The Chinese, Croatian and Greek names given are not official.
Chinese lore given is not official.
(card lores)
Blocker |
碎塊人 |
Bloqueur |
Blocker |
Bloccatore |
블러커 |
Obstructor |
ブロッカー |
Burokkā |
Monster |
Machine |
4     |
850 / 1800 |
34743446 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
Constructed from several components, this monster can launch them in a pincer attack. |
Construit à partir de plusieurs composants, ce monstre peut les utiliser pour une attaque en tenailles. |
Aus mehreren Komponenten konstruiert, kann dieses Monster diese für Greifangriffe verwenden. |
Costruito con diversi componenti, questo mostro è in grado di scagliarli in un attacco a tenaglia. |
Construido con partes diversas, este monstruo puede lanzarlas en un ataque de pinzas. |
体のパーツがそれぞれ武器になっており、分裂して襲ってくる。 |
몸의 각 부분이 무기로 되어 있어 분열해서 습격해 온다. |
A peculiar machine made up of jumble of parts that are weapons. The parts separate and attack in a swarm. |
TCG sets
OCG sets
Video game sets
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4422 ()