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Cal Kolter, also known as Shoichi Kusanagi ( (くさ) (なぎ) (しょう) (いち) , Kusanagi Shōichi) in the Japanese version is one of the main supporting characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. He is an ally of Yusaku Fujiki and Theodore Hamilton who aids them in their LINK VRAINS activities in an hotdog food truck called Café Nom which doubles as their base of operations. In LINK VRAINS, he operates under the name Unnamed (アンネームド, An'nēmudo).




Kolter is a young man with fair skin and grey eyes. His purple hair comes to the base of his neck, and it has multiple small bangs brushed over to hide his forehead, and he also sports a small goatee. Kolter dresses simply, wearing a brown trench coat over a purple hoodie with a bronze zipper and light blue shirt, and teal pants tucked into burgundy boots with prominent black soles.


Kolter is a rather friendly individual. He's shown to be sympathetic towards Yusaku and hopes he can one day enjoy Dueling again. He also regrets dragging him into the fight against the Knights of Hanoi.

Behind his friendly easy-going nature, Kolter harbors an intense anger and hatred towards the Hanoi Project just like Yusaku, though he doesn't actively show it unless triggered enough, like when he listened to Akira Zaizen talk about the possibility of Skye being kidnapped. Kolter angrily said that Akira doesn't truly know what the horrible trauma he felt was like.

In the dub, he shows annoyance when people call hot dogs "sandwiches".


Being the owner of a food truck, Kolter is a capable cook; he was seen cooking hotdogs.[1]

Like Yusaku, he's a talented hacker. He was able to get information about SOL Technologies' activities and helped Yusaku capture Ai within the latter's Duel Disk. He was also able to figure out that Skye Zaizen is "Blue Angel". On several occasions, he has hacked surveillance camera's in both LINK VRAINS and the real world alike with little effort. He is noted to routinely erase footage, articles, and pictures of Playmaker in the network.[2][3]

Kolter is able to create programs to help Playmaker and Soulburner at a very short notice, ranging from escape routes from LINK VRAINS, protection against traps the rebel Ignis use, methods of obtaining footage from areas in the network outside LINK VRAINS, among others. He's also quick to identify when other hackers are getting involved, as he deduced Ghost Gal completed his escape route from Blood Shepperd's trap, and was able to share his footage of Mirror LINK VRAINS with Dr. Genome, Vaira, and Faust, something that the three of them were impressed by.



Ten years ago, Kolter's younger brother was kidnapped for the Hanoi Project.[4] Even though his brother was rescued, he still suffered intense PTSD that he never recovered from, prompting Kolter to devote his life to find out the truth behind the Hanoi Project and avenge his brother.[1]

Kolter swore to find more about the tragedy, and became a hacker to uncover that information. Thus, he abandoned sports as a hobby, and pursued information technologies. Through years of research, he found the culprit in LINK VRAINS: the Knights of Hanoi, who were tracking down Cyberse cards. He logged into LINK VRAINS, and saw as a Knight of Hanoi defeated a guy and deleted his avatar, thus prohibiting him from logging in. Kolter was detected and tried to run away from the Knights of Hanoi. Kolter was chased down to an alley, where he received help from a figure. The Knights of Hanoi could not find Kolter, who climbed across a wall. Kolter, named Unnamed, thanked the figure, Playmaker, who was named Unknown. Unnamed stated they were alike, but Unknown reprimanded him for now knowing anything about the Knights of Hanoi. Unnamed explained he was trying to uncover information involving his brother with an incident that demolished his life. Unknown, who was asked about the Lost Incident, still stated that Unnamed had to get out to value his life, as Unknown logged out.[5]

Kolter, as Unnamed, continued to investigate the incident in LINK VRAINS. One day, however, the Knights of Hanoi cornered him, and just as Unnamed believed he could not get out of this, Unknown appeared. Unknown rushed to his aid, stating Unnamed should still watch over his brother, and the incident was not his fault, either. Unknown decided to fight the knights, and pointed a path where Unnamed could log out. Unnamed did so, leaving Unknown to fight one of the knights. Kolter rushed to the computer, where he watched Unkown Duel the knight. He was amazed that Unknown defeated the knight so easily, and seeing Unknown also investigated the Lost Incident, he remarked that person was the one Kolter needed. To assist Unknown, Kolter opened a portal to let him escape, and told him to come to Café Nom. Yusaku did so, and bought a hot dog from Kolter. He thanked Kolter for saving him, referring to him as Unnamed. Kolter was shocked that Yusaku was so young, and explained he was investigating the Lost Incident, for his brother had been a victim of that project. He asked for Yusaku's help, for they could save his brother from the suffering. Kolter introduced himself, offering his skills to Yusaku to protect him in LINK VRAINS. Yusaku acknowledged his call and confirmed he'd help Kolter, and introduced himself.[5]

As the two teamed up, Yusaku continued to fight Knights of Hanoi minions, but none of them had any relevant info they needed. Kolter doubted they needed to speak with them, reminding they were in LINK VRAINS to hunt after Cyberse cards. Yusaku noticed Kolter was investigating something: the latter explained there was a legend of a dungeon inside LINK VRAINS. Its creator was being hunted by the Knights of Hanoi, and set up the dungeon to protect themselves and the Cyberse deck. Kolter laughed the legend off, but Yusaku pondered the thought, since the knights were hunting Cyberse cards. Believing the knights were afraid of Cyberse cards, Yusaku concluded that could be the weapon against their enemies. Thus, Unnamed and Unknown went into a dungeon inside LINK VRAINS. Just as Unknown went to alert Unnamed, the latter stepped on a trigger plate and nearly fell in a chasm of spikes, containing Duel Disks. Unknown caught Unnamed, who thanked him, noting the creator of the dungeon watched too many movies. He believed he'd take a lot of damage, but Unknown stated that without his Duel Disk, he wouldn't be able to log out.[6]

Unnamed still believed the dungeon to be a trap by the Knights of Hanoi. Unknown didn't mind that, for they were still searching for information about the Lost Incident. However, since the Deck was being hunted by the Knights of Hanoi, Unknown believed that would give them the attention needed so the knights would come after them. Unnamed noted how far Unknown has planned, who pressed a plate and revealed a secret passage, containing a sarcophagus and some plages. Unnamed and Unknown kneeled, as a Knight of Hanoi entered the area, pleased that he finally found the place. However, the knight's Duel Disk was hit by a light from the sarcophagus, as a preset Duel was initiated: the goal was to beat this Duel quiz. Unnamed was angry that the knight got before them, but Unknown stated this was a tough quiz to solve. The two noted the goal was to defeat the enemy, a data ghost, who had 4000 LP, five Extra Linked monsters and a set card, while the knight had two monsters and two set cards. The knight attempted to win by equipping "Megamorph" to "Update Jammer", and had it attack the enemy's "Link Spider". The data ghost played "Chaos Burst", negating the attack, destroying "Update Jammer" and defeating the knight.[6]

For losing the Duel, the knight was devoured by a data monster, and his Duel Disk was impaled. Unnamed commented this was no ordinary game, for the knight was strangely logged out. Unknown jumped down, for he came to acquire the Cyberse deck. Having his Duel Disk get hit by the light, Playmaker initiated the Duel quiz. He revised the situation as the same as the knight's, but noted "Dotscaper" in his GY, and three Link Monsters in his Extra Deck: "Proxy Dragon", "Secure Gardna" and "Binary Sorceress". Unnamed recalled that "Update Jammer" negated card effects, but Unknown stated "Chaos Burst" was played before the attack, and why the knight's strategy had failed, considering it would've negated "Megamorph", too. Unknown revised that "Tremendous Fire", "Torrential Rebirth" and "Thunder Crash" dealt effect damage. Revising these cards, Unknown thought of the strategy to defeat the data ghost. He summoned "Cyberse Gadget" to revive "Dotscaper", and used the two monsters to Link Summon "Binary Sorceress". Just as Playmaker proceeded at his next action, a Knight of Hanoi appeared, laughing at Unknown, since he could not win. The knight proclaimed he'd have the deck, but Unnamed bumped into him and used a handcuff to bind him.[6]

