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Booster R1 is a Japanese Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game. It is a Series 2 set, though because it only contains cards originally printed in Series 1, it is often considered a Series 1 set. It was released on June 23, 2000 and reprinted 50 cards from Vol.1, Booster 1, Booster 2, and Starter Box: Theatrical Release.


The set contains 50 cards, consisting of:


All 50 cards in Booster R1 were reprinted from earlier sets: one card from Vol.1, 16 cards from Booster 1, 28 cards from Booster 2, and five cards from Starter Box: Theatrical Release.

"Gaia The Fierce Knight"
Booster 1
"Battle Warrior", "Blue Medicine", "Doron", "Fire Eye", "Hurricail", "Nightmare Scorpion", "Raimei", "Ryu-Kishin", "Synchar", "The Shadow Who Controls the Dark", "Twin Long Rods #1", "Vishwar Randi", "Water Element", "Wattkid", "Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head", "Yamatano Dragon Scroll"
Booster 2
"Alinsection", "Bean Soldier", "Bolt Penguin", "Burning Spear", "Corroding Shark", "Dark-Piercing Light", "Elf's Light", "Fairywitch", "Giant Flea", "Gust Fan", "Invigoration", "Key Mace #2", "Little D", "Megirus Light", "One Who Hunts Souls", "Ookazi", "Oscillo Hero", "Shining Friendship", "Soul of the Pure", "Steel Shell", "Stone Ghost", "Sword of Dark Destruction", "The Inexperienced Spy", "The Statue of Easter Island", "Wilmee", "Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2", "Wood Clown", "Wow Warrior"
Starter Box: Theatrical Release
"Aqua Madoor", "Dark King of the Abyss", "The 13th Grave", "Trial of Nightmare", "Turtle Tiger"



Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
B1-01"Ryu-Kishin"「ガーゴイル」CommonNormal Monster
B1-02"Gaia The Fierce Knight"「暗黒騎士ガイア」Ultra RareNormal Monster
B1-03"Wattkid"「エレキッズ」CommonNormal Monster
B1-04"Giant Flea"「吸血ノミ」CommonNormal Monster
B1-05"Battle Warrior"「格闘戦士アルティメーター」CommonNormal Monster
B1-06"Nightmare Scorpion"「ナイトメア・スコーピオン」CommonNormal Monster
B1-07"Trial of Nightmare"「地獄の裁判」RareNormal Monster
B1-08"Yamatano Dragon Scroll"「ヤマタノ竜絵巻」CommonNormal Monster
B1-09"The 13th Grave"「13人目の埋葬者」RareNormal Monster
B1-10"The Shadow Who Controls the Dark"「闇を司る影」CommonNormal Monster
B1-11"Dark King of the Abyss"「深淵の冥王」RareNormal Monster
B1-12"Hurricail"「ハリケル」CommonNormal Monster
B1-13"Fire Eye"「ファイヤー・アイ」CommonNormal Monster
B1-14"Synchar"「ファランクス」CommonNormal Monster
B1-15"Turtle Tiger"「タートル・タイガー」RareNormal Monster
B1-16"Doron"「ドローン」CommonNormal Monster
B1-17"Twin Long Rods #1"「グロス」CommonNormal Monster
B1-18"Aqua Madoor"「アクア・マドール」RareNormal Monster
B1-19"Wood Clown"「ウッド・ジョーカー」CommonNormal Monster
B1-20"Vishwar Randi"「ヴィシュワ・ランディー」CommonNormal Monster
B1-21"Water Element"「ウォーター・エレメント」CommonNormal Monster
B1-22"One Who Hunts Souls"「魂を狩る者」CommonNormal Monster
B1-23"Fairywitch"「エンジェル・魔女」CommonNormal Monster
B1-24"Megirus Light"「メギラス・ライト」CommonNormal Monster
B1-25"Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head"「魔頭を持つ邪竜」CommonNormal Monster
B1-26"Sword of Dark Destruction"「闇の破神剣」CommonEquip Spell Card
B1-27"Elf's Light"「エルフの光」CommonEquip Spell Card
B1-28"Steel Shell"「はがねの甲羅」CommonEquip Spell Card
B1-29"Invigoration"「覚醒」CommonEquip Spell Card
B1-30"Soul of the Pure"「天使の生き血」CommonNormal Spell Card
B1-31"Ookazi"「昼夜の大火事」CommonNormal Spell Card
B1-32"Dark-Piercing Light"「闇をかき消す光」CommonNormal Spell Card
B1-33"Stone Ghost"「ストーン・ゴースト」CommonNormal Monster
B1-34"Bolt Penguin"「ボルト・ペンギン」CommonNormal Monster
B1-35"Alinsection"「インセクション」CommonNormal Monster
B1-36"Wilmee"「ウィルミー」CommonNormal Monster
B1-37"Bean Soldier"「ビーン・ソルジャー」CommonNormal Monster
B1-38"The Statue of Easter Island"「イースター島のモアイ」CommonNormal Monster
B1-39"Corroding Shark"「デッド・シャーク」CommonNormal Monster
B1-40"Wow Warrior"「魚ギョ戦士」CommonNormal Monster
B1-41"Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2"「ワイバーン」CommonNormal Monster
B1-42"Oscillo Hero"「オシロ・ヒーロー」CommonNormal Monster
B1-43"Little D"「ベビー・ティーレックス」CommonNormal Monster
B1-44"Key Mace #2"「ロックメイス」CommonNormal Monster
B1-45"Shining Friendship"「フレンドシップ」CommonNormal Monster
B1-46"Blue Medicine"「ブルー・ポーション」CommonNormal Spell Card
B1-47"Raimei"「雷鳴」CommonNormal Spell Card
B1-48"Burning Spear"「灼熱の槍」CommonEquip Spell Card
B1-49"Gust Fan"「突風の扇」CommonEquip Spell Card
B1-50"The Inexperienced Spy"「未熟な密偵」CommonNormal Spell Card