eyes White Dragon" uses its effect to inflict effect damage to Yugi. On the last turn of the Duel, this card is banished from Kaiba's Graveyard when Yugi activates "Final Geas".
Scripted Duels[]
- In the non-canon Duel North American WCQ 2012 Special: Joey vs. Kaiba, Seto Kaiba tributes "Battle Ox" and "Alligator's Sword Dragon" after activating his Quick-Play Spell Card "Enemy Controller"from his hand to summon this card to the field in his duel against Joey Wheeler. He uses this card to attack Joey directly, but Joey activates his Trap Card "Nutrient Z" to stay in the Duel. On Kaiba's next turn, this card attacks and destroys "Little-Winguard". On Kaiba's following turn, it would be returned to Kaiba's hand to activate "A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon". Kaiba would later Special Summon a pair of Blue-Eyes White Dragons from his hand through the effect of "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" and both would attack and destroy "Axe Raider" and "Red-Eyes Black Dragon". When Kaiba draws his third Blue-Eyes, Joey uses "Drop Off" to force Kaiba to discard it and during the same turn Joey would take control of one of the Blue-Eyes via "Magical Arm Shield", resulting in both Blue-Eyes being destroyed. All three Blue-Eyes would later be banished from Kaiba's Graveyard via "Soul Demolition" to increase his Life Points through "Soul Absorption". On the last turn of the duel, Kaiba would Special Summon all 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons via "Dimension Fusion" before using "Polymerization" to fuse them together to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
- In the non-canon Duel North American WCQ 2013 Special: Kaiba vs. Pegasus, Seto Kaiba sends his first copy of Blue-Eyes to his Graveyard via Dragon Shrine, allowing him to also send The White Stone of Legend to the Graveyard, which in turn makes Kaiba add his second Blue-Eyes from his deck to his hand. Kaiba then discards his second Blue-Eyes for the effect of Trade-In. He then Special Summons one Blue-Eyes White Dragon with Silver's Cry, but Pegasus activates Bottomless Trap Hole and banishes Blue-Eyes. During Kaiba's next turn, he Special Summons his third Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his deck via the first effect of Maiden with Eyes of Blue. Blue-Eyes attacks directly, but Pegasus activates Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Blue-Eyes to Kaiba's hand. Kaiba would then discard this Blue-Eyes as part of Graceful Charity's effect. During Pegasus' turn, Kaiba would Special Summon the discarded Blue-Eyes via Maiden with Eyes of Blue's second effect. The next turn, Kaiba Special Summons his other Blue-Eyes via another copy of Silver's Cry and both would attack and destroy Pegasus' Wind-Up Zenmaines (the first to remove the last Xyz Material and the second to destroy it). Both Blue-Eyes would be destroyed by Pegasus' Dark Hole. Kaiba would later banish both Blue-Eyes for the effect of Castle of Dragon Souls to increase the ATK of Hitotsu-Me Giant and Slate Warrior (the former during Pegasus' turn and the latter during his own turn). Kaiba then Special Summons all three copies of Blue-Eyes through Dimension Fusion, before using "Polymerization" to fuse them together to Fusion Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon". He would then use De-Fusion to return Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to his Extra Deck and Special Summon his 3 Blue-Eyes back to the field. Kaiba has his 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons attack Wind-Up Dog and Wind-Up Rabbit, but Pegasus activates Mirror Force to destroy all of Kaiba's Attack Position, including all 3 Blue-Eyes. On Kaiba's last turn, Kaiba banishes a copy of Blue-Eyes along with La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp to Special Summon Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End. After Chaos Emperor Dragon uses its effect to send all cards on both players' field and hand to the Graveyard, Kaiba Special Summons his banished Blue-Eyes via Castle of Dragon Souls' second effect and it attacks Pegasus directly, winning Kaiba the duel.