Unknown, however, used "Dotscaper" and "Gadget Token" to Link Summon "Proxy Dragon", the used "Binary Sorceress" to Link Summon "Secure Gardna". The knight and Unnamed saw it is over, since Unknown used all of his monsters to Link Summon. Unknown replied he'd never give up, else they'd never take revenge on those that made them suffer. Unnamed agreed, for they'd never learn the truth behind the Lost Incident if they gave up. Unknown used "Tremendous Fire", but since that would inflict damage on him, he used "Link Restart" to negate that damage and revive "Binary Sorceress". Using "Thunder Crash", Unknown destroyed all of his monsters and inflicted 1500 LP damage to the data ghost. Combined with "Torrential Reborn", Unknown revived his monsters and inflicted 2500 LP damage to the data ghost, thus winning the Duel. Unknown and Unnamed ran towards the sarcophagus, but it turned out to be just an illusion, and the Deck was not present. The knight laughed that was a prank, and logged out. Unnamed was frustrated that there was nothing, and the dungeon started collapsing, and two logged out.[6]

Instead, Kolter and Yusaku went to the warehouse district, for the Duel quiz was actually a map that showed Den City. Kolter claimed Yusaku could've summoned Link Monsters in different positions, and the map would've looked different. Yusaku confirmed this, but the connections between the Link Monsters still symbolized bridges, and they found the door where a card of "Secure Gardna" was placed, at the same spot Yusaku summoned that monster in his Duel. Opening the door, the two found the actual sarcophagus. Touching it, Yusaku unlocked the sarcophagus containing Cyberse cards. This cheered Kolter up, who stated that deck symbolized his bond with Yusaku, and the two crossed hands with each other.[6]


Kolter and Yusaku discussed SOL Technologies and Hanoi's recent movements. Kolter told Yusaku about the Data Storm and that it could help Yusaku enjoy Dueling again. He also mentioned SOL was looking for an AI on the run and that they were planning a full scan of LINK VRAINS to find it. Hearing this, Yusaku came up with a plan to capture the AI and use it as a trump card against Hanoi and closed Café Nom, despite Kolter protesting that he was expecting customers that night. The two hackers managed to capture Ai into Yusaku's Duel Disk during an attack from the Knights of Hanoi.[1] Kolter was surprised when a Data Storm occurred when "Playmaker" challenged a knight. He was worried when Yusaku was sucked into a Data Storm tornado, and was relieved when Yusaku won the Duel.[7]

Kolter and Yusaku spent the next few days trying to figure out Ai's programming, but Kolter struggled to understand the complicated algorithms that Ai was made out of. He then suggested to come up with a name for the A.I., to which Yusaku decided to name it "Ai", a pun on "eye". He was also impressed that the card data Yusaku obtained from the Data Storm was becoming a physical card. Trying to scan footage from "Ai's" memories caused the Knights of Hanoi's leader to track them down, however Kolter shut down Café Nom's power before they were found.[8] The next day Kolter gave Yusaku the "Decode Talker" card that had finished materializing before he went to LINk VRAINS to fight a supposed Knight of Hanoi that appeared.[9] When the Knight turned out to be Gore, a program that prevents Playmaker from logging out was activated by SOL Technology. Kolter worked on an escape route for Yusaku, but Yusaku refused to use it. After the Duel ended, Kolter scolded Yusaku for not using the escape route, but also suggested that they could recruit Gore for their fight against Hanoi.[10]

Kolter discovered that the real identity of the famous idol, Blue Angel, is Skye Zaizen, a classmate of Yusaku. He thought about Yusaku meeting Skye so they could get closer to Akira Zaizen in order to get more information about SOL Technologies regarding his brother and Yusaku's memories, however he also doubted the plan would work because of Yusaku's poor social skills. A few days later, he was shocked when Playmaker and Blue Angel began a Duel before getting interrupted by a customer.[11] After the Duel concluded and Skye was put in a coma, Kolter hacked into the hospital's records to find out about Skye's condition. Ai protested that hacking into the hospital was a crime, to which Kolter casually said that hacking already was a crime in the first place. Ai explained that Skye had been infected by a virus from Hanoi's card and the only ones with the anti-virus were Hanoi themselves. "Blue Angel" appeared claiming that she wanted a rematch against Playmaker. Kolter knew right away that she was an impostor and instructed Yusaku to ignore her because it was clearly a trap, but Yusaku went into LINK VRAINS anyways because he felt it was his responsibility to save Skye.[12] Varis's appearance and subsequent manipulation of LINK VRAINS caused Kolter's cameras to go offline, though he was briefly able to use SOL's cameras and later Ghost Gal's. He was displeased when Ghost Gal's camera stopped recording, making him unable to watch anything inside LINK VRAINS.[13]

To watch the Duel, Kolter used the bugs in the Knights of Hanoi's program that created the Data Storm to open a path for Ghost Gal to enter the Data Storm; she had her cameras record the Duel between Playmaker and Varis, allowing Kolter to watch it.[2] Kolter was glad that Playmaker won against Varis and carried him after he logged out since the former took a lot of strain during his Duel. Since Yusaku was interested what became of Skye, Kolter went to show she was recovering. Yusaku fell asleep and Ai commented how lazy he was, but Kolter claimed heroes needed to rest. Ai started bragging, so Kolter went to analyze what kind of program he ate from Varis. Realizing Kolter would look into his "private parts", Ai called him a pervert and refused to say anything. Once Yusaku woke up, Kolter sensed he was thinking what Varis told about Ai. Since they did not know how to prove if Ai was actually alive, Ai claimed it, indeed, was alive. Ai used the program he obtained from Varis to recover his body back. However, Ai's size didn't impress Yusaku and Kolter, who tried to analyze if Ai regained some of his memories, even if Ai wanted them to be excited that he regained his body.[3]

A few days later Emma Bessho ran into Café Nom, but neither she nor Kolter recognized the other as "Ghost Gal" or "Playmaker's assistant". Emma ordered a coffee and two chilli dogs and mentioned she was interested in Dueling Playmaker, causing Kolter to wonder what kind of Duelist she is. Yusaku noted that Kolter looked exhausted, to which Kolter said that he was tired from spending all night deleting "Playmaker" files and videos that people constantly post on the network. Yusaku offered to help him with the clean up, and in doing so he inadvertently deleted a big scoop that would've revealed everything Playmaker and Kolter know involving Ai and the Knights of Hanoi.[14]

During the night, Kolter called Yusaku to come to his food truck and showed him an encrypted message on an internet forum, sent to him from Ghost Gal. Kolter explained he had created a program to navigate her to enter the Data Storm during the Duel with Varis. The two read how she demanded a Duel from Playmaker, with Ai as wager. Yusaku accepted, stating that she offered a backdoor to SOL Technologies' data bank, and Kolter confirmed that fact, showing she did send a bit of the data as proof. Yusaku asked of Kolter to reply that Playmaker would accept her challenge. Ghost Gal soon entered LINK VRAINS, and Yusaku went to do the same. Kolter wondered if Yusaku would really go and Duel her, since she could've set the Deleted trap. Yusaku claimed he had to uncover the truth behind the incident, hoped in the data bank there was some information about Knights of Hanoi, and sensed some determination in Ghost Gal, despite her weaknesses. Kolter watched as Ghost Gal and Playmaker confronted each other, and wished of the latter to acquire the backdoor. Seeing how well Ghost Gal made her moves, Kolter wished that Playmaker would be careful of her.[15] While watching the Duel, Kolter was baffled how complex the Duel was, being unable to predict the outcome. After Playmaker won and obtained the program, Kolter went to analyze it. He believed he could crack the code, and noticed Yusaku was sleeping once more.[16]

