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"BRAVING!" (BRAVING (ブレイビング) !, Bureibingu) is the second Japanese opening theme of the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL series, performed by KANAN. It debuted on October 10, 2011, and aired during episodes 26 to 49. It was replaced in episode 50 by "Soul Drive".

KANAN is a popular NicoNicoDouga singer, and this song was released as her debut single. It is a jazz genre.


Recording Credits[]

  • Performed by: KANAN
  • Lyrics by: KANAN
  • Composed by: su-kei
  • Arranged by: su-kei
  • Record Label: Marvelous AQL


TV Version[]


Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Japanese Opening Them Season 1, Version 2 - BRAVING! by KANAN

Lyrics (TV Size)[]

(ちか) づいて () () ばした
明日 (あした) へと (つづ) (ひかり)
(あし) (もと) (ひろ) がるこの () (かい) (ゆめ) ()

(ゆめ) () (ぼう) () () にあるなんて () らないよ
(はし) (まわ) って (さが) しても () つからない
(しん) (じつ) (うそ) (はざ) () () ちているのかな
(ぼく) らの (もの) (がたり) なら (はじ) まってもいない

明日 (あした) (つづ) (くず) () ちそうな (みち)
(つよ) () になる (まえ) () () していこう

(ちか) づいて (とお) のいていく
(しん) (じつ) (つか) (ため)
() えない () (らい) から () (ぼう) (さが) ()
(だれ) よりも (かた) (こころ)
() () けて () () がるよ
(よわ) さと (たたか) って () ちあがる (つよ) さを
() つける (ため)
かけがえのない (なか) ()
(あし) (もと) (ひろ) がるこの () (かい) 明日 (あす) ()

Chikazuite te o nobashita
ashita e to tsuzuku hikari
ashimoto ni hirogaru kono sekai no yume o mita

Yume to kibou wa doko ni aru nante shiranai yo
Hashiri mawatte sagashitemo mitsukaranai
shinjitsu to uso no hazama ni ochite iru no ka na
bokura no monogatari nara hajimattemo inai

Ashita e tsuzuku kuzureochi sou na michi mo
yowaki naru mae ni tobidashite ikou

Chikazuite too no ite iku
shinjitsu o tsukamu tame ni
mienai mirai kara kibou o sagashidasu
dare yori mo katai kokoro
mi ni tsukete kakeagaru yo
yowasa to tatakatte kachiagaru tsuyosa o
Mitsukeru tame ni
kakegae no nai nakama to

Ashimoto ni hirogaru kono sekai no asu o mita

Your approaching hand reached out towards tomorrow with a following light
My pace quickened, and I saw this world's dream

How can anyone say for sure where dreams and hopes can be found
Running around in circles, searching for the undiscovered?
How can the valley between lies and truth be crumbling away
When our story hasn't even begun?

The path that leads towards tomorrow is collapsing
So let's take off before it becomes too unstable

Take that approaching escape so that we can seize the truth
We'll find the hope from that unseen future
Our hearts are steadier than anyone's
We fight with our weaknesses struggling through the fight and winning with our strengths

I will find it with my irreplaceable comrades
My pace quickened, and I saw this world's tomorrow

Lyrics (Full Version)[]

(ちか) づいて () () ばした
明日 (あした) へと (つづ) (ひかり)
(あし) (もと) (ひろ) がるこの () (かい) (ゆめ) ()

(ゆめ) () (ぼう) () () にあるなんて () らないよ
(はし) (まわ) って (さが) しても () つからない
(しん) (じつ) (うそ) (はざ) () () ちているのかな
(ぼく) らの (もの) (がたり) なら (はじ) まってもいない

明日 (あした) (つづ) (くず) () ちそうな (みち)
(つよ) () になる (まえ) () () していこう

(ちか) づいて (とお) のいていく  (しん) (じつ) (つか) (ため)
() えない () (らい) から () (ぼう) (さが) ()
(だれ) よりも (かた) (こころ)   () () けて () () がるよ
(よわ) さと (たたか) って () ちあがる (つよ) さを
() つける (ため)
かけがえのない (なか) ()
(あし) (もと) (ひろ) がるこの () (かい) 明日 (あす) ()

() () まったり、 () (かえ) (こう) (かい) したりと
れそうになる (こころ) (かか) えながら
(くら) がりから (ひか) () 思し (さが) () てるように
(ぼく) らの (もの) (がたり) から (あかし) () つけたい

