Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki


There are 2 cards per pack. The set contains 25 cards.



Card numberEnglish nameKorean nameRarityCategory
AE19-KRS01"Diviner of the Herald""디클레어러 디바이너"Secret RareEffect Tuner monster
AE19-KRS02"Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight""잭나이츠 오르페골 기르수"Secret RareEffect Monster
AE19-KRS03"The World Legacy""성유물이 이끄는 세계"Secret RareContinuous Spell Card
AE19-KRS04Secret Rare
AE19-KRS05"Gunkan Suship Shari""샤리 군관"Super RareNormal Monster
AE19-KRS06"Hungry Burger""헝그리 버거"Super RareRitual Monster
AE19-KRS07"Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon""오드아이즈 보텍스 드래곤"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
AE19-KRS08"Fire Flint Lady""키리비 레이디"Super RareEffect Monster
AE19-KRS09"Number 11: Big Eye""No.11 븨 아이"Super RareEffect Xyz Monster
AE19-KRS10"Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke""BK (버닝나쿠라) 구속만병 리드블로"Super RareEffect Xyz Monster
AE19-KRS11"Performapal Monkeyboard""EM (엔터메이트) 멍키보드"Super RareEffect Pendulum Monster
AE19-KRS12"Xyz Block""엑시즈 블록"Super RareCounter Trap Card
AE19-KRS13"Rivalry of Warlords""군웅할거"Super RareContinuous Trap Card
AE19-KRS14"Hugin the Runick Wings""루닉의 날개 후긴"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
AE19-KRS15"Watthydra""일렉히드라"CommonEffect Synchro Monster
AE19-KRS16"Tellarknight Ptolemaeus""테라나이트 프톨레마이오스"CommonEffect Xyz Monster
AE19-KRS17"Chronograph Sorcerer""크로노그래프 매지션"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
AE19-KRS18"Satellarknight Skybridge""사테라나이트 스카이브릿지"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
AE19-KRS19"Ogdoadic Water Lily""명세계의 사수련"CommonNormal Spell Card
AE19-KRS20"Salamangreat Rage""샐러맨그레이트 레이지"CommonNormal Trap Card
AE19-KRS21"Ghost of a Grudge""묘지묘지의 한"CommonNormal Trap Card
AE19-KRS22"Dragonoid Token"CommonToken
AE19-KRS23"Black Sheep Token""검은 양 토큰"CommonToken
AE19-KRS24"Mask Token""마스크 토큰"CommonToken
AE19-KRS25"Wedge Counter""쐐기 카운터"CommonCounter

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