Kolter showed his analysis of Ghost Gal's program to Yusaku: the backdoor entrance to the SOL Technologies' mother computer, whose schematics looked like a maze. Kolter and Yusaku were nevertheless impressed by Ghost Gal, who managed to hack and find this. Kolter promised to be ready when the school was over, and Yusaku would be able to infiltrate the network the following night. On that night, Kolter showed the location of the data bank, warning that the path to it was filled with traps. However, he did make countermeasures against them, and Yusaku praised him for such speed. After Yusaku went into the LINK VRAINS, Kolter programmed an artificial device for Playmaker to hold onto to avoid traps, with a rope to prevent him from being detected, and gave directions to Playmaker where to go to. As security traps were set to stop Playmaker, Kolter programmed a "Sphere Kuriboh" as a decoy. After Playmaker passed Area A, Kolter saw there was a Data Storm. He wanted to give up, due to all the danger, but thought the Data Storm wouldn't be as harmful if Playmaker continued on.[17]

After Playmaker defeated Prototype Ai-A, Kolter navigated him to the data bank.[18] Kolter watched as Playmaker confronted Akira, and wished the former would obtain the data. As Akira claimed he would set things straight with the data, Kolter and Playmaker became furious, saying Akira understood nothing about them.[19] Kolter watched the Duel, and was furious to be reminded that his brother was a part of the Hanoi Project. He was also shocked to hear SOL Technologies' data bank contained the name of the mastermind behind the project.[20] Kolter was frustrated to see Playmaker could not attack, and Akira would win the next turn. Later, Playmaker defeated Akira and logged out, Kolter praised him for acquiring the data. The two hacked into Ai, and found out the Hanoi Project's leader was Dr. Kiyoshi Kogami, an employee from SOL Technologies, who alone worked on the project in secrecy. The two concluded SOL Technologies covered up the incident, else the company's reputation would've been ruined. Ai doubted the man could have done this on his own, and thought Akira was involved, but Kolter reminded him Akira, back then, was 16 and was not employed at SOL Technologies. Kolter and Yusaku failed to find the project's goal, but most shockingly, they discovered Dr. Kogami died seven years ago.[21]

With the food truck positioned at the coast, Yusaku was doing research. Kolter invited him for a break, and gazed upon the ocean. Yusaku pointed out Kolter won't get many customers at that place, but Kolter assured him the famous coast was named Stardust Road, known for the luminous plankton that rarely gather at night, and thought the person living near the coast may have seen that. Kolter failed to gather new info from SOL Technologies' data, and Yusaku saw that data from ten years ago was actually deleted. Still, they knew the company was involved, even if Akira knew nothing about the incident before. Kolter felt a bit relieved that Dr. Kogami passed away, thinking their revenge was over. Yusaku reminded him they still didn't know about the goal of the incident, and Kolter still wanted to rescue his brother from darkness, even if they had no clue where to continue. Yusaku still remembered Varis knew some things. Kolter stated Varis was not seen recently, but Yusaku believed he was not the type that would simply disappear.[22]

the Deleted[]

Inside the van, Kolter showed to Ai and Yusaku the footage of a camera, when a person turned into an the Deleted, which happened six minutes before midnight. Ai noted there were no white hands taking the person into LINK VRAINS. Kolter told them the person had not recovered yet, and showed pictures of more the Deleted patients in the hospitals. Ai and Yusaku knew this was the same accident with Blue Angel, who was infected by a virus. Kolter believed someone wanted people to be turned into mindless people, but has not find out what happened to their LINK VRAINS' avatars. Kolter showed more data, and Yusaku analyzed all of the the Deleteds were great Duelists with old-type Duel Disks, and all of them were hackers, too. The trio realized Playmaker, or Ai, were the targets. Yusaku reminded the importance of uncovering the truth behind Lost Incident, and as noted by Ai, they had to stop people from becoming the Deleteds. Kolter showed a list of possible targets, from which the first was McKendrick Kellenbocker. Later, Kolter and Yusaku watched the Knights of Hanoi Dueling people, and turning them into the Deleteds. Yusaku decided to go into LINK VRAINS, even if Kolter believed he would be at a disadvantage, and Ai wished to feel secure. Surprisingly, they saw "Playmaker" battling the Knights of Hanoi, by stopping their programs and tossing them away from their D-Boards. Dr. Genome confronted "Playmaker", who revealed himself to be Gore. The latter stated he came to save Makoto, and knew Playmaker's identity, which displeased Yusaku and Kolter.[23]

Yusaku, Kolter and Ai watched Gore confronting Dr. Genome. Since Gore claimed to have known Playmaker's identity, Kolter remembered Yusaku did run into Gore at the hospital, but Yusaku claimed it was impossible. When Gore changed to "Dark Gore", Yusaku and Kolter realized Gore changed his battling style to a heel, and would not hold back.[24] Kolter watched as Playmaker came to Gore. Later, Kolter and Yusaku went to find who was the the Deleted virus' creator.[25] At the van, Yusaku shushed Ai, who was amused to read all the criticism against Kitamura and SOL Technologies. Kolter analyzed that if the Knights of Hanoi took over LINK VRAINS, they'd soon find Playmaker. Yusaku believed they could prevent that by looking into the origins of the Deleteds virus. The next day, at the van, Kolter woke Yusaku up, reminding he had to go to school, and promised he'd continue working. After Yusaku returned, Kolter found nothing new. Ai believed Kolter gave up, who replied he was just getting started. Yusaku let Kolter rest, who went to cook some fries and cheese dogs. Yusaku and Kolter ate the food, and watched Blue Angel confronting Baira. Kolter and Yusaku analyzed the videos, and the latter saw Baira behind one of the the Deleteds victims.[26]

Yusaku and Kolter hacked into Baira's profile and found out her real identity as Clarissa Turner, a doctor who works at Den Hospital and they were able to find out her home address. When Kolter took control of the guard and guided Yusaku to Kyoto's room, the latter found her in LINK VRAINS and watched Blue Angel defeat her. He and Kolter also witnessed the victims of the Deleted getting cured and logging out of LINK VRAINS. As Baira suddenly disappeared, they thought she logged out and decided to interrogate her about the removal program but witnessed her getting purged by Varis.[27] Despite the Deleted victims being purged from the virus, Yusaku was still worried, since he only fought the Knights of Hanoi inside LINK VRAINS, and Kolter confirmed one last mastermind left to be fought against. The next day, when Yusaku came to the van, Kolter showed him someone has played his "Cyberse Wizard". Kolter identified him as Lonely Brave, which Ai thought as a cool name. When Yusaku showed his "Cyberse Wizard", Ai touched it and sensed the data from the card was missing. Ai thought Lonely Brave was the mastermind, and defeated the Knight of Hanoi to lure Playmaker out. They soon found Naoki was Lonely Brave, who changed the name to "Brave Max". Despite this, Yusaku feared Naoki was in danger, should the mastermind find out he used the Cyberse card. Not long after, Yusaku and Kolter found Brave Max, with Faust, the mastermind, who called out to Playmaker to come and Duel him. Yusaku grabbed the Duel Disk and left Kolter to rescue Naoki, while Yusaku logged in to LINK VRAINS.[28]

Kolter drove his van to the warehouse district. He took a break when Yusaku went to rescue Naoki.[29] One night, fearing he and Yusaku could soon be in danger, Kolter wrote a report, mentioning the Knights of Hanoi were real people. He named the report as "File No. 1007: Kusanagi Report". He noted the prowess of Playmaker and his allies, but feared the countdown to the day their destinies would change had already started. He also wrote that he still thought of his brother, Jin, and wished that the reader of this report would tell that to his brother when they meet him. He was visited by Yusaku and Ai, who felt something big was about to happen.[4]

Kolter served a customer, who told him it would be the last time he would visit the stand, and Kolter suspected the customer would move away. The customer looked briefly at Yusaku, and walked away, with Kolter telling he was also located at the plaza. As the customer walked away, Ai claimed Kolter needed a mascot like him. Kolter replied Ai would make a lame customer, and was interested what was Yusaku doing. Yusaku pointed out the Knights of Hanoi have been purged from LINK VRAINS. Kolter noted the Deleteds' incident has been resolved, but also reminded Varis was still out there. Ai thought Varis had retreated, but Yusaku doubted that. Suddenly, Yusaku and Ai felt a pulse within LINK VRAINS, and asked Kolter to scan through the network. Kolter worked on scanning, and just as Yusaku and Ai sensed the Deleted pulse, Kolter saw the LINK VRAINS infrastructure changed. Kolter tracked Playmaker's activity, and as the pulse was emitted from the network, Kolter was shocked at the readings.[30] Kolter monitored LINK VRAINS, and found a new reading of energy within the network. Yusaku and Ai joined Kolter, and watched hundreds of tentacles wrapped a beam that was shot in the sky and destroyed LINK VRAINS' cyberspace.[31]

