Absolute Powerforce: Special Edition is a set containing 3 Absolute Powerforce Booster Packs and 1 of 2 Super Rare cards.
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Limited Edition
Card number | Name | Rarity | Category |
ABPF-ENSE1 | "Dandylion" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
ABPF-ENSE2 | "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
Card number | English name | French name | Rarity | Category |
ABPF-FRSE1 | "Dandylion" | "Dandelion" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
ABPF-FRSE2 | "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" | "Dragon Sombre Métallique aux Yeux Rouges" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
Card number | English name | German name | Rarity | Category |
ABPF-DESE1 | "Dandylion" | "Löwenzahn-Löwe" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
ABPF-DESE2 | "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" | "Rotäugiger finsterer Metalldrache" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
Card number | English name | Italian name | Rarity | Category |
ABPF-ITSE1 | "Dandylion" | "Dente di Leone" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
ABPF-ITSE2 | "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" | "Drago Metallico Oscuro Occhi Rossi" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
Card number | English name | Spanish name | Rarity | Category |
ABPF-SPSE1 | "Dandylion" | "Diente de León" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
ABPF-SPSE2 | "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" | "Dragón Metálico de Oscuridad de Ojos Rojos" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
Externl links[]
- yugioh-card.com/en Absolute Powerforce: Special Edition
- yugioh-card.com/uk Absolute Powerforce: Special Edition
- yugioh-card.com/oc Absolute Powerforce: Special Edition
- yugioh-card.com/fr Puissance Absolue: Édition Spéciale (French)
- yugioh-card.com/de Absolute Powerforce: Special Edition (German)
- yugioh-card.com/it Potere Assoluto: Edizione Speciale (Italian)
- yugioh-card.com/es Fuerza Absoluta: Edición Especial (Spanish)
- yugioh-card.com/lat-am Fuerza Absoluta: Edición Especial (Spanish)