Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Asian-English cards are cards printed in English for distribution in Asia outside of Japan and Korea. They are distinguished from English cards printed for English regions mainly by the Yu-Gi-Oh! logo on the cards' backings and set packaging, and the region identifier "AE" in their set number, though prior to Invasion of Chaos Asian-English cards did not use the region identifier and had the same set numbers as their North American English versions. These cards are only legal in Asia outside of Japan and Korea; they are not legal anywhere else.


The Asian-English logo on a card backing.

Modern Asian-English cards were preceded by two cards (prints of "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Dark Magician") which used translated Japanese names and lores instead of the English TCG names and lores, printed in a fullwidth font. The modern cards are much more similar to their North American English versions, only differing by the aforementioned logo and (starting with Invasion of Chaos) their set numbers; in addition, all Asian-English cards are printed on the same card stock as Japanese cards, making them stiffer than their TCG counterparts.

Aside from the early "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Dark Magician" prints, Asian-English prints have normally been of Booster Packs, with identical contents to the North American English release of the pack. All Booster Packs up to Enemy of Justice, Crimson Crisis, Raging Battle, and the Starter Decks Yugi and Kaiba and Structure Deck: Lord of the Magician, had Asian-English prints. The Duel Monsters International: Worldwide Edition promotional cards were only released in Asian-English, and the Japanese World Championship Qualifier participation cards and World Championship prize cards have normally included an Asian-English card.

List of Asian-English releases[]

 Asian-English release dateAsian-English set and region prefix
Age of Overlord23 February 2024AGOV-AE
Ancient Sanctuary8 October 2004AST-AE
Asian-English Weekly Shōnen Jump Lottery Prize Cards10 July 2001
Creation Pack 0125 November 2023CR01-AE
Creation Pack 01 +1 Bonus Pack22 April 2023CR01-AES
Creation Pack 023 February 2024CR02-AE
Creation Pack 02 +1 Bonus Pack3 February 2024CR02-AES
Creation Pack 039 March 2024CR03-AE
Creation Pack 03 +1 Bonus Pack9 March 2024CR03-AES
Creation Pack 0427 April 2024CR04-AE
Creation Pack 04 +1 Bonus Pack27 April 2024CR04-AES
Creation Pack 0510 August 2024CR05-AE
Creation Pack 05 +1 Bonus Pack10 August 2024CR05-AES
Crimson Crisis16 April 2009CRMS-AE
Cybernetic Revolution20 April 2006CRV-AE
Dark Crisis13 May 2004DCR
Dark Crisis/test12 May 2004DCR
Duelist Nexus16 December 2023DUNE-AE
Duelist Nexus +1 Bonus Pack16 December 2023DUNE-AES
Elemental Energy18 January 2007EEN-AE
Enemy of Justice11 January 2007EOJ-AE
Essential Selection 0113 July 2024ES01-AE
Flaming Eternity20 October 2005FET-AE
Invasion of Chaos12 July 2004IOC-AE
Labyrinth of Nightmare19 June 2003LON
Legacy of Darkness11 September 2003LOD
Legacy of Destruction15 June 2024LEDE-AE
Legacy of Destruction +1 Bonus Pack15 June 2024LEDE-AES
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon8 August 2002LOB
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (25th Anniversary Edition)8 August 2002LOB-AE
Magician's Force19 January 2004MFC
Metal Raiders24 October 2002MRD
Metal Raiders/test24 October 2002MRD
Phantom Nightmare30 March 2024PHNI-AE
Phantom Nightmare +1 Bonus Pack30 March 2024PHNI-AES
Pharaoh's Servant21 April 2003PSV
Pharaonic Guardian16 October 2003PGD
Raging Battle6 August 2009RGBT-AE
Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition20 January 2024RC04-AE
Rise of DestinyRDS-AE
Shadow of Infinity26 October 2008SOI-AE
Soul of the Duelist21 April 2005SOD-AE
Speed Start Deck: Link Edition1 October 2023SSD1-AE
Speed Start Deck: Synchro Edition1 October 2023SSD2-AE
Spell Ruler24 October 2002MRL
Starter Deck: Kaiba8 August 2002SDK
Starter Deck: Yugi8 August 2002SDY
Structure Deck: Illusion of the Dark Magicians11 November 2023SDID-AE
Structure Deck: Illusion of the Dark Magicians Power-Up Pack11 November 2023SDID-AEP
Structure Deck: Rise of the Blue-Eyes11 November 2023SDRB-AE
... further results

External links[]