Yusaku, Kolter and Ai watched as the tower appeared in LINK VRAINS, causing the cyberspace to be absorbed. Since Yusaku obtained Ghost Gal's data, Kolter promised to look into it. Ai noticed the avatars were being absorbed, and not just buildings or roads - Yusaku knew this was Varis's doing. Kolter analyzed Ghost Gal's data, showing the Tower of Hanoi. Yusaku remembered Varis's words, and deduced if the Hanoi's game was over, the world would be destroyed. Kolter continued analyzing the data, seeing the link between the top, where the LINK VRAINS network was, with the underground erasing system, with the center being the core of the latter system. Ai was shocked, seeing how much data has been absorbed, as Kolter noted that speed has not decreased. Kolter counted six rings would be crafted from this system, one per each passing hour. He realized that once every ring is crafted, a pulse would be sent with high-density data, affecting every machine or program - every piece of technology existing in the world would cease function, as if the world has no computers at all. Ai thought it was safe as long as they did not enter the network, but Yusaku was certain Varis thought of that, and made something that would still erase Ai. Kolter continued his analysis, seeing even devices not connected to the network would also be affected, as an electromagnetic pulse would be sent out, even to erase Ai. While Ai was frustrated, Kolter was overwhelmed, knowing Varis made all of this just to erase an Ignis. The trio watched Kitamura - Akira's successor in SOL Technologies - battling a Knight of Hanoi, named Spectre. They saw how Spectre erased Kitamura, and the former threatened to do this to anyone that dared entering LINK VRAINS. Yusaku swore to stop the Knights of Hanoi, by shutting down the core. Kolter warned him there were no Data Storms in LINK VRAINS, except near that tower.[32]

Kolter watched as Playmaker continued on to the Tower of Hanoi, and noticed Blue Angel Dueling Spectre, who defeated Kitamura earlier. He measured five hours and thirty minutes before the Tower of Hanoi was complete.[33] He was displeased to see Blue Angel lost the Duel against Spectre. He noticed Playmaker made a stop at the tower, and wondered if he met up with the enemy. Since there was no footage inside LINK VRAINS, he decided to give the reporters - the Frog and the Pigeon - the location of the next battle.[34] Kolter was pleased that the Frog and Pigeon arrived to the coordinates he gave them. He was not pleased, however, to see Playmaker Duel Spectre, who defeated Blue Angel. He was surprised to see Akira was captured, and started coding.[35] Kolter watched the Duel, and hoped the item he gave to Yusaku could help Akira escape. Kolter completed the code, causing Akira to vanish. However, the trap was too complex, and the attempt failed, making Kolter curse. Seeing Akira touching the vines and vanishing, Kolter slammed his fists in frustration.[36] He watched Go Onizuka Duel Varis, hoping the former would stop the tower's completion.[37] Kolter watched the Duel until Frog and Pigeon were blown away, thus cutting the video link he had.[38]

Kolter worried about the video link being cut. When the link was restored, he saw Varis and Playmaker on their D-Boards, and thought this was the final Duel to conclude the incident from ten years ago. Since Varis knew more about the incident, for the sake of his brother, Kolter desired Playmaker to defeat Varis, who dared him, with the cost becoming a victim. Seeing debris was falling on Playmaker, Kolter reminded even a single fragment could harm them. He watched the Duel, and realized Varis used the flashing card, "Mirror Force".[39] Kolter continued watching the Duel, and was shocked to see Dr. Kogami's appearance. He also feared Playmaker would be absorbed into the Data Storm when the Duel ended.[40]

Kolter was shocked at the events. Yusaku managed to get out, although strained, as Ai explained the shockwave made them log out. Kolter admitted his shock upon seeing Dr. Kogami alive, and explained his son must've logged out, too. Regardless, he reminded the Tower of Hanoi was still active. Still, Yusaku asked of Kolter to drive to Varis' place. Yusaku explained Varis mentioned Stardust Road and its phenomenon, and explained that Kolter knew a person living close to it must've seen that phenomenon, making Kolter realize they were near Varis' place. During the sunset, the group came to Varis' house, where they confronted Varis. Varis noted Playmaker has found this place. He already knew Yusaku Fujiki's name, and that of Jin's brother, Kolter. Varis introduced himself as Ryoken Kogami. Kolter noted Ryoken was Dr. Kogami's son, but the latter explained his father has just passed away, which made Kolter curse he could not reach to him earlier. Yusaku asked Ryoken, referring to him as Varis, for more information that they had the right to know about. Ryoken confirmed that, so Yusaku asked the reason behind his actions, if the Lost Incident had been about creating Ignis. Ryoken explained the story about Kiyoshi creating Ignis, about its goal, their evolution and the prediction Ignis would become an enemy of the humanity. Yusaku decided to confront Ryoken, while Kolter went to his truck to watch their confrontation.[41]

Kolter ran to his truck, and watching the Duel from his computer, he wished Playmaker luck. He exclaimed Yusaku won the Duels everyone thought he'd lose, and believed in his victory against Varis. He was shocked when Playmaker took damage, lowering his LP to 800.[42] He started questioning Varis' Extra Link, and was shocked to see "Topologic Bomber Dragon" inflicting 3000 LP damage on Playmaker. Playmaker survived the attack, but fell to his knees. Kolter still encouraged him to stand up and fight, and was glad when he did.[43] Kolter was amazed to see Yusaku used Varis' Extra Link to his advantage, and was amazed that he won the Duel. He went to Varis' house to find Yusaku, who watched as Varis left off on a boat. Later, Yusaku, with Ai gone, grabbed his bag. Kolter wanted to drive Yusaku to his house, but he politely refused, and walked away.[44]

Lost Memories[]

Leaving Yusaku in charge of his food truck, Kolter went to see his brother at a resort, where Jin was recovering. Kolter noted Jin was traumatized by the incident, and with the news of Knights of Hanoi's defeat, Jin's doctor believed his patient calmed down. Kolter sat by a table with Jin, and asked if he could come to live with his brother at the food stand. Jin gasped, as an orange figure came out of a TV and went towards Jin. Kolter was startled, and tried to push the figure, but failed. The figure approached Jin and made him devour data. Kolter managed to stop this, and while Jin fainted, Kolter noticed the orange figure went towards LINK VRAINS. Kolter called Yusaku to report this, and demanded of him to capture this figure.[45] Kolter watched over Jin, who was lying unconscious in his bed.[46]

Kolter returned to his truck, and wished to see the culprit and find more about them, since they attacked his brother. Kolter did not know the reason behind the attack, but Ai noted stealing a person's consciousness through a program was more impressive than the the Deleted virus. Kolter slammed his fist, since that was a powerful enemy. Yusaku nevertheless promised to bring them to justice. Later, at the food truck, Kolter provided Yusaku and Theodore with beverage. He admitted he didn't anticipate Yusaku to bring a friend, who knew about their identities. Still, he welcomed Theodore and Flame. Theodore admitted he was also involved in the Lost Incident, and understood Jin's suffering. Kolter nodded, and asked of them to help in search for the assailant of his brother. Theodore promised, while Flame described Theodore as soft, but a boy capable of Dueling. Kolter showed that Yusaku's enemies fled through the restricted area, and showed a location under LINK VRAINS. Yusaku thought SOL Technologies were involved; Kolter simply stated something was lurking there.[47]

