Pack Name: Basic 3-B
Unlocked: Last week of November
Price per Pack: 150 DP
Cards per Pack: 5
Cards in the Entire Pack: 40
Frequency: Once a week
Ultra Rare[]
Super Rare[]
- Archfiend Soldier
- Gyaku-Gire Panda
- Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu
- Mefist the Infernal General
- Outstanding Dog Marron
- Sasuke Samurai #3
- Acrobat Monkey
- Agido
- Battle Footballer
- Big Koala
- Cestus of Dagla
- D.D. Trainer
- Des Kangaroo
- Final Countdown
- Frozen Soul
- Gagagigo
- Granadora
- Heart of the Underdog
- Kelbek
- Keldo
- Nin-Ken Dog
- Ojama Black
- Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
- Ojama Green
- Ojama Trio
- Ojama Yellow
- Precious Cards from Beyond
- Really Eternal Rest
- Rod of the Mind's Eye
- Sakuretsu Armor
- Shinato's Ark
- Soul Tiger
- Spell Reproduction
- Spirit of the Pot of Greed
- Thousand Needles
- Token Thanksgiving
- Zolga