Brian Walker, known as El Gatosoro in the Japanese version, is a character in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL World Duel Carnival and Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special.
World Duel Carnival[]
Tag Force Special[]
- Book of Moon
- Jackpot 7 x3
- One Day of Peace
- Pot of Duality x3
- Swords of Revealing Light x3
- Upstart Goblin x2
- Accumulated Fortune
- Gift Card x3
- Hope for Escape x2 (D)
- Jar of Greed x2
- Legacy of Yata-Garasu x2
- Magic Cylinder x2 (D)
- Reckless Greed x2
- Threatening Roar x2
- Trap Hole x2
- Waboku x2
- Accumulated Fortune x3
- Gift Card x3
- Hope for Escape x3 (D)
- Jar of Greed x2
- Legacy of Yata-Garasu x3
- Reckless Greed x3
- Solemn Judgment
- Solemn Warning
- Threatening Roar x2
- Waboku x2 (D)