He showed an unknown program, which Theodore did not understand, since that was not his expertise. Yusaku didn't understand it, either, but compared it to the one found in Ai's memories, the Ignis program. Kolter was overwhelmed, while Flame identified it to be the Wind Ignis' program, while Yusaku noted they should check the area out. Before the boys logged into LINK VRAINS, Kolter showed he received data from Ghost Gal, on how to enter the restricted area. Yusaku thought she wanted them to enter the area, but Ai panicked, believing she wanted to lurk them into a trap again. Kolter informed them a gate had appeared, through which the enemy may have escaped. He reminded this genuine info could've been obtained only from SOL Technologies. Yusaku and Kolter deduced this info was from Akira Zaizen, who wanted Playmaker to investigate. However, Kolter also believed Ai, since this could also be SOL Technologies' trap, with bounty hunters in the system. Yusaku nevertheless reminded the importance of investigation, since that was their only info they had on the restricted area. Ai proposed a vote whether to go or not. Much to his dismay, he was outvoted. In addition, Kolter showed a new program to have Playmaker evade the monitoring system, with an emergency escape, inside LINK VRAINS, a program Kolter learned from Ghost Gal.[47]

Before Playmaker went into the restricted area, Kolter warned him if he strayed away from the center, he wouldn't be able to get out and be lost in the data. Playmaker started a Duel with Shepherd in an area, and Kolter told him more about the location.[48] Once Playmaker and Soulburner came through the gate, Kolter noted there was a signal inside the area. Thus, he swore to decipher the Ignis program.[49]

Ignis Warfare[]

At the van, Kolter showed the news about Clarissa Turner's escape from prison. Yusaku knew Varis had been involved, and remembered his words that he'd eventually return. Kolter counted Gore, Bohman, Shepherd and Varis as their enemies, and the fight was tougher than ever.[50] With Theodore by his side, Yusaku told Kolter about Bohman, who apparently possessed the same memories of the Lost Incident as he did. The two believed Bohman has analyzed him to have gained such memories, but the former reminded he was the only clue they had to restore Jin. Since the gate had disappeared, Yusaku apologized to Kolter for lack of progress. Kolter didn't mind that, and showed an extra room for Theodore to log in to LINK VRAINS, and swore to analyze the data from the gate.[51]

Later, Kolter found a trace of the gate, opened on one of the floating islands, in the area that was still in development. Ai cursed Windy's choice, but Flame believed this was a logical move he did. Yusaku and Theodore logged into LINK VRAINS and went towards the gate. However, Kolter was too late to warn them the gate was actually a trap; Shepherd snapped his fingers to suck Playmaker through the trap. Instead, Soulburner bumped into Playmaker and was trapped instead.[51] Playmaker explained to Kolter that Soulburner had been captured by Shepherd, whom Ai referred to as the counting guy. Kolter apologized for not realizing the trap sooner, but was reminded they had to find Soulburner. While Kolter started to decode the program to open the gate, Ai alerted Playmaker of the two bounty hunters.[52] After defeating Kenmochi, Playmaker contacted Kolter, who was imptessed that Shepherd decoded the Ignis program, and used it to create the trap. Despite Ai's skepticism, Kolter swore to help in finding Soulburner. While Kolter did that, Ai and Playmaker went after the second bounty hunter that logged in.[53] Yoroizaka was defeated and was logged out, while Playmaker asked Kolter for the rescue program. Kolter finished writing the program and went to execute it, but found an error. Through an anonymous source, the program was corrected, allowing Kolter to execute it.[54]

Ai was enjoying riding Yusaku's Duel Disk, since Yusaku was at school. Kolter asked of it to come down, to give it something nice. Ai was excited until it was given a banner for Kolter's food truck. Kolter asked of it to make ten laps around the city to show the advertisement, which annoyed Ai. Ai, however, noticed Theodore coming to speak with Kolter. Ai suspected Flame obtained some new information, but by accident, Ai bumped into a pillar and crashed down onto Theodore. Theodore and Flame were astounded by falling Duel Disks, but Ai claimed it simply fell, for in its words, "Ai fly". Flame was motivated by this to have Theodore install an engine into his Duel Disk, so he wouldn't have to pay train fare to return home. Theodore was not amused by the idea, but he greeted Kolter. He wanted to give him a present for rescuing him from LINK VRAINS, but Kolter was modest about that. Ai identified the present to be a burger, and exclaimed one should not bring such food to a food truck. Kolter silenced Ai, reminding it was still important to have a taste of food of his rivals. While Kolter went to grab some coffee, Flame told Ai that Yusaku met up with Naoki for something important. Ai had its doubts about Naoki having something important to say, however.[5]

Theodore, inside the food truck, thanked Kolter for the meal, and was impressed by the equipment. Kolter replied one's abilities were more important than the equipment, and noted Yusaku was a much better hacker. Theodore noted how Kolter and Yusaku were in sync, prompting Ai to ask why did the two even teamed up. Kolter told it was a long tale, but Ai talked him into telling the tale. Kolter, however, warned there was a part involving the Lost Incident, which Theodore wanted to hear, too.[5] Kolter continued telling his tale with Yusaku about finding the fabled Cyberse deck to Theodore, Ai and Flame. The three were impressed by the tale, but noted the story didn't tell how Yusaku obtained his avatar name, Playmaker.[6] Later, at the food truck, Kolter read that this Earth Ignis wanted to meet Playmaker. Kolter thought that was just a fake comment, but Yusaku reminded there weren't many people that knew about the Ignis. Kolter was still skeptical, questioning if an Ignis would post on the message board. Ai believed the comment was authentic, and promised it'd contact the Earth Ignis. Ai composed a crypted message, and had Kolter post in on the board. Not soon after, they received a response, which Ai read as coordinates - the location where they were to meet. Kolter nevertheless feared this could be one of Shepherd's traps, since he knows about the Ignis algorithm. Ai claimed Kolter was too suspicious, and Yusaku backed it up, for they still needed more information about Jin's attack. Kolter thanked Yusaku, who believed that the SOL Technologies may have seen the comment, too.[55]

Yusaku came to Kolter's truck with Roboppy, where Theodore and Kolter greeted the robot. Plugging in a cable in Roboppy, Kolter found nothing wrong with Yusaku's Duel Disk, considering Ai, who was supposed to be locked, had gone missing. Yusaku mentioned Roboppy and Ai were on a quiz site the night before, which showed a crossword puzzle. Yusaku pointed at a rectangle, which opened a site; Flame noticed that was a clever Ignis algorithm. The site showed a gate, which led Yusaku to believe they needed to log in the VR system to access it. Theodore proposed he and Yusaku should go, but the latter refused; he stated if could be a trap, and insisted on going alone. Flame was surprised at Yusaku, for that program was made by his allies. Yusaku simply exclaimed he didn't trust Windy, since the world that Windy had built was demolished moments after Bohman was defeated. He still let them know they could come after him, should he take too long.[56] Kolter traced Playmaker's location in the cyberspace, and Theodore believed something was going on. Flame still trusted Windy, claiming he was their ally. Before Theodore headed off, Kolter installed a program in his Duel Disk, so he would be able to interrupt the Ignis program, but was uncertain in its efficiency. Kolter counted on Theodore, who logged in as Soulburner. He went around the destroyed area, trying to find Playmaker. He and Kolter were shocked at the devastated surroundings.[57]

He was surprised to see Spectre in the cyberspace. His shock increased when he saw the Duel between Windy and Varis, and to see Lightning with his brother.[58] Kolter was in disbelief, to see the data, shaped like his brother, allied with Lightning. Thus, he counted on Soulburner and Playmaker to get Jin back.[59] Kolter wished luck to Playmaker and Soulburner in their chase against the enemies. He was troubled when the tower collapsed, but was relieved when Playmaker flew past Bohman.[60] Kolter was cleaning a table when he received a new customer. Kolter went to serve him, but the customer exclaimed that Playmaker needed his help, and his strength would regress if Kolter vanished. Yusaku came with Ai, shocked to see that customer was actually Varis - Ryoken. Ryoken gave Yusaku a program to protect him from any threats from their new enemies, and left.[61] Kolter showed Yusaku and Theodore a video of Shepherd chasing Blue Girl, who had the WATER Ignis. Flame believed Aqua was in trouble, and Ai urged others to rescue her from "the gunman". Yusaku nodded, and went into LINK VRAINS with Theodore.[62] Kolter was scanning the network to find Jin, but failed. Later, Kolter saw a signal in LINK VRAINS, and led Playmaker to it. He did warn him that the portal led to another area. He was surprised to find Lightning and Jin there, facing Blood Shepeherd.[63]

