Pack Name: Basic 3-C
Unlocked: Last week of May
Price per Pack: 150 DP
Cards per Pack: 5
Cards in the Entire Pack: 40
Frequency: Once a week
Secret Rare[]
Ultra Rare[]
Super Rare[]
- Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
- Guardian Angel Joan
- Burst Stream of Destruction
- The First Sarcophagus
- Stone Statue of the Aztecs
- Stray Lambs
- Curse of Darkness
- Robbin' Zombie
- Sealmaster Meisei
- Needle Burrower
- Draining Shield
- Kozaky
- Theban Nightmare
- Skull-Mark Ladybug
- Pinch Hopper
- Neo Bug
- Blazing Inpachi
- Burning Algae
- Molten Zombie
- Sacred Crane
- Dark Driceratops
- Anti-Aircraft Flower
- Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
- Getsu Fuhma
- Ryu Kokki
- Gryphon's Feather Duster
- Destruction Ring
- Warrior of Zera
- KA-2 Des Scissors
- White Magician Pikeru
- Mystik Wok
- Goblin Thief
- Fiend Scorpion
- Pharaonic Protector
- Soul Reversal
- The Third Sarcophagus
- The Second Sarcophagus