Zane beats Jaden, However Aster beats Zane, Adrian beats Aster, Yubel (possessing Jesse) beats Adrian and Jaden beats Yubel.
16 Votes in Poll
16 Votes in Poll
Exactly, the sub effect names weren't really good compared to the dub attack and effect names. The attack names in the dub actually signifies something with the monster.
maybe they weren't but I just added this for theory.
someone could say that Rebecca beats Yugi, Valon beats Rebecca, Joey beats Valon, Mai beating joey, Rafael beating mai and a yugi beating Rafael regaining his title. This cycle of gaining the title has happened temporarily and in order as well as Rebecca (although she wanted payback dueled Yugi after he dueled pegasus).
you're right it is plot armor. in the episode jaden and jesse dueled marcel who was possessed by yubel and this wiki claims it's a win for jaden despite jesse and yubel tying, yubel's life points in physical form has never been seen decreasing to 0 as well. Yubel definitely has plot armor, as does yusei in 5D's and playmaker from vrains.
you're right, duel monsters had less duels due to each one being for a couple of episodes or multi partners (I think the longest duel in duel monsters and by extension the entire franchise is yugi and kaiba's battle city duel and the duel between yami yugi, kaiba and dartz's duel in waking the dragons arc. those duels were 6 episodes long.)
when did yugi lose fairly? yugi surrendered to Rebecca, he ran out of time against pegasus, was given an ultimatum by kaiba that should he win kaiba will take his own life. And for Rafael he convinced him to play the seal of orichalcos. Let's be real no one who plays the seal of orichalcos wins a duel. for yami yugi beating yugi thats fair.
plot armor doesn't always work out for jaden, for yusei it does since he was close to losing to kalin/kiryu but his duel runner breaks. Now that i think about it yubel never lost to jaden. she drew with him while she possessed jesse, and when they dueled in the final episodes of season 3 the duel was inconclusive. Keep in mind that yubel beat zane and Adrian. For yusei he wins every duel he wins (discarding flashbacks).
Rebecca technically counts too as she also beat yugi. she beat yugi stripping him of his title then she lost to valon who was beaten by joey. joey lost to mai who lost to Rafael (who originally beat yugi but Rebecca beating yugi is after he became the king of games). Then yugi beats Rafael regaining his king of games title.
Zane beats Jaden, However Aster beats Zane, Adrian beats Aster, Yubel (possessing Jesse) beats Adrian and Jaden beats Yubel.
Yugi beats Bakura. Bakura beats Bonz, Marik beats Bakura, Joey beats Marik (the four-way duel), Mai beats Joey, Rafael beats Mai and Yugi beats Rafael.
Kaiba beats Yugi. However Pegasus beats kaiba, Mai beats Pegasus, Rafael beats Mai and Yugi beats Rafael starting it over again. What do you guys think?
I also realised something else. Marik beats Mai, Yugi beats Marik, Rebecca beats Yugi, Valon beats Rebecca, Joey beats Valon and Kaiba beats Joey, Noah beats Kaiba and Yugi beats Noah regaining his title.
Yes, I'm comparing them for a reason. Shark has more in common with Kaiba then Kite does but at the same time Kite and Shark are also similar.
I'm not saying they're bad characters. Shark and Kaiba have very similar personalities as they are stoic and sarcastic. They are also both vengeful.
I know the true rival to Yuma Tsukumo is Kite but if you think about it Shark could also be a rival and potenially more than Kite. Shark and Kaiba have many similarities in that they both lose to the protagonist (Yuma and Yugi) more times and have only beaten them once (Kaiba only won due to threatening Yugi). Kaiba and Shark have also dueled the protagonist in the first episode as well as dueling them multiple times. Shark has dueled Yuma 6 times in the series and Kaiba has dueled Yugi 4 times (3 if one doesn't count the Battle City unofficial duel). Kaiba and Kite only have a few similarities in that their ace monsters are dragons (needless to say that's every rival's ace) and that both genuinely cares for their younger siblings as does Shark. The difference is Kite never lost a duel to Yuma and the closest we got as a DRAW. Other than that, Kite has only lost a proper duel (not counting flashbacks) to Vetrix. Shark has only beaten Yuma once and had a no result. Shark and Kaiba's attitude are generally similar. What do you guys think?
Mine are
Fine Weather Rising Halluejah
In my opinion, I honestly thought ARC-V was a good series but it had a lot of potential but overall it had wasted characters as if they meant nothing. For example, Yuto was gone since episode 37 and the writers don't even make an attempt to bring him back. Yugo, never gets to reunite with Rin not once.
Yuya becomes a good chatacter but his personality and "EGAO" are very cliché and forced. And Yuri, how did the writers mess up on him? How did Yuri redeem himself if he sealed multiple people into cards and was the most psychopathic out of the Yuya counterparts.
Not just that, Leo Akaba, who is supposed to be the main antagonist never wins a duel. He had a no result against Declan and Yuya due to Yusho's interference, although we already knew who would have won. Then he gets OTK'd by ZARC. Also why do people hate ZARC's dub voice, he's supposed to be a demon isn't he? There were also pointless legacy characters like Aster Phoenix, who never won a single duel. That's right, he never won any. Even Alexis Rhodes was better despite her technically meaning nothing as well.
Jack and Crow carried the legacy characters. Kite Tenjo, was good but not good enough. Also the ending had 6 dimensional counterparts that were worth more killed off, What do you guys think?
In terms of different circumstances, yes.
That's a good point. i wish we saw more of the preceeding protagonist vs the succeeding protagonist duel. This is why i like yugioh gx, it's nostalgic the duels were so satisfying to watch and jaden had the most character development out of any of the protagonists. He went from a fun character to one that's serious.
@Pitifulheartles It's your opinion. who do you think won. I know there's no clear winner but it's your opinion.