Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Booster 2 is a Japanese Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game that was released on May 25, 1999. This set was sold only in Carddass vending machines. This set includes a number of cards later released in Vol.3 as well as a number of previously unreleased cards.

Like other cards printed early on in the game, the cards have no printed set numbers, and lack the distinctive Eye of Anubis Hologram in the lower right-hand corner of each card.

Of the 40 cards in Booster 2, all but 13—"Abyss Flower", "Akihiron", "Bat", "Bone Mouse", "Boo Koo", "Fairywitch", "Mabarrel", "Megirus Light", "One Who Hunts Souls", "Stone Ghost", "White Dolphin", "Wood Clown", and "Zarigun"—have since been printed in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.


Booster 2 contains 40 cards. Rarities are distributed as follows:

Previously featured cards[]

Booster 2 introduced 24 cards to the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise:

The other 16 cards were previously featured in the manga, anime, video games, or other real-life games or products:



English nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
"Rogue Doll"「ホーリー・ドール」RareNormal Monster
"Giant Flea"「吸血ノミ」CommonNormal Monster
"Ansatsu"「アサシン」RareNormal Monster
"Akihiron"「カクタス」RareNormal Monster
"Mabarrel"「マキャノン」RareNormal Monster
"Wood Clown"「ウッド・ジョーカー」CommonNormal Monster
"One Who Hunts Souls"「魂を狩る者」CommonNormal Monster
"Fairywitch"「エンジェル・魔女」CommonNormal Monster
"Megirus Light"「メギラス・ライト」CommonNormal Monster
"Giant Mech-Soldier"「機械の巨兵」RareNormal Monster
"Bat"「バット」CommonNormal Monster
"White Dolphin"「ホワイト・ドルフィン」CommonNormal Monster
"Zarigun"「ザリガン」CommonNormal Monster
"Stone Ghost"「ストーン・ゴースト」CommonNormal Monster
"Bolt Penguin"「ボルト・ペンギン」CommonNormal Monster
"Alinsection"「インセクション」CommonNormal Monster
"Boo Koo"「ブークー」CommonNormal Monster
"Wilmee"「ウィルミー」CommonNormal Monster
"Bean Soldier"「ビーン・ソルジャー」CommonNormal Monster
"The Statue of Easter Island"「イースター島のモアイ」CommonNormal Monster
"Corroding Shark"「デッド・シャーク」CommonNormal Monster
"Wow Warrior"「魚ギョ戦士」CommonNormal Monster
"Bone Mouse"「骨ネズミ」CommonNormal Monster
"Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2"「ワイバーン」CommonNormal Monster
"Oscillo Hero"「オシロ・ヒーロー」CommonNormal Monster
"Little D"「ベビー・ティーレックス」CommonNormal Monster
"Abyss Flower"「深淵に咲く花」CommonNormal Monster
"Key Mace #2"「ロックメイス」CommonNormal Monster
"Obese Marmot of Nefariousness"「イビル・ラット」CommonNormal Monster
"Shining Friendship"「フレンドシップ」CommonNormal Monster
"Sword of Dark Destruction"「闇の破神剣」CommonEquip Spell Card
"Elf's Light"「エルフの光」CommonEquip Spell Card
"Steel Shell"「はがねの甲羅」CommonEquip Spell Card
"Invigoration"「覚醒」CommonEquip Spell Card
"Soul of the Pure"「天使の生き血」CommonNormal Spell Card
"Ookazi"「昼夜の大火事」CommonNormal Spell Card
"Dark-Piercing Light"「闇をかき消す光」CommonNormal Spell Card
"Burning Spear"「灼熱の槍」CommonEquip Spell Card
"Gust Fan"「突風の扇」CommonEquip Spell Card
"The Inexperienced Spy"「未熟な密偵」CommonNormal Spell Card