Kolter was alerted when Shepherd attacked Jin, who was controlled by Lightning. Kolter wanted to apologize to his brother, since he was unable to do anything to protect him.[64] At the food truck, Kolter was analyzing data when he saw traces of the Ignis algorithm, Earth, which prompted Yusaku and Theodore to investigate.[65] He became terrified when the Gore, after losing the Duel, grew out tentacles, but was relieved when he was logged out.[66] Kolter showed footage of SOL Technologies' experiment on Earth to Yusaku and Theodore. The group noted that these were Earth's last moments before its data was passed onto the Gore. Kolter called the ruthless, but Flame feared this could be their future if they would be captured.[67] Kolter analyzed Varis' program, and could not believe he was approving of the reconstruction of the Tower of Hanoi. Yusaku reminded that was the only path they could take to find Lightning, to rescue Jin.[68]

One day, Yusaku stood at the food truck with Kolter, as he had left Ai home. Kolter wanted to ask of Yusaku that, no matter what happens, he had to choose the side of justice. Yusaku was uncertain what he meant at that, but Kolter exclaimed the final battle would soon begin. Since the enemy had Jin in their ranks, Yusaku apologized for not being able to rescue him sooner. Kolter corrected them, and told that he failed to protect Jin during the Lost Incident, and thought he wouldn't have been involved if he stayed more to Kolter's side. Kolter admitted he made an oath to protect Jin, but started shaking, knowing that Lightning had him, and was capable of doing anything to him. In fact, Kolter believed that Lightning could use him as a hostage. Yusaku saw that Kolter implied that the two would have to face each other, but the latter exclaimed it was very likely for that to happen, since he wanted to protect Jin. Kolter asked of Yusaku if it ever happened that the two would face each other, the latter has to defeat him. Yusaku was upset, but Kolter, reminding they were in this fight to save Jin, exclaimed Yusaku was different. Yusaku argued, but Kolter exclaimed that Playmaker was the symbol of hope. Kolter reminded that everyone on the internet knew that Playmaker was the hero of LINK VRAINS, unlike him, who is connected to Jin. Yusaku calmed down, as Kolter told him his goal was not to save Jin, but to defeat Lightning, to choose to fight for the greater goal of justice. Yusaku smiled, as Kolter asked of him to make this promise to save the world.[69]

The next day, Kolter and Yusaku finished their part of the program. Kolter wondered if he could join the group, but Yusaku refused, since they may not come back. Theodore promised to join, while Ai considered Kolter better behind the lines, supporting them. Before they went away, Kolter gave them another, but more powerful, escape program, and asked of them to give that to others. Kolter wished them luck, and Yusaku swore to return Jin back. Kolter remained behind, and watched as the group scanned the network.[68]

Kolter reported to Playmaker that LINK VRAINS was in a state of uneasiness, for people have began noticing strange glitches, believing it to be SOL Technologies' doing.[70] Kolter noticed that LINK VRAINS and its Mirror counterpart were merging. His communication systems shut down, and he hoped his program worked. Suddenly, Kolter's program activated, as the latter saw everyone's progress.[71] He continued watching the Duel, and was amazed to see Specter forming an Extra Link of seven monsters.[72] With the video link severed, Kolter muttered Jin's name.[73] Kolter watched Soulburner's Duel against Windy, and wished of the former not to lose.[74] Soon after, he saw a broadcast of Blue Maiden facing Bohman. Looking at Bohman, Kolter became furious, for he could never forgive him for hurting his brother.[75]

Kolter tried to figure out what was going on with LINK VRAINS. Suddenly, his monitor became blurry, and Kolter heard the voice of his brother, Jin. Kolter was in shock to hear his brother pleading him to be saved. Thus, Kolter activated a program, and entered LINK VRAINS. He was at Lightning's castle, where Lightning greeted him, sitting upon Jin. Kolter was worried about Jin, but Lightning told them that due to Varis, they could not go to the real world. Kolter demanded to know why was he here. Lightning was amused, as he didn't expect Playmaker's partner to be that stupid not to know the answer to that question. He wanted Kolter to do something, but Kolter refused to do anything for him. Lightning anticipated this response, and snapped his fingers, to show the consciousness of Kolter's brother. Lightning promised he could give Jin's consciousness back, but at one condition. Kolter wondered what was that condition, and was told it was to defeat Playmaker. Kolter gritted his teeth in fury, but Lightning exclaimed if Kolter would to lose on purpose, or even have a tie in the Duel, Jin's consciousness would be deleted - permanently, else he'd return Jin back to his state. When Playmaker and Ai arrived to an area resembling Den City, Kolter cleaning a table, and commented that he had arrived.[76]

He noted this was the place where he met Playmaker and Ai, where their plot had started. Ai was not sure what was the point of this talk, but Playmaker and Kolter saw it was *the time*. Ai suddenly realized the opponent Bohman was talking about was Kolter himself. Kolter explained that Lightning forced him to Duel against Playmaker for Jin's consciousness. His face enraged, he demanded that Ai and Playmaker lose this Duel. Ai turned to Playmaker, who phased out, as Kolter asked of him whether he and Jin, or he and Ai would survive this ordeal. As Playmaker was too shocked, Kolter summoned "Codebreaker Zero Day" and set a card. Ai muttered Playmaker's name, who took his turn by summoning "Digitron", using it to summon "Link Spider", and have it summon "Bitron" to the zone it pointed to. With the latter and "Backup Secretary", Playmaker Link Summoned "Protocol Gardna", and with that monster and "Link Spider", brought out his ace, "Decode Talker". Ai questioned Playmaker's will to fight on, while the latter saw "Decode Talker" as a card that he and Kolter obtained together, and was their will to fight on. However, he ended the turn without attacking.[76]

Kolter belittled Playmaker for his lack of action, and reminded he was not like him. Summoning another "Codebreaker Zero Day", Kolter used the Trap "Codebreaker Backfire", before Link Summoning "Codebreaker Virus Swordsman" to the zone "Decode Talker" pointed to. Playmaker was shocked that Kolter summoned it to that zone, for his monster gained 500 ATK. Surprisingly, Kolter played the effect of "Virus Swordsman", summoning "Codebreaker Zero Day" from his GY to Playmaker's Main Monster Zone "Decode Talker" pointed to. In fact, Kolter's Link Monster caused the ATK gain of "Decode Talker" to be reversed, making it so that it lost 1000 ATK. Due to "Codebreaker Backfire", Playmaker lost 600 LP, since "Codebreaker" was summoned to his zone, and the effect knocked Playmaker off his feet. As Playmaker stood up, Ai questioned Kolter for attacking his friend. Kolter replied this was the only way to save his brother. Ai argued with him, since Playmaker was doing his battles all this time. Kolter shouted that Jin was more important to him, and "Virus Swordsman" attacked "Decode Talker", but due to the former's effect, it didn't destroy it.[76]

Playmaker took 1000 LP damage, and Ai saw that Kolter intended to pummel "Decode Talker" and severe their LP. Furthermore, "Decode Talker" lost 500 ATK, and as Playmaker was to take that much damage, he tributed "Codebreaker Zero Day" to negate that effect and destroy "Codebreaker Virus Swordsman". Ai was glad they at least lowered the damage they'd take, but Kolter revived the swordsman, and triggered its effect to summon "Codebreaker Zero Day" to the zone "Decode Talker" pointed to to lower its ATK. Chaining "Codebreaker Backfire", Kolter inflicted 600 LP damage to Playmaker. As Playmaker stood up, Kolter reminded he knew his Deck the best, and would crush him. Ai reminded Playmaker of the threat Kolter posed, but the former admitted he just could not fight him.[76] As Playmaker was catching his breath, Kolter bragged that he'd end Playmaker in the next turn. Ai asked Playmaker on their next move, but Playmaker admitted he did not know what to do, while Kolter reminded only one of them could survive this fight. Playmaker took his turn by using "Link Satellite", which gained counters that "Decode Talker" had Link Markers: 3. Thus, Playmaker tried to prevent both sides from attacking for three turns.[69]

