Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Battle of Chaos ist das 7. Set der 11. Booster-Serie.


In Battle of Chaos wird das Thema Dinorphia eingeführt. Desweiteren erhalten die Themen A-bis-Z, Achtheit, Blauäugig, Chaos, Dogmatika, Dunkler Magier, Eisjade, Geistertrick, Höhle der Finsternis, Magnetkrieger, Myutant, Nephthys, Nordisch, S-Kraft, Schwarz Glänzender Soldat, Schwertseele, Sendbot, Simorgh, Stern, Traumspiegel, Ursarktisch, Vampir, Verzaubererin und Wanderbrise neuen Support.

Liste der Karten[]


Derzeit ist keine Liste bekannt.


Bei den Namen handelt es sich um inoffizielle Übersetzungen

Nr. Karte Art Wert
BACH-JP001 Magikuriboh Effektmonster Rare
BACH-JP002 Dimension Conjurer Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP003 Timaeus, Drache des Schicksals Effektmonster Rare
BACH-JP004 Blauäugiger Jet Drache Effektmonster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP005 The Tyrant of D. Effektmonster Rare
BACH-JP006 Cosmocroix the Icejade Imperatrix Effektmonster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP007 Agel of the Icejade Effektmonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP008 Kingfisher das Eisjade Schiff Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP009 Dinorphia Therizia Effektmonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP010 Dinorphia Diplos Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP011 Nordisches Ungeheuer Gullinbursti Empfänger-Monster Common
BACH-JP012 Nordischer Schmied Ivaldi Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP013 D/D Griffon Pendelmonster Rare
BACH-JP014 Geistertrick Siren Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP015 Vampir Geisteroger Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP016 S-Kraft Lapswell Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP017 S-Kraft Retroactive Effektmonster Rare
BACH-JP018 Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Heretic Effektmonster Rare
BACH-JP019 Myutant Mutator Effektmonster Rare
BACH-JP020 Epsilon der Magnetkrieger Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP021 Sendbotin der Zerstörung - Venus Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP022 Kaiza the Funeral Star Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP023 Simorgh, Bird of Extermination Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP024 Skilled Chestnut Magician Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP025 Chaos Nephthys Effektmonster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP026 Epigonen the Imitarian Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP027 Submaleed the Sightseeing Ship Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP028 Alice, Lady of Lament Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP029 Leapress the Withered Flounder Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP030 Verrückter Hacker Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP031 Catnip Li Hua Effektmonster Common
BACH-JP032 Peacelia Effektmonster Normal Rare
BACH-JP033 Mechabeast Dareton Effektmonster Normal Rare
BACH-JP034 Illusion des Chaos Ritualmonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP035 White Exalted of Dogmatika Ritualmonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP036 Dunkler Meister des Chaos Fusionsmonster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP037 Blauäugiger Tyrannendrache Fusionsmonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP038 Dinorphia Kentregine Fusionsmonster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP039 Dinorphia Stealthbegia Fusionsmonster Rare
BACH-JP040 Wächter Schimäre Synchromonster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare/Holographic Rare
BACH-JP041 Qixing Long Yuan, the Swordsoul Catastrophe Synchromonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP042 Irohamomiji Synchromonster Common
BACH-JP043 Dunkler Dimensions Soldat Synchromonster Rare
BACH-JP044 D/D/D Amnesty King Doom Makina Xyz-Pendelmonster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP045 Der Untote Vampir Xyz-Monster Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP046 Spiriting-Away Onibimaru Xyz-Monster Common
BACH-JP047 Geistertrick Festival Linkmonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP048 Vampire Fascinator Linkmonster Rare
BACH-JP049 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Umbral Linkmonster Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP050 Auftreten mit den blauen Augen Permanente Zauberkarte Common
BACH-JP051 Ultimative Fusion Schnellzauberkarte Rare
BACH-JP052 Icejade Depths Inion Cradle Spielfeldzauberkarte Rare
BACH-JP053 Markierte Diener Permanente Zauberkarte Common
BACH-JP054 Dogmatikabre Ritualzauberkarte Common
BACH-JP055 Nordische Reliquie Hlidskjalf Normale Zauberkarte Rare
BACH-JP056 Die Stadt der dunklen Vertrags Dokumente Spielfeldzauberkarte Common
BACH-JP057 Ghostrick Shot Normale Zauberkarte Common
BACH-JP058 Achtheits-Flut Permanente Zauberkarte Rare
BACH-JP059 Ursarctic Radiation Permanente Zauberkarte Rare
BACH-JP060 Floowandereeze and the Journey Preparations Schnellzauberkarte Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP061 XYZ Kombination Permanente Zauberkarte Common
BACH-JP062 New Clear World Normale Zauberkarte Rare
BACH-JP063 Proscription Normale Zauberkarte Common
BACH-JP064 Top Share Normale Zauberkarte Common
BACH-JP065 Uradora of Fate Normale Zauberkarte Normal Rare
BACH-JP066 Icejade Erosion Permanente Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP067 Schwertseele Sati Permanente Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP068 Dinorphia Domain Normale Fallenkarte Super Rare/Secret Rare/Prismatic Secret Rare
BACH-JP069 Dinorphia Alarm Normale Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP070 Dinorphia Roh Normale Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP071 Dinorphia Schale Konterfallenkarte Common
BACH-JP072 Dinorphia Schall Konterfallenkarte Rare
BACH-JP073 Dinorphia Reversion Konterfallenkarte Common
BACH-JP074 Nordische Reliquie Swalin Permanente Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP075 D/D/D Headhunt Normale Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP076 Ghostrick or Treat Normale Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP077 Monster Wiedergeburt Normale Fallenkarte Rare
BACH-JP078 Tribe Drive Normale Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP079 Recklessness and Punishment Normale Fallenkarte Common
BACH-JP080 End of the Line Normale Fallenkarte Normal Rare