(ひと) りきりだと (だれ) っていた () () なんて
明日 (あす) (つく) (ため) (みち) でしかない

() () べて (つか) () った (かげ) のない (たい) (せつ) なもの
(なん) () (うしな) って (なん) () () (もど)
(おさな) さを (よわ) さとして () げていた (ぼく) () (しん)
(つらぬ) いた (こと) () (こころ) (うご) かした
もう () げないよ かけがえのない (なか) ()
(ささ) えてくれるから、この () (かい) () きていく

(しん) じたいと (ねが) うだけ
明日 (あした) () ればいいなと (おも) うだけで
(なに) もしない () (ぶん) なんて
もう () () にもいない、 (しん) (じつ) () りたいから。

(ちか) づいて (とお) のいていく  (しん) (じつ) (つか) (ため)
() えない () (らい) から () (ぼう) (さが) ()

(だれ) よりも (かた) (こころ)   () () けて () () がるよ
(よわ) さと (たたか) って () ちあがる (つよ) さを
(だれ) よりも (つよ) (おも) (だれ) よりも () (つづ) ける
(もろ) さの (うら) にある (ほん) (とう) (つよ) さを
() つける (ため)
かけがえのない (なか) ()
(あし) (もと) (ひろ) がるこの () (かい) 明日 (あす) ()

Chikazuite te o nobashita
ashita e to tsuzuku hikari
ashimoto ni hirogaru kono sekai no yume wo mita

Yume to kibou wa doko ni aru nante shiranai yo
Hashiri mawatte sagashitemo mitsukaranai
shinjitsu to uso no hazama ni ochite iru no ka na
bokura no monogatari nara hajimattemo inai

Ashita e tsuzuku kuzureochi sou na michi mo
yowaki naru mae ni tobidashite ikou

Chikazuite tou no te iku
shinjitsu wo tsukamu tame ni
mienai mirai kara kibou o sagashidasu
dare yori mo katai kokoro
mi ni tsukete kakeagaru yo
yowasa to tatakatte kachiagaru tsuyosa wo
Mitsukeru tame ni
kakegai no nai nakama to

Ashimoto ni hirogaru kono sekai no asu wo mita

Tachidomattari furikaeri koukai shitari to
oresou ni naru kokoro o kakaenagara
kuragari kara hikaru ishio sagashiateru you ni
bokura no monogatari kara akashi mitsuketai

Hitori-kiri da to omotto ta kako nante
asu o tsukuru tame no michi de shika nai

Sashinobete tsukamitotta katachi no nai taisetsu na mono
nando mo ushinatte nando mo torimodosu
osanasa o yowasa to shite nigete ita boku jishin wo
tsuranuita kotoba ga kokoro o ugokashita
mou nigenai kakegae no nai nakama ga
sasaete kureru kara kono sekai o ikite yuku

Shinjitai to negau dake
ashita ga kureba ii na to omou dake de
nani mo shinai jibun nante
mou doko ni mo inai, shinjitsu o shiritai kara

Chikazuite too no ite iku
shinjitsu o tsukamu tame ni
mienai mirai kara kibou o sagashidasu
dare yori mo katai kokoro
mi ni tsukete kakeagaru yo
yowasa to tatakatte kachiagaru tsuyosa o

Dare yori mo tsuyoi omoi dare yori mo mochitsuzukeru
morosa no ura ni aru hontou no tsuyosa o
mitsukeru tame ni kakegae no nai nakama to
ashimoto ni hirogaru kono sekai no asu o mita

Character appearances[]

Duel Monsters[]

Monster appearances[]

Card appearances[]


BRAVING! single

The cover of the single.

The single containing and named after BRAVING! was released November 2, 2011, and contains the following tracks:

  • Birthday
  • BRAVING! (instrumental)
  • Birthday (instrumental)


  • According to Satoshi Kuwabara, the scene where Shark walks in the rain symbolize his inner state.
  • The faces of Trey and Quinton are unrevealed, except for Quattro because of his early debut, is similar to the shadow silhouettes of "Meklord Emperors", in FREEDOM, as only the shadowy figure of "Meklord Emperor Wisel" is unveiled, and they're both the middle person of their groups. However, from Episode 33 onwards, none of the Vetrix Family is unrevealed, due to the fact that they all appeared in episode 33. However, in Take a Chance, their faces are revealed in the Season 2 dub.