Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Archfiend's Staff of Despair
デーモンの (つえ)
English Archfiend's Staff of Despair
French Bâton Archdémon du Désespoir
German Erzunterweltler-Stab der Verzweiflung
Italian Bastone della Disperazione dell'Arcidemone
Korean 데몬의 지팡이
Portuguese Cajado do Desespero do Arquidemônio
Spanish Vara del Desespero del Archidemonio
Japanese (kana) デーモンのつえ
Japanese (base) デーモンの杖
Japanese (rōmaji) Dēmon no Tsue
Japanese (translated) Daemon's Staff
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Equip Equip
Passcode 21438286
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