Kolter was disappointed that Playmaker tried to stall the inevitable. He saw he could exploit his weakness of being unable to attack his friend, and he didn't care about this conflict, but for the well-being of his brother. He thought of Jin, whom he failed to protect once, and swore to help him in these dire times. Kolter summoned another "Codebreaker Zero Day", and used it and "Virus Swordsman" to Link Summon "Codebreaker Virus Berserker". Using his previous strategy, Kolter summoned two copies of "Codebreaker Zero Day" to the zones "Decode Talker" pointed to weaken it. With the additional force of "Codebreaker Backfire", Playmaker's LP fell to 1200. While Ai panicked they could get hit twice by this effect before losing, Kolter's "Virus Berserker" destroyed "Link Satellite" and inflicted another 600 LP damage. Playmaker fell to his knees, as Ai tried to encourage him. Kolter admitted he didn't wish of Playmaker to end like this. He reminded the weight between justice and his brother, and exclaimed if Playmaker didn't remember that, he'd lose.[69]

Suddenly, Lightning and Bohman stepped in to the area where the Duel took place. Lightning, ordered Kolter to defeat Playmaker, who had 600 LP left. Kolter took a moment, and had "Virus Swordsman" attack. Taking on defense, Playmaker's "Link Cancel" returned "Decode Talker" to his Extra Deck and summoned its Link Materials, "Protocol Gardna" and "Link Spider". Since "Protocol Gardna" protected "Link Spider" from attacks, Kolter had the former targeted for an attack. "Virus Swordsman" attacked, and Kolter muttered Playmaker's name in defeat. Much to everyone's surprise, Playmaker remained in the Duel, as "Protocol Gardna" cancelled the damage Playmaker would've taken. Kolter played "Codebreaker Bind", for if he was targeted for an attack, Playmaker would take the damage Kolter would receive. Playmaker became tired, but Kolter was not impressed that was the partner he chose to side with. Lightning tried to cut Kolter's pointless chatter, but Kolter asked that, since the Duel was basically over, he wanted to have some fun, to which Lightning frowned. Kolter explained Playmaker would now vanish without fulfilling the promise the two had made, at this very location. Playmaker looked around, and remembered the talk with Kolter.[69]

Playmaker clenched his fist, and screamed, as he braced himself for his next move. Using "Protocol Gardna" and "Link Spider", Playmaker Link Summoned the "Extended Decode Talker". Using "Decode Destruction", "Extended Decode Talker" regained 1500 ATK. It attacked "Virus Berserker", who had 2800 ATK; Playmaker's "Cyberse Pride" protected his monster, and he paid 500 LP to have his monster's ATK become 2800. Thus, "Codebreaker Virus Berserker" was destroyed, as Playmaker swore to keep the promise he made with Kolter. Lightning smiled, as "Codebreaker Bind" would soon inflict 500 damage to Playmaker to make him lose. Much to his surprise, "Decode Destruction" banished that monster, so Playmaker avoided the defeat. Finally, "Decode Destruction" destroyed all of Kolter's cards. Finally, with its ATK regained and having destroyed a monster to a zone it pointed to, "Extended Decode Talker" made an another attack, this time on Kolter. Kolter, before being attacked, remembered the times he spent with Yusaku, and muttered that he would leave the rest to him.[69]

Playmaker ran towards Kolter, as he and Ai cried when Kolter was deleted from the digital world. Ai absorbed Kolter's data, while Playmaker, out of the shock that he defeated his friend, fell to his knees.[69] Later, Playmaker, had a dream where he was lying tired on a table. Kolter tried to wake him up, for there was one final thing he wanted of Playmaker to do. As for Kolter, he was found unconscious in his truck by Dr. Genome and Aso of the Knights of Hanoi.[77] The Knights placed a pillow under his head for him to rest, while they took the operations on his computers.[78] Kolter hoped Soulburner would calm down during the Duel to win. He was pleased when Soulburner's defenses with "Salamangreat Violet Chimera" were working.[79]

Ai's Rebellion[]

After Bohman's defeat, Kolter woke up, his consciousness having returned to his body, along with the rest of the victims. Later, Kolter visited his brother, Jin in the hospital.[80] Kolter returned working at the food truck, when he met Yusaku. Kolter thanked him for taking over his job some time ago, and served him some coffee. Yusaku wondered what happened to Jin, whom Kolter noticed to be feeling better, back to his old cheerful self, and would soon leave the hospital. However, he was told that Jin's memories of Lost Incident vanished after he regained his consciousness. Yusaku became surprised, and thought Lightning, who held onto some of Jin's data during the Duel against Varis, used that data of Lost Incident. Kolter thought this was a positive thing, and Yusaku thought that meant that Jin moved away from his past. The two became pleased, thinking Jin would soon live life once more. Kolter asked Yusaku about Ai, who has not returned yet, and Yusaku felt he won't return ever again. Kolter thought Yusaku's new life would start soon, too, and went to get him something to eat. As he did that, Kolter and Yusaku saw an advertisement about SOLtiS.[81]

Kolter received mail from Akira, and called Yusaku and Theodore to join him at the truck. He told them about a meeting in LINK VRAINS. Theodore suspected it was a trap, but Kolter pointed out a recent incident caused Playmaker to be dropped from the wanted list. Yusaku thought it was for the best to go to the meeting, and Kolter decided to accompany them, too. The group logged in to the deserted LINK VRAINS, where they soon met up with Akira and Blue Maiden. The former welcomed them, and thanked them for coming. Kolter introduced himself as Unnamed, who had provided support for the other two avatars. Before they started the meeting, they were joined by Shepherd, the Gore and Ghost Gal, who also came on Akira's request. Unnamed sensed something large must've happened if Akira assembled everyone in this meeting.[82]

Akira explained that the top executive, Queen, had been attacked recently. He feared he'd be the next target, as he had the other piece of the code key to the central computer. Unnamed stated that SOL Technologies has a share over the network's infrastructure, which could easily be destroyed. Blue Maiden added that they'd have control over SOLtiS androids, too. Akira told that the culprit even revealed their identity, and played the message they had left behind. He showed Ai and Roboppy, who threatened to attack Akira and take his code key in three days. Unnamed and the rest were shocked that the DARK Ignis was behind that.[82] Kolter stayed outside the cyberspace, to observe the situation, where Ai and Roboppy went towards the cyberspace. He became shocked how quickly Ai defeated Dr. Genome and Baira.[83] He observed the Duels, and was sad that Specter and Faust lost the Duels, and were erased. He noticed the Gore going after the real Ai. Thus, Kolter asked of Playmaker to hurry up.[84] After the Gore lost the Duel, Kolter warned others that Ai and Roboppy were going to Akira's location.[85] Ai snapped his fingers, summoning Varis, Playmaker nad Soulburner, and even had Kolter watch him Duel Blue Maiden and Akira for the code key.[86] Kolter watched Akira and Blue Maiden's Duel, and feared that Akira would get defeated by "Water Leviathan @Ignister".[87]

After the duel is over, Kolter headed to the airplane where Skye and Akira were located. However, he arrived too late to help him. The next day Kolter, Theodore and Yusaku discovered that LINK VRAINS was reopened and believed that to be Ai's doing. Kolter mentioned to both of them that Varis sent them an email asking to meet him. When Robopoppy and Soulburner were about to engage in a Duel, Kolter informed Playmaker of their location.[88] Kolter observed Playmaker and Soulburner, the latter Dueling Roboppy. He was still surprised to see Roboppy as an enemy. He was impressed that Soulburner cornered Roboppy in one turn, by slashing most of his monsters and inflicting 3000 LP damage. Roboppy, however, refused to understand that the Ignis were sacrificed to defeat Bohman, to which Kolter commented that Roboppy could not control his feelings, even if he knew everything.[89] Kolter continued watching the Duel, and noted "Salamangreat Blaze Dragon" was Soulburner's newest Xyz Monster.[90]

