Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Advanced Tournament Pack 2017 Vol.1 is the fortieth installment of the Japanese Tournament Pack series. The advanced packs come in two styles Gold and Silver. The Gold pack is awarded to the tournament winners and is guaranteed to have a Parallel Rare inside. The Silver packs are awarded as participation packs and have a chance of having a Parallel Rare card.


There are 2 cards per pack. The set contains 10 cards:



Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
AT17-JP001"Uria, Lord of Searing Flames"「神炎皇ウリア」Normal Parallel RareEffect Monster
AT17-JP002"D.D. Crow"「D.D.クロウ」Normal Parallel RareEffect Monster
AT17-JP003"Downerd Magician"「ダウナード・マジシャン」Normal Parallel RareEffect Xyz Monster
AT17-JP004"Lyna the Light Charmer"「光霊使いライナ」CommonFlip monster
AT17-JP005"House Duston"「ハウスダストン」CommonEffect Monster
AT17-JP006"Boss Rush"「ボスラッシュ」CommonContinuous Spell Card
AT17-JP007"Skyscraper"「摩天楼-スカイスクレイパー-」CommonField Spell Card
AT17-JP008"Magic Planter"「マジック・プランター」CommonNormal Spell Card
AT17-JP009"Tornado Wall"「竜巻海流壁」CommonContinuous Trap Card