- In the non-canon Duel World Championship 2016 Special: Yugi vs. Kaiba, Kaiba sends his first Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his deck to the Graveyard for the effect of Mausoleum of White, targetting Maiden with Eyes of Blue. This in turn allows Kaiba to Special Summon his second Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his deck, but Yugi uses the effect of Dark Magical Circle to banish it. During Kaiba's second turn, he Special Summons the copy in his Graveyard via Silent Doom before Tuning it with Sage with Eyes of Blue to Synchro Summon Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon. During the End Phase of the same turn, Kaiba Special Summons his third Blue-Eyes via the effect of The White Stone of Ancients and it would be destroyed during Yugi's turn in a Double KO with Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. During Kaiba's third turn, he Special Summons a copy of Blue-Eyes through the effect of Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon before returning it to his hand to activate A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon. The returned Blue-Eyes would then be discarded for the effect of Trade-In. Kaiba then Special Summons both copies of Blue-Eyes from his Graveyard via Silver's Cry and Swing of Memories. The latter Blue-Eyes attacks Ebon High Magician, before being tributed for Enemey Controller's second effect and avoiding Yugi's activated Magic Cylinder. The other Blue-Eyes attacks and destroys Ebon High Magician, before being destroyed in battle during Yugi's turn by Palladium Oracle Mahad (empowered by Magic Formula and Diffusion Wave-Motion) during Yugi's turn. During Kaiba's fourth turn, he banishes The White Stone of Ancients to add a copy of Blue-Eyes from his Graveyard to his hand. Kaiba then reveals the Blue-Eyes in his hand to Special Summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon. He then Special Summons the other copy in his Graveyard via Return of the Dragon Lords, before using Polymerization to fuse his two Blue-Eyes White Dragons (one on the field and one in his hand) and Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon to Fusion Summon Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Kaiba would later use De-Fusion to return Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to his Extra Deck and Special Summon his 2 Blue-Eyes and Blue-Eyes Alternative back to the field, and dodge the effect of his Ring of Destruction after Yugi took control of Kaiba's Ring of Defense via Mystical Refpanel. Both Blue-Eyes would attack Yugi directly, though Yugi would survive via Nurtient Z and Kuriboh respectively. Both copies of Blue-Eyes and Blue-Eyes Alternative would be banished by Dragon's Mirror to Fusion Summon Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon again. During Kaiba's last turn, he Special Summons all three of his banished Blue-Eyes White Dragons, along with Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon and Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End via Return from the Different Dimension (all of which would lose 2000 ATK due to Yugi's Slifer the Sky Dragon), before tributing his three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to Tribute Summon Obelisk the Tormentor.
- In the non-canon Duel World Championship 2019 Special: Yugi vs. Kaiba, Kaiba adds a copy of Blue-Eyes from his deck to his hand via the effect of The White Stone of Legend and then discards it for the effect of Trade-In. He then Special Summons his second copy from his hand through Kaibaman's effect and then Special Summons his discarded copy with Silver's Cry. During his End Phase, Kaiba Special Summons his third Blue-Eyes from his deck via The White Stone of Ancients' effect. During Yugi's first turn, all three Blue-Eyes are destroyed by Dark Burning Magic, although Kaiba later Special Summons Deep-Eyes White Dragon and has it copy the ATK of Blue-Eyes White Dragon. During Kaiba's second turn, he banishes The White Stone of Ancients to add a copy of Blue-Eyes from his Graveyard to his hand. Kaiba then reveals the Blue-Eyes in his hand to Special Summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon. He then uses Dragon Revival Rhapsody to Special Summon his other two Blue-Eyes White Dragons, both of which attack and destroy Yugi's Palladium Oracle Mana and Dark Magician Girl (the latter after being Special Summoned by the former's effect). During Yugi's second turn, both Blue-Eyes White Dragons are destroyed by Dark Burning Attack. During Kaiba's third turn, he uses Dragon's Mirror to banish two Blue-Eyes White Dragons and Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon from his Graveyard to Fusion Summon Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon. He then Special Summons both banished Blue-Eyes via Dimension Fusion, both of which attack and destroy Yugi's Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. During Yugi's third turn, both Blue-Eyes White Dragons are destroyed by Quintet Magician's effect. During Kaiba's fourth turn, Kaiba Special Summons both Blue-Eyes via Swing of Memories and the effect of Neo Kaiser Glider, before using Polymerization to fuse his three Blue-Eyes White Dragons (two on the field and one in his hand) to Fusion Summon Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Kaiba would later use De-Fusion to return Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to his Extra Deck and Special Summon his 3 Blue-Eyes back to the field, and avoid Yugi's Magic Cylinder. All three Blue-Eyes White Dragons attack Yugi's Magical Hats in attempt to destroy Sangan, with the third attack being successful. During Yugi's fourth turn, Yugi's Magician of Chaos (empowered by Magic Formula and Diffusion Wave-Motion) attacks and destroys all three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. During Kaiba's fifth turn, Kaiba uses Chaos Form and banishes a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his Graveyard to Ritual Summon Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon.