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Anna Kaboom is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Anna Kaboom, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. She appeared as a Roaming Duelist on December 29th, 2021, during her event "Anna Kaboom is here!". She officially became an unlockable character on February 26th, 2022, in her own dedicated event "The Unstoppable Love Train! Anna Kaboom".


A single mix-up causes a world of trouble for Yuma because Anna Kaboom is out for revenge! Even after the misunderstanding is cleared up, Yuma's former classmate still attacks him from time to time because once Anna sets her mind on a plan, she never lets up. Just like her Train Deck, she's full speed ahead in a Duel when she uses her "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max".




Level 10[]

Level 20[]

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Level 60[]


Skill: Unstoppable Train! (You don't have to Tribute monsters when you Normal Summon/Set a monster during this turn. The effects of monsters you Normal Summon/Set during this turn will be negated. This Skill can only be used twice per Duel.)

Tag Duel Tournament[]

Skill: I'll Show You My Overwhelming Power! (If your Life Points are at 4000 or below, play 1 "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max" from outside of your Deck at the beginning of your turn, then choose 2 Level 10 Machine monsters from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard and attach them to it as Xyz Material. If your Life Points are at 2000 or below, also increase the ATK of all monsters on your field by 500 at the start of your Battle Phase. This Skill can only be applied once per Duel.)

Level-up Rewards[]

Level Reward
2 5 Gems
3 1 copy of "Monster Express"
4 10 Gems
5 Deck slot (Anna Kaboom)
6 15 Gems
7 1 SU/UR Ticket
8 Deck slot (Anna Kaboom)
9 20 Gems
10 1 copy of "Unsinkable Titanica"
11 1 SU/UR Ticket
12 35 Gems
13 Heavy Starter (Skill)
14 1 copy of "Monster Express"
15 50 Gems
16 1 SU/UR Ticket
17 60 Gems
18 1 copy of "Unsinkable Titanica"
19 75 Gems
20 Unstoppable Train! (Skill)
21 1 SU/UR Ticket
22 100 Gems
23 1 copy of "Monster Express"
24 120 Gems
25 1 SU/UR Ticket
26 150 Gems
27 Deck slot (Anna Kaboom)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 1 copy of "Unsinkable Titanica"
31 100000 Gold
32 200 Gems
33 1 SU/UR Ticket
34 250 Gems
35 1 copy of "Southern Stars"
36 BOX Chip x 10
37 200 Gems
38 1 copy of "Southern Stars"
39 250 Gems
40 1 copy of "Southern Stars"

Duel rewards[]

When dueling against Level 40 Anna, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
UR "Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf"
UR "Night Express Knight"
UR "Express Train Trolley Olley"
SR "Indestructible Airship Hindenkraft"
SR "Xyz Burst"
SR "Lionhearted Locomotive"
SR "Linear Accelerator Cannon" (first event)
SR "Gear Golem the Moving Fortress" (first event)
R "Overdrive"
R "D.D. Dynamite"
R "Oni Tank T-34"
R "Over Capacity"
N "Taunt"


Skill Effect Unlock
Out of Control! At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Rocket Arrow Express", 1 "Snow Plow Hustle Rustle", and 1 "Night Express Knight" to your Deck. Also add 1 "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max" to your Extra Deck.
Can be used before your normal draw if there are 2 or more Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monsters in your Graveyard. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be "Special Schedule" from outside of your Deck.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Level 1
Heavy Starter If you have 3 or more Level 5 or higher monsters with different names in your Deck, you will have an improved chance of having a Level 5 or higher monster in your starting hand.
You cannot Special Summon or activate any monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn.
Level 13
Unstoppable Train! During this turn, you can Normal Summon/Set Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type without Tributing.
Monster effects of monsters you Normal Summon/Set [sic] during this turn will be negated.
This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that has at least 10 EARTH Machine-Type monsters with 1800 or higher ATK. This Skill can only be used twice per Duel.
Level 20
Devotion Can only be used in Tag Duels. Can be used before your normal draw. Your normal draw is skipped this turn. On your partner's next turn, your partner's normal draw becomes 2 cards.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Engine Power Over-Limit! Select 1 Rank 10 EARTH Machine-Type Xyz Monster you control. Then, attach 1 Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monster in your hand to this card as an Xyz Material. If this Xyz Monster attacks a monster in Defense Position during this turn, inflict piercing damage to your opponent. Send that Xyz Monster to the Graveyard at the end of this turn.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Overnight Express! At the end of the turn you use this Skill, add 1 Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monster to your hand from your Deck. After using this Skill, skip your next 2 Draw Phases.
This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that has 3 or more Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Railway Rampage!! You can only use this Skill's second and third effects once per Duel.
1: You cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters, except EARTH Machine monsters and Level/Rank 10 monsters.
2: Reveal 1 "Special Schedule" or "Urgent Schedule" in your hand, then apply 1 of the following effects.
  • Send 1 Level 10 EARTH Machine monster from your Deck to the Graveyard.
  • Add 1 "Revolving Switchyard" or "Barrage Blast" from your Deck to your hand. If your opponent controls no cards, shuffle 1 card from your hand into the Deck.

3: On the turn you Special Summoned a Rank 10 Xyz Monster, gain 2500 LP. Then, you can change any number of monsters you control to Attack Position.

Sunrise Express! Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monster in your Deck.
This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that has 3 or more Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monsters.
Super Express! Can be used before your normal draw. During your Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, select 1 Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monster in your hand that can be Normal Summoned, negate its effect, and play that monster. After using this Skill, it will be your Battle Phase.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Train Connection! Send 2 Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monsters from your hand to the Graveyard and add 1 "Train Connection" from outside of your Deck to your hand.
This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that contains no monsters other than Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Train Uncoupling! Can be used before your normal draw. Instead of conducting your normal draw, send 1 Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Then, add up to 2 Level 4 or lower EARTH Machine-Type monsters from your Graveyard whose combined ATK is less than or equal to the ATK of the monster you sent to the Graveyard.
This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that has 3 or more Level 10 EARTH Machine-Type monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Overlay Control This Skill's first effect can be used if your Extra Deck contains 5 or more Xyz Monsters.
1: At the beginning of your first turn, Set 1 "Overlay Network" from outside of your Deck to your field.
LP Boost: X4 Plus This Skill can be used if your Extra Deck contains 2 or more Rank 4 or higher Xyz Monsters.
1: At the beginning of the Duel, gain 1600 LP.
2: During the End Phase on a turn that you successfully Special Summoned a Rank 4 or higher monster, gain 400 LP.
Attack Charge 1 face-up monster you control gains the current turn count x100 ATK until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. Drop
Draw Sense: High-Level Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Level 5 or higher monster in your Deck. drop
Level Augmentation Can be used when your Life Points are 3000 or lower, by revealing 1 monster card in your hand and selecting 1 monster on your field.
The selected monster's Level will increase by the Level of the monster you revealed until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Level Duplication Can be used when your Life Points are 3000 or lower, by revealing 1 monster card in your hand and selecting 1 monster on your field.
The selected monster's Level will become equal to the Level of the monster you revealed until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.



Yuma and Astral

  • When starting a Duel with Yuma and Astral, Anna announces "Yuma! If I win, you have to take me out... (on a date). A-Anyway! Let's get this Duel started!"
    • When she wins the Duel, Anna says "I win, Yuma! That means you have to be my... (boyfriend). Nothing! You heard nothing!"

Tori Meadows

  • When starting a Duel with Tori Meadows, Anna announces "What's up Tori? I thought I'd crash the party!"
    • When she wins the Duel, Anna says "Sorry, Tori. I'll lay off the accelerator next time."


  • When starting a Duel with Mizar, Anna announces "I won't let you lay a finger on my Yuma!"
    • When she wins the Duel, Anna says "Love conquers all!"
    • When she loses the Duel, Anna says "Sorry, Yuma. I wish I won this Duel - like you won my heart."



  • When Anna Summons "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max", she chants "Make way for the train that'll derail your chance to win!". Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Anna briefly appears, and she announces "Chug on in! Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Go Gustav Max!", followed by "Railyway Express!"
    • When Anna activates the effect of that monster, she announces "Gustav Max's effect activates! Once per turn, I can use an Overlay Unit to deal you damage!", followed by "Cataclysmic Cannon Kablooie!". Sometimes, she may instead announce "Time for real power! Gustav Max's effect activates! Unload on 'em!", followed by "Cataclysmic Cannon Kablooie!"
  • When Anna Summons "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe", a cut-in frame of Anna briefly appears, and she announces "Let's go! Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaught Liebe!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Juggernaut Liebe, blast 'em!"
    • When Anna activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Juggernaut Liebe's effect! It uses an Overlay unit to raise its ATK and DEF!"
  • When Anna Summons "Double Headed Anger Knuckle", a cut-in frame of Anna's face briefly appears, and she announces "C'mon, Double Headed Anger Knuckle!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Anger Knuckle, crunch 'em!"
    • When Anna activates the first effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Anger Knuckle's effect!"
    • When Anna activates the second effect of that monster, she announces "Anger Knuckle's effect activates from my Graveyard!"
  • When Anna Summons, "Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf", she chants "This impregnable fortress is the terror of the railways! Xyz Summon!". Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Anna's face briefly appears, and she announces "Show yourself! Rank 4 Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Let's go Ironwolf! Attack!"
    • When Anna activates the first effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Ironwolf's effect! I use an Overlay Unit to let a monster attack directly!"
    • When Anna activates the second effect of that monster, she announces "When Ironwolf is destroyed, its effect activates! I add a Level 4 Machine-Type monster in my deck to my hand!"
  • When Anna Summons "Construction Train Signal Red", she announces "Here's Construction Train Signal Red!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Signal Red, Attack!"
    • When Anna activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I play Construction Train Signal Red's effect from my hand!"
  • When Anna Summons "Heavy Freight Train Derricrane", a cut-in frame of Anna's face briefly appears, and she announces "Check this out! Heavy Freight Train Derricrane!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Derricrane, attack!"
    • When Anna activates the first effect of that monster, she announces "Derricrane's effect activates from my hand! I can Special Summon it by cutting its ATK and DEF in half!"
    • When Anna activates the second effect of that monster, she announces "When used as an Overlay Unit, Derricrane's effect activates! It destroys one card on your field!"
  • When Anna Summons "Night Express Knight", a cut-in frame of Anna's face briefly appears, and she announces "Here comes Night Express Knight!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Take 'em down, Night Express Knight!"
  • When Anna Summons "Rocket Arrow Express", a cut-in frame of Anna's face briefly appears, and she announces "I Special Summon Rocket Arrow Express! "
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Rocket Arrow Express, go!"
  • When Anna Summons "Snow Plow Hustle Rustle", a cut-in frame of Anna's face briefly appears, and she announces "Snow Plow Hustle Rustle digs its way to the field!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Plow ahead Hustle Rustle!"
    • When Anna activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Snow Plow Hustle Rustle's effect from my hand!"
  • When Anna Summons "Super Express Bullet Train", a cut-in frame of Anna's face briefly appears, and she announces "Speed on in, Super Express Bullet Train!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Bullet Train, full throttle!"
    • When Anna activates the first effect of that monster, she announces "Super Express Bullet Train's effect activates from my hand!"
    • When Anna activates the second effect of that monster, she announces "Super Express Bullet Train's effect activates from my Graveyard!"
  • When Anna summons "Bokoichi the Freightening Car" she announces "Appear, Bokoichi the Freightening Car!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Bokoichi the Freightening Car attacks!"
  • When Anna summons "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive" she announces "Here comes Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive attacks!"
    • When Anna uses the effect of that monster, she announces "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive's effect activates!"
  • When Anna summons "Express Train Trolley Olley" she announces "Express Train Trolley Olley! Protect me!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Trolley Olley attacks!"
    • When Anna uses the effect of that monster, she announces "Trolley Olley has an effect that raises attack points!"
  • When Anna Summons "Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede", she announces "You won't get away from Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Attack, Flying Pegasus! Kyahh!"
    • When Anna activates the first effect of that monster, she announces "When Flying Pegasus is Summoned, its effect activates!"
    • When Anna activates the first effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Flying Pegasus's effect! This monster and another monster become the same level!
  • When Anna summons "Lionhearted Locomotive" she announces "Lionhearted Locomotive is here!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Lionhearted Locomotive attacks!"
  • When Anna Summons "Ruffian Railcar", she announces "Appear, Ruffian Railcar!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Ruffian Railcar attacks!"
    • When Anna activates the first effect of that monster, she announces "Ruffian Railcar's effect activates to deal you damage!", followed by "Train Rain!"
    • When Anna activates the second effect of that monster, she announces "Ruffian Railcar's effect activates from the Graveyard!"


  • When Anna activates "Attraffic Control", she announces "I activate my continuous spell, Attraffic Control! If you control at least three monsters, you can't attack!"
  • When Anna activates "Barrage Blast", she announces "I activate my continuous trap, Barrage Blast!"
    • When activating the first effect of that card, Anna announces "Barrage Blast's effect activates! For every Overlay Unit it removes, it destroys a card!"
    • When activating the second effect of that card, Anna announces "Barrage Blast's effect activates from the Graveyard! It blasts you with effect damage!"
  • When Anna activates "Cyber Summon Blaster" she says "I activate my Continuous Trap, Cyber Summon Blaster!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Anna announces "Cyber Summon Blaster fires effect damage right at ya!"
  • When Anna activates "Fiery Fervor" she says "I activate my Trap, Fiery Fervor!"
  • When Anna activates "Revolving Switchyard", she announces "I activate my field spell, Revolving Switchyard!"
    • When activating the first effect of that card, Anna announces "I activate Revolving Switchyard's effect! I Special Summon a monster, and its level becomes 10!"
    • When activating the second effect of that card, Anna announces "I send a card to the Graveyard to use Revolving Switchyard! I add a monster in my deck to my hand!"
  • When Anna activates "Special Schedule", she announces "I activate the spell card, Special Schedule! Revive a monster with at least 3000 ATK in Defense Position!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Anna announces "Special Schedule activates when it's sent to the Graveyard!"
  • When Anna activates "Train Connection", she announces "I activate the equip spell, Train Connection!"
  • When Anna activates "Urgent Schedule", she announces "I activate my quick-play spell card, Urgent Schedule! It Special Summons two monsters by negating their effects!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Anna announces "Urgent Schedule activates when it's sent to the Graveyard!"

Unused Dialogue[]


  • When Anna Summons "Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora", she announces "Go, Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora!"
    • Most of the time when Anna declares an attack with that monster, she announces "Super Dora! Ready, aim, fire!"
    • When Anna activates the effect of that monster, she announces "I activate Super Dora's effect! It uses an Overlay Unit to protect a card from effects!