As the Duel was over, Kolter wondered why Varis appeared. Kolter was watching Varis duel Soulburner, and became concerned when the latter took a direct attack. However, he did cheer for Sulburner when the latter made a turnaround and hit Varis.[91] Kolter continued watching the Duel, and was cheering for Soulburner to win the Duel.[79] He became happy that Theodore won the Duel. Later, Kolter served Theodore some coffee, praising him for the successful mission. Theodore thanked Kolter, and asked did he come at the food truck, since he was not seen at school. Kolter confirmed this, to which Kolter said that Yusaku would depart soon. Kolter added that Yusaku was always silent, to which Theodore noted that he already had left.[92]

Three months later, after Ai's defeat, Kolter was working at his food truck with his brother, Jin. Jin made another order to Cal, who was visited by Skye Zaizen. She was pleased to see his brother was healthy again. Cal was happy, too, as he could spend more time with his brother to make up for the time they had lost. He thanked Skye for her efforts, who attributed the success to Yusaku and others. She asked where was he, to which Cal did not know - he could not contact him ever since the final Duel with Ai. Skye was sad, since he did protect her and her most precious thing, to which Cal felt the same, as Yusaku was a hero. Still, Cal stated that he would keep his food truck in here, in case Yusaku would return. Skye smiled, as her brother said the same thing.[93]


Yusaku Fujiki[]

While Yusaku doesn't see him as an actual friend, Kolter acts like a loyal friend and a big brother figure to him. He shows sympathy towards Yusaku and hopes he can one day enjoy duelling again. They both trust, respect, and care for each other. During their first encounter, Yusaku saved Kolter from the Hanoi and Kolter saved Yusaku in return shortly after. Because of this as well as their shared goal of getting revenge on the Hanoi as well as finding the truth about the Lost Incident, they decided to work together.

Before the final battle against Lightning, Kolter felt there was a possibility that the LIGHT Ignis would use Jin as a hostage. Knowing he could not abandon his brother, he trusted Yusaku to defeat him if they were forced to duel. When this happened Kolter fought fiercely against Playmaker, who was reluctant to fight back. Once reminding them of their promise, Kolter was proud of Yusaku for winning, and said he would leave the rest to him.

In the dub, Kolter shows a slightly more of a friendlier side to Yusaku, often calling him "bud," "pal," or similar nicknames.

Theodore Hamilton[]

Kolter is introduced to Theodore and Flame following the latter two meeting Yusaku. Like with Yusaku, Kolter sees Theodore as a partner and close friend, as seen when he added a room in his truck for Theodore to log into LINK VRAINS and when he helped save him from Shepherd. Theodore, in turn, views Kolter with respect and compassion as seen when he bought him a hamburger as gratitude for saving his life and when he heard his backstory. Kolter trusts Theodore as much as he does with Yusaku, counting on Theodore to help save his brother from Lightning, showing how close he is to him.

Jin Kolter[]

Kolter is a loving big brother to Jin. His primary goal is to save him and support Yusaku on his quest to defeat the Knights of Hanoi. Kolter was willing to risk his life investigating the Hanoi for Jin's sake. When Jin's consciousness was stolen by Bohman, and that Lighting was using Jin as a mindless puppet, Kolter was horrified. Whenever Lightning Duels and Jin is injured Kolter becomes very concerned. Lighting blackmailed Kolter into turning against Playmaker in exchange of Jin's freedom should he win, Kolter did not hesitate and proclaimed that Jin is more important to him than Yusaku.


Kolter is much kinder and friendlier to Ai than anyone else is. He is also quite patient with him as he doesn't get nearly as irritated by him as the rest of the Ignis are. The two often tease and joke with one another. He also cares about him a lot, as seen when he expressed genuine shock and concern when he saw him and Yusaku trapped by Lightning and Windy.

Like the others, Kolter was shocked when he learned Ai had attacked SOL Technologies. When he saw how hurt Ai was for the loss of his fellow Ignis while the others were saved, Kolter quietly apologized to him.


Cal uses a "Codebreaker" Deck, which use their effects for anti-Link Monster effects and effect damage.


Opponent(s) Episode(s) Outcome
Yusaku Fujiki/Playmaker 92-93 Lose


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 1: "Link into the VRAINS"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 11: "Neutralized"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 12: "Link the Circuit"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 29: "Kolter's Khronicles"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 64: "The Beginning"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 65: "Pieces of the Puzzle"
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 2: "Seize the Wind!"
  8. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 3: "Contact"
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 4: "Pain and Gain"
  10. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 5: "Down for the Count"
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 6: "True Blue"
  12. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 7: "Fallen Angel"
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 10: "Eye of the Storm"
  14. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 13: "Playback"
  15. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 14: "An Invitation"
  16. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 15: "Camouflaged Chaos"
  17. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 16: "Hack Attack"
  18. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 17: "Blue's Back!"
  19. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 18: "Dueling for Answers"
  20. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 19: "The Lost Incident"
  21. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 20: "A Piece of the Puzzle"
  22. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 21: "Story Time"
  23. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 22: "The Deleted"
  24. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 23: "A Grim Tale"
  25. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 24: "To Gore Or Not To Gore"
  26. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 25: "Suture the Circuit"
  27. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 26: "Diagnosis: Deletion"
  28. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 27: "The Brave Battler"
  29. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 28: "Bugging Out"
  30. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 30: "Under VRAINS"
  31. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 31: "Showdown in the Sewers"
  32. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 32: "Tower of Hanoi"
  33. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 33: "Once Upon a Time"
  34. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 35: "The Hollow"
  35. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 36: "A Bridge Too Far"
  36. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 37: "Out on a Limb"
  37. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 39: "Ring the Bell"
  38. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 40: "Gore at War"
  39. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 41: "Truth and Consequences"
  40. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 42: "Storm Access"
  41. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 43: "The Reveal"
  42. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 44: "Illusion of Hope"
  43. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 45: "Standing Tall"
  44. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 46: "Link to the Future"
  45. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 47: "LINK VRAINS 2.0"
  46. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 48: "Shed Some Light"
  47. 47.0 47.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 50: "A Common Cause"
  48. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 53: "The Shepherd"
  49. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 55: "A Windy Welcome"
  50. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 59: "Return of the Hanoi"
  51. 51.0 51.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 60: "Sidekick Showdown"
  52. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 61: "Darkness Dawns"
  53. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 62: "Fearing the Worst"
  54. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 63: "Scare Tactics"
  55. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 66: "Contact"
  56. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 68: "The Doorway"
  57. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 69: "Coexistence"
  58. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 70: "A Storm Brews"
  59. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 71: "A Logical Decision"
  60. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 72: "Strategy Shift"
  61. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 73: "Weathering the Storm"
  62. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 77: "A Family Reunion"
  63. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 79: "The Hunt Is On"
  64. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 80: "Lightning Strikes"
  65. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 81: "Heart of Darkness"
  66. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 82: "Gored"
  67. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 83: "Reaching Out"
  68. 68.0 68.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 84: "Payback"
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 69.5 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 93: "A Fighting Promise"
  70. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 85: "My Brother’s Keeper"
  71. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 86: "The Weakest Link"
  72. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 87: "The Ultimate Connection"
  73. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 88: "A Breezy Battle"
  74. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 89: "Fan the Flames"
  75. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 90: "For a Friend"
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 92: "Fight with a Friend"
  77. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 95: "From the Ashes"
  78. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 96: "I Know Your Secret"
  79. 79.0 79.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 116: "Stuck in the Past"
  80. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 103: "Reflections"
  81. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 104: "Your Reign is Over"
  82. 82.0 82.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 105: "Unlikely Alliance"
  83. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 106: "Roboppi Mops Up"
  84. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 107: "Cleaning House"
  85. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 108: "Smash and Mash"
  86. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 110: "Siblings and Circuits"
  87. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 111: "Stronger Together"
  88. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 112: "All Hail Roboppi!"
  89. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 113: "Roboppi's World"
  90. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 114: "The Chosen One"
  91. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 115: "Unfinished Business"
  92. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 117: "Forced Hands"
  93. Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS episode 120: "Journey's End"