Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
() の4つ (ほし) てんとう (ムシ)
English 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
Chinese 死亡四星瓢蟲
French Coccinelle des Damnés à 4 Étoiles
German 4-sterniger Marienkäfer der Verdammung
Italian Coccinella del Destino
Korean 4 - 별표 레이디 버그를 둠
Portuguese Ladybug de 4 Estrelas da Condenação
Spanish Ladybug de 4 Estrellas de la Perdición
Japanese (kana) しの4つほしてんとうムシ
Japanese (base) 死の4つ星てんとう虫
Japanese (rōmaji) Shi no Yottsu Hoshi Tentō Mushi
Japanese (translated) 4-Starred Ladybug of Death
Card type Monster
Attribute WIND WIND
Types Insect / Effect
Level 3 CG StarCG StarCG Star
ATK / DEF 800 / 1200
Passcode 83994646
Card effect types

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Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
5D's Tag Force 52010-09-16Present