Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki


First Series anime[]

Second Series anime[]

  • In episode 5, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Weevil Underwood. He sets this card in Defense Position. This card is later destroyed by the effect of Weevil's "Great Moth".
  • In episode 16, this card is shown in a flashback Bakura Ryou has when he makes note of his Millennium Ring pointing at the castle as something similar when he first started attending Yugi's school. Yugi is shown using this card in his duel against Joey. What happens next is unknown as the flashback then shifted to Bakura who then noticed that his Millennium Ring is pointing to Yugi's Millennium Puzzle.
  • In episode 35, Yami Yugi uses this card during his Duel against Maximillion Pegasus. He sets this card in Defense Position. On Yugi's next turn, he flips this card face-up. Yugi then activates "Horn of the Unicorn" to increase this card's ATK and DEF by 700, but Pegasus activates Tears of a Mermaid to negate the activation of "Horn of the Unicorn" and destroy it. Later "Red Archery Girl" attacks and destroys this card.
    • This card also appears in Yugi's thoughts when he notes it will take all the wisdom his grandfather taught him and all the power in his cards to defeat Pegasus.
  • In episode 60, this card is seen in Yugi's hand during his Duel against Arkana. On the third turn of the Duel, Yugi discards this card due to the effect of "Card Destruction".
  • In episode 198, this card was shown being used in a Duel between two kids in a park. Right when one of the kids orders this card to attack "Feral Imp", the holograms of both this card start to flutter with static (which was due to the virus implanted by "Golden Castle of Stromberg"). One kid notes that something is wrong.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX[]

  • In episode 130, this card is shown in a flashback Jaden has when Yubel shows flashbacks to Jaden to help him remember who she was. This card can be seen when Jaden drops his Deck while he was visiting Osamu in the hospital after Yubel causes him more pain.
  • In episode 150, this card is shown in a flashback Jaden has when a memory bubble hits him and he sees himself as a child. Jaden notes that Yubel brought him, his friends, and his allies to the alternate dimension for a reason.
  • In episode 153, this card is seen in a flashback Jaden has when he recognizes Osamu.
    • This card is also seen in a flashback Jaden has when a memory bubble hits him and he sees the Kaiba Corp contest he won as well as see him send both "Yubel" and "Elemental HERO Neos" into space in hopes that "Yubel" would stop hurting other people.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V[]

Scripted duels[]

  • In Match of the Millenium: Yugi vs. Pegasus, Yugi Normal Summons this card on the ninth turn. It attacks Pegasus directly. On Pegasus' next turn, his "Relinquished" uses its effect to equip this card to itself. On Pegasus' subsequent next turn, "Relinquished" leaves the field due to being used for a Fusion Summon, therefore, this card is sent to Yugi's Graveyard.