The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Portuguese and Thai names given are not official.
Chinese and
Portuguese lores given are not official.
(card lores)
Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness |
惡魔海狸 |
Marmotte Archdémon de L'Infâmie |
Erzunterweltler Murmeltier der Ruchlosigkeit |
Marmotta Arcidemone della Sventura |
데몬 비버 |
Marmota Demônio da Pervesidade |
Archidemonio Marmot de la Infamia |
デーモン・ビーバー |
Dēmon Bībā |
Daemon Beaver |
Air Marmot of Nefariousness |
Monster |
Beast |
2 |
400 / 600 |
75889523 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
An air marmot that has a nefarious horn and wings. It attacks by throwing acorns. |
Une marmotte volante avec un corne et des ailes malfaisantes. Elle attaque en lançant des glands. |
Ein Luft-Murmeltier, das ein ruchloses Horn und Flügel hat. Es greift an indem es Eicheln wirft. |
Una marmotta d'aria dotata di corna e ali inquietanti. Attacca lanciando ghiande.. |
Uma marmota aérea que tem nefastos chifre e asas. Ela ataca atirando bolotas. |
Un marmot de aire con un infame cuerno y alas. Ataca lanzando bellotas. |
悪魔のツノと翼を持つビーバー。どんぐりを投げつけて攻撃する。 |
악마의 뿔과 날개를 가진 비버, 도토리를 던져서 공격한다. |
A horned beaver that dive-bombs enemies with acorns. |
A ferocious marmot that has the horn and wings of a fiend. It attacks by hurling acorns. |
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Card search categories
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4208 ()
"Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